Newbie, please help

I'm brand new to growing. I don't even know where to start. I'm in Europe so I can't get a lot of the same chemicals and products as those in America.
I want to grow 2-5 plants. Indoors.

Here's the thing. I have an indoor sauna in my basement. I would really like to use this. It has a door plus I can use its heating. OR this can just be the room I grow in. Or not use it at all.

Ok. I think I want to do a micro grow. 1-3 plants. I have LA confidential seeds and Cantaloupe Kush from DNA Genetics.
I found Miracle-Gro Organic Choice bone meal, and blood meal mixes.

Please. Please. I need some help. Like I said, I have a room(sauna that is off but can be turned on) that is inside of another room in the basement.

I really need some guidance.
Please I need so much help.
I don't know where to start.
This is all very new and overwhelming for me. I need something pretty easy and cheap if possible.

Thank you!!!!


A basement sauna sounds like an excellent place to grow, do it there. I suppose there's pretty good ventilation as well...atleast my sauna has.
Well for starters, get the proper gear, germinate those bad boys ( or girls hopefully :D ) and start growing :D Look up all the newbie-tutorials from different sections in here!
If you're gonna do a small and cheap "lo-fi" grow, just get some pots,potting soil, cfls, nutrients, and a fan...that's pretty much it.


Welcome the best advice I got was to read as much as possible and Keep it simple. If I can do it anyone can. I got a decent soil at the plant store. I had to learn how to water when dry and not all the time. Read alot I went searching these forms alot and if I was really unsure post a specific question. It is pretty easy to do this with soil/water and common sense. I know this is not much help relax and enjoy the hobby I am harvesting my first crop this coming Friday. What kind of lights do you want to use?
Keep the ferts to a min starting out I did not spend alot of money on these from reading it is a noob mistake not using them right. I use a generic food (right or wrong all I could afford) I used a low dose of them. I added molasses to the water (unsulfer kind) I would water with RO water cause I have it. Water Water Feed was my schedule. I did not do any training on my plants this first round because I did not know how. I am reading up on that now. I put my plants under 18/6 for 2 months then 12/12. I run a fan on light schedule, I got a cheap timer it keeps it simple. I am sure ppl will answer any questions you have. Read is the best advice I can give you, Good Luck.
Yeah it's a nice room so I think it will work.
I want to germinate as soon as I get some soil, so I'm prepared. I got my seeds 2 days ago. :D

Wow. I have no idea what anything in that last sentence means. Can you break it down a bit more? I don't know where to get the nutrients in Germany. Or what brand.
I've been reading for about a month, but all the info is so overwhelming.

I don't know what lights to use.
What kid of ferts do I use? I'm in Germany so I don't know all the brands here.
RO water?


Well-Known Member
you can get good yields just using biobizz fish mix and a decent potting compost


Well-Known Member
here is a nice place to look up stuff:

can answer many basic questions, but in general what your looking for is to "copy" nature inside, plant need a medium to grow in some good strong light in the right Kelvin, fresh air/Co2 circulation/wind and some food to match (nutrients) both basic NPK and all the trace elements and you need to know when to provide em, do some research, there is no way around it, research and experience by doing it, try to keep it simple tho.


Well-Known Member
Setting up an Ebay account is likely your best option, that is, if you do not have one already. Then you will have access to everything you want or need. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm brand new to growing. I don't even know where to start. I'm in Europe so I can't get a lot of the same chemicals and products as those in America. I want to grow 2-5 plants. Indoors. Here's the thing. I have an indoor sauna in my basement. I would really like to use this. It has a door plus I can use its heating. OR this can just be the room I grow in. Or not use it at all. Ok. I think I want to do a micro grow. 1-3 plants. I have LA confidential seeds and Cantaloupe Kush from DNA Genetics. I found Miracle-Gro Organic Choice bone meal, and blood meal mixes. Please. Please. I need some help. Like I said, I have a room(sauna that is off but can be turned on) that is inside of another room in the basement. I really need some guidance. Please I need so much help. I don't know where to start. This is all very new and overwhelming for me. I need something pretty easy and cheap if possible. Thank you!!!!
Sounds like you have a lot of work to terms of research. A few things stand out for me - Miracle Grow. Yes, it's cheap, yes it's readily available, but it's also crap. Try to find something else, something that's designed for the type of growing you want to do. Ebay is a great option, so is Craigslist. And if you have a hydro store around, then head there. Some good things to read outside of the forums - Marijuana Horticulture. it's going to give you the basics of growing, and it will help you as you learn more and want to improve your skills.
Have limited resources.
I wanted to know if using miracle gro organic potting soil is ok? If so do I mix it with the bone or blood meal mixes?
I'm only going to grow 2-3 plants.
I still have to get lights, but I want to sort out my soil first.
I'm in Germany. If this isn't a good option does anyone know any German soil brands?


Hi I'm a newbie aswell for lights. you don't need strong lights for veging stage 125w will do for 3 plants and you will want 6500k that is a light spectrum and then you will want 2700k which is red spectrum you will need about 100- 150w per plant for a good yield simples