The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
So what your saying is the technique is flawed, why use it then? You could easy cut plant numbers and improve yield with a different style.

no im not saying that im saying you don't need the water pump on wen the lights are off thats all lol. i like the nft as i only have to go in the room every 5days and thats good, if i veg my rooted cuttings for 1week i will get 2/3 oz thats ok with me and its easy with nft...i can't get bags of coco up in my room and don't like all the mess you get with it


Well-Known Member
less is more with wed 8x 600 watt lights for 100 plants is kinda opushing it,, do 7 per light ul get much better reults


Well-Known Member
less is more with wed 8x 600 watt lights for 100 plants is kinda opushing it,, do 7 per light ul get much better reults
​no silly i will be growing 60 with 8x600w, will start off with them and if all is well on chop down i will then get more kit and move a partition wall back so i can get 60 more in there...that will make 120 pluss then ;-)


Well-Known Member
Afternoon all! Just had a nosey on youtube for any CC vids. There's one by the lads from BB get a wee showing on it!! Handing out their freebies. Man I wish I was there!!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member

no im not saying that im saying you don't need the water pump on wen the lights are off thats all lol. i like the nft as i only have to go in the room every 5days and thats good, if i veg my rooted cuttings for 1week i will get 2/3 oz thats ok with me and its easy with nft...i can't get bags of coco up in my room and don't like all the mess you get with it
Can you explain why you don't need the pumps on when the lights are off? How come your plants in full flower don't dry out the Rockwool cubes in 12 hours and your roots get temp shock? They should.

I didn't mention coco and what do you mean by "up in your room'? This 8 bulb grow is supposed to be in a 240 odd square feet room venting out to the street just above people's heads isn't it? Surely you don't have an attic of 240+ square feet? If you do have you thought about the combined weight of those 60litre tanks and the plant's?


Well-Known Member
WTF is this unlucky bird all about ? :roll:, thought she was only about 18 ! and already a fully sufficient commercial grower ! Fuck me , kids these days .:lol: