So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
Promix BX is what I've been using a lot of. Mainly that and Ocean Forest.
I am looking for best True Living Organics recipe to follow, using what I already have
and the Promix BX. Fuck I need to look back and get some charcoal or some bullshit too.


Well-Known Member
Since we were talking about charcoal in a coir mix (as an alternative to perlite) here's a tidbit I found on

When you use Densu Coir as your growing medium you do not need to use any perlite or vermiculite

I'm pretty sure they meant ALL coir, not just THEIR coir :)


Well-Known Member
I am looking for best True Living Organics recipe to follow, using what I already have and the Promix BX. Fuck I need to look back and get some charcoal or some bullshit too.
Post 98 had my suggestion. You have great amendments in your list to use. You have any charcoal from a spent carbon filter?


Well-Known Member
I have a new carbon filter that I'm not using. It's a lot of work getting the UP to smell this good!:mrgreen:
I will see if new hydro friends have charcoal. Is that what I want to do.
I will print post 98 and have charcoal here by morning.
It looks like I can stir turds in the am.


Well-Known Member
This is based on your current list of amendments. You’ll be making a cooler soil for starting the plants in, and a hotter soil to transplant into. Standard kinda deal. The local soil with something growing in it is good for local indigenous microbes that are active. Do you have any compost? Base Soil: Start out with a quality bag soil. Add 1 1/2 cups crab shell per bag (bagged soil is 1.5 cuft per bag, I’m assuming) 1 1/2 cups char if you have it. 2 cups Worm Castings for the microbes, assuming Morgan hasn’t added a biocide to them. 2 cups local active soil Do you have any BTI Dunks? Can you follow that recipe I posted and make some LactoB? Hot Soil: Take your bagged soil, and to each bag add same as above PLUS: 10 lbs Worm castings 2 cups local active soil 0.6 pounds Bloodmeal 0.6 pounds Fish Bone Meal 1 1/2 Tablespoons Dolomite 1/2 pound bat guano 3/4 cup Azomite 1 tsp Humic Acid 3/4 cup Kelp flakes 1/3 cup Epsom Salts
I will print this and make sense of it over coffee in am.


Well-Known Member
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Fox Farms it is.
New hydro shop in marquette shot me a nice price on pro-mix all right. Bought all 10 bales. Bales, these are bags? lol.
Good deal, was shit deal. lmao. I've used more Ocean Forest than anything, and I use a lot of Fox Farm nutes.
Guess whats for dinner.
I will unload it in the am, and we will figure some shit out. It'll be mixed tomorrow I hope.
I don't have charcoal, had Belle go to both hydro shops and forgot both times to tell her. lmao.
I will make calls in the am. If there is some in esky, I'll grab it.


Well-Known Member
Got my lactose - b stared now. Gonna get a batch of the hotter soil brewing friday, will transplant my 7 blue cheese clones from their 1 gallon pots of weaker soil into 5 gallon pots of the new stuff. Then it will be time to test out new flower room. Got a massive headlights mainlined(ish) with about 20 tops headed there too. No aphids yet either.


Well-Known Member
I have some help lined up for tomorrow to mud and tape a room. Not sure if I will be mixing soil tomorrow or halftime thursday. lmao.

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
Crab Shell 4lbs. 2 - 3 - 0 - Neptune's HarvestKelp Meal 4 lbs 1 - 0 2 -Neptune's HarvestFish Bone Meal 6lbs 3 - 16 - 0 -Down to EarthBlood Meal 5 lbs 12 - 0 - 0 -Down to Earth Bud Blood 3@1.4 oz 0- 39 -25 -Advanced Nutrients (Small packs, expensive)Volcano bat shit 5 lbs. 0 - 8 - 1 -Earth JuiceHumic AcidAzomite (trace minerals)Dolomitic LimeEpsom saltSpinosad - Captain Jacks DeadbugMorgan's Composting Worm Castings (Local and highly recommended :-P)don't need to use everything, that's just what I have. will make a soil call.
now Rrog--or glad--when I do the numbers on this recipe it comes out to---18-66-28 NPK this is what i was talking about with the numbers and I would try and balance this ratio out more....somewhere in 30-20-20....this is what 'bartending' as I was taught is all about when making a good mix for your container....balanced ...with gardening golden rule of -veg3-2-1 flower1-2-3 adjusting the numbers to be more balancedmy last mix was like 36-26-26(?) or somewhere close this is the 'number'part of the mixing that I have been exercising--balanced big container--bigger and more available smaller container--well 20-10-10(?)10-5-5(?)I think your P number is too high and there are variables as I did not add up everything....just what you had the numberswhen you learn this method you will never go back and Rrog is doing a big service here raising the vibration on this--a lot of us old guys know this stuff but when you young'uns learn then it's gonna be game on and once you learn this no more PH water!!


Well-Known Member
That was just a list of what I have available here on my table. I don't have a recipe. I am trying to get one out of what I have. Rrog has one put together I'm gonna sort out in the am


Well-Known Member
I don't have charcoal, had Belle go to both hydro shops and forgot both times to tell her. lmao.
I will make calls in the am. If there is some in esky, I'll grab it.
I doubt you'll find biochar in hydro shops. You can get it online, though even online it's not very common. Or you can make your own.


Well-Known Member
Something's been nagging me about EWC. If it's such a perfect fertilizer, why do we need all this other stuff bone meal, fish bone meal, kelp meal, guano, etc, etc? So couldn't one make a mix with just EWC and no other ferts? And vice versa, couldn't someone make a mix with no EWC and just the other ferts? Just wondering, I'm putting together a mix from scratch so might as well get to the bottom of things, no?

Another question about EWC, wouldn't the nutrient quality depend on what the worms were fed? If all I fed my worms was banana peels, then it's not exactly a balanced fertilizer, is it.

I recall reading somewhere very recently that someone adds EWC for microbes (i.e. only for the microbes). Can't remember where I read it, been reading too damn much lately :) and that would be defeated since apparently EWC are sprayed/sterilized.


Well-Known Member
Rrog said that a lot of EWC is sterilized, this is the first time I have heard this. I know wiggle worm which is probably the most used store bought worm castings say they are not sterilized. I do know they use a lot of sand in their bedding which is just filler to make the bags heavier which I don't like but its better then no EWC. The rate you can should use EWC is between 5% -25% anything more and it can actually stunt your plants. I am not sure about using EWC as your only fertilizer, I know it is better than nothing but I will let someone who knows more answer that part of your question. BTW most of us are just doing what has worked best for us and are still trying to perfect it. The only real way to know how well your soil is working is the look, smell, taste, production, and brix of your plant.


Well-Known Member
Here are a few videos on how to make your own biochar [video=youtube;RXMUmby8PpU][/video]