Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


Well-Known Member
i just donated to APIAC in your name. Now let the tanks role in those ignorant ragheads in gaza never learn. It may take killing up to half of them since there so stupid.
See? This guy took a side, showed his colors and highlights what this war is about. Those Pallies need to learn their place, they are not welcome, the Israeli interlopers need their land of milk and honey (which thou buildedst not).


Well-Known Member
Actually, truth be told it was Kynes and his backass lifestance that got me writing. You were just a bonus because I saw a little of myself when I was 12 in you, so I thought I might take the Big Brother approach and try to lead you to a more effective path of debate. Instead you took it as a personal attack and threw a hissy. Oh well.

And your 1 state idea, does that involve dissolving the Israeli government and handing power over to the Palestinians'? Because THAT would lead to the Apartheid-type society you just referenced much more so then allowing 2 distinct regions to form. It wouldn't be a "Jewish State" vs. a "Muslim State". It would be people who identify as Israelis, regardless of religion or race, and people who identify as Palestinians', both living in nations' they felt represented their identity. How you go about drawing the boundaries and borders of these nations is something I would be arrogant to guess at. But it really is the only solution that doesn't involve the destruction of one or both groups.

I must have touched a nerve talking about your sandy vag though, so I apologize for that. Maybe a wetwipe and some Lifetime movie marathons to make it all feel better?
Oh so for the last 2 hours I haven't gotten you writing. I see.

Well, there were plenty of Jews in Palestine before the Zionist occupation so your entire rant about how you think the only solution is a two state apartheid where Palestinian leaders are mysteriously murdered before they get to make a UN bid like witnesses against a mafia holds no water. Calling me immature because I don't agree with you is a cool tactic though since my aim has been to rustle your jimmies for the last couple hours.

I assure you I learned more in my combat deployments about the plight of middle eastern victims of western military industry than you did in UC. Yet I still enjoy google searching and pasting. I also pasted a link where you can sign a petition to the UN to recognize the state of Palestine, did you sign it?


Well-Known Member
It looked like they waited for the car to clear others around it and hit it perfect. The guy they killed on the other hand, would like all the killing he could get, civilians and kids ok.

He would have wiped out Israel if could have and US too if you want to go there.


Active Member

Fuck Hamas, Fuck Religion and Fuck you.
Oh yeah dude, you got me SO MAD! Hahaha.

I've simply spent the last couples hours trying to show you how you and Kynes are the same because you don't see the forest for the trees. People are people, calling for one side to triumph over another in this is to say that you condone bloodshed. Which makes you an asshole.

I accomplished that a long time ago. So now pissing on your leg is bonus points!

Don't get so upset, it'll all be okay!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Doc,That Jewboy said I was the reason he left Amerika.After he killed the last arab,he was coming back to hunt me down.I never knew Jews had the Fatwa.He comes out with his hate,how many others keep it under that cap that's too small to fit my 2 year olds?


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah dude, you got me SO MAD! Hahaha.

I've simply spent the last couples hours trying to show you how you and Kynes are the same because you don't see the forest for the trees. People are people, calling for one side to triumph over another in this is to say that you condone bloodshed. Which makes you an asshole.

I accomplished that a long time ago. So now pissing on your leg is bonus points!

Don't get so upset, it'll all be okay!
I conceded several pages ago that the imperfect option which you presented is the closest one to justice that is possible and that I'm still pissed. The Zionists have already prevailed, they stole someone else's land, just like the US did. Your arguments are no more effective than mine, because at least I'm pissing people off.


Active Member
Alright dude, if that's what gets your rocks off then sure. You REALLY did piss some people off.

We are all morally outraged that you would take such an outlandish position, Abandon! How could you truely think that God's chosen people are anything other then the rightful owners?! HOW DARE YOU! ISRAaAAAAAaAAaAaAlLlL! Wamp-wamp wamp-wamp waaaaaamp!

Was that "pissed off" enough for you?

Go back to Yahoonews if you want to get people riled bro, cus i'm way too lifted for you to phase me.

For real though.

Just because your logic is weak, doesn't mean you can hide it behind "Oh, I don't really care anyway. I just wanted to get people mad!". That makes you sound not only juvenile, but like a complete fool for wasting so much time on something you supposedly don't care about.


Well-Known Member
Alright dude, if that's what gets your rocks off then sure. You REALLY did piss some people off.

We are all morally outraged that you would take such an outlandish position, Abandon! How could you truely think that God's chosen people are anything other then the rightful owners?! HOW DARE YOU! ISRAaAAAAAaAAaAaAlLlL! Wamp-wamp wamp-wamp waaaaaamp!

Was that "pissed off" enough for you?

Go back to Yahoonews if you want to get people riled bro, cus i'm way too lifted for you to phase me.

For real though.

Just because your logic is weak, doesn't mean you can hide it behind "Oh, I don't really care anyway. I just wanted to get people mad!". That makes you sound not only juvenile, but like a complete fool for wasting so much time on something you supposedly don't care about.
Oh I care and I still stick to my view on the occupation of Palestine.

Furthermore, logic is not confined to neat syllogisms and deductive remarks explicating the declarative statements in the posts on a thread. Ideas are abstract concepts and can be conveyed in a multitude of ways. Yours is no better than mine. What do you want from me? Unequivocal surrender of my right to post?

Get off my nuts, well actually, this is how it will go, you'll seek the last word, but you'll phrase yourself such that I am compelled to reply by your need to condescend me.

That is when I will treat you the way I treat Kynes.


Active Member
and the sick thing, is that according to a poll, 25% of us feel they have no right to defend themselves. nuts. 99% of middle east are just animals. need to be gotten rid of. if they just kept to their own miseralbel lives, it would be differnet. but they seek and destroy anyone who isnet like them. sort of like our liberals of late, but worse. using violence to get their way. all the while claiming tollerance is the way. what a joke. nuke em.


Ursus marijanus
and the sick thing, is that according to a poll, 25% of us feel they have no right to defend themselves. nuts.
So far so good.
99% of middle east are just animals. need to be gotten rid of. if they just kept to their own miseralbel lives, it would be differnet. but they seek and destroy anyone who isnet like them. sort of like our liberals of late, but worse. using violence to get their way. all the while claiming tollerance is the way. what a joke. nuke em.
And then it left the rails and made nasty noises. My first instinct was to delete this post as a plain example of hate speech. But I've decided to leave it intact, as a plain example of what not to do.
Please do not repeat this sort of thing. cn

<add> I accidentally went into the post at first, but then restored it. Thus the "edited" postscript. cn


Active Member
Oh I care and I still stick to my view on the occupation of Palestine.

Furthermore, logic is not confined to neat syllogisms and deductive remarks explicating the declarative statements in the posts on a thread. Ideas are abstract concepts and can be conveyed in a multitude of ways. Yours is no better than mine. What do you want from me? Unequivocal surrender of my right to post?

Get off my nuts, well actually, this is how it will go, you'll seek the last word, but you'll phrase yourself such that I am compelled to reply by your need to condescend me.

That is when I will treat you the way I treat Kynes.
Actually you were kissing my ass the whole way until I called you out for not contributing anything of substance. Anyone who cares to scale back through the comments can see that.

Just thought i'd refresh your memory though.

Dude, seriously, for the millionth time. I AM NOT TRYING TO BEAT DOWN WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN. The Palestinians' ARE getting a raw deal and do deserve to be internationally recognized. My issue is the fact that, regardless of your opinion, the way you choose to deliver them is ineffective. You use the same style that Kynes uses and expect a different reaction from me? Why? If you want to really try and change peoples' minds, you have to try and rationally explain your side. Don't just yell "ISRAEL IS BAD, FUCK THEM!" cus you won't manage to convince anyone of anything other than that you're a whacko.

Facts are the only way you present a good arguement. Pics and opinions aren't worth the keys they're typed on.


Well-Known Member
Actually you were kissing my ass the whole way until I called you out for not contributing anything of substance. Anyone who cares to scale back through the comments can see that.

Just thought i'd refresh your memory though.

Dude, seriously, for the millionth time. I AM NOT TRYING TO BEAT DOWN WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN. The Palestinians' ARE getting a raw deal and do deserve to be internationally recognized. My issue is the fact that, regardless of your opinion, the way you choose to deliver them is ineffective. You use the same style that Kynes uses and expect a different reaction from me? Why? If you want to really try and change peoples' minds, you have to try and rationally explain your side. Don't just yell "ISRAEL IS BAD, FUCK THEM!" cus you won't manage to convince anyone of anything other than that you're a whacko.

Facts are the only way you present a good arguement. Pics and opinions aren't worth the keys they're typed on.
You love me, you have spent several pages appreciating how I argue.

I am in fact, trying to beat down what you believe in and I am exposing how misled you are and I am doing it with pictures, videos and memes because you are parroting such common fucking views that have so commonly been parroted that they are just that common. They have been argued already, they have been defended with biased media. So of course you get butt hurt when I paste some shit that conveys the concept that there is a massively corrupt value system at work that has basically convinced the entire nation that "Israel has a right to exist". It is so fucking common that any voice contrary immediately gets you accusing me of "wanting Israelis deaths" and not equally insulting Hamas.

Pics are indeed "worth the keys they are typed on" what ever the fuck you meant by that and furthermore, you offer nothing of substance other than common parroted bullshit opinions from Zionist media. I on the other hand have effectively demonstrated (with pics, memes and videos) that Israel's legitimacy is based on faulty interpretation of the Torah, which is not legitimacy at all, and that it's legality is based on "right of conquest". I have done this with my arguing style by juxtaposing to Kynes and extracting the core concepts of his arguments and ridiculing them. You on the other hand, have offered not a single original thought or exposed any faulty concepts within any arguments and have also incorrectly explicated my arguments because they were too complex for your little brain, despite that I simplified them as much as I could.

The only reason I would ever concede that a two state solution makes any sense is because the monumental task of convincing piss drinkers like yourself of ANYTHING is simply not something I'm either interested in or have time for. I would much rather post pictures that convey the desperate plight of the Palestinian people, victims at the hands of the Zionist occupiers into this thread, which has had substantial views and which has been donor to other discussions elsewhere on the web.

Since you think that the only thing of value is an essay, the least you can do is read it properly and explicate it correctly, instead of misconstruing what I have to say and then incorrectly nit picking. Because you have failed in this regard, you are clearly Beenthere's sockpuppet.


Well-Known Member
What's the matter Beenthere? Afraid to post on your real account after all the BS you said about the elction and about yourself? Come to reinvent yourself since everyone saw through your fake persona?

You're at it again, anyone who posts a pic is a kid right?


New Member
It has to be the same rules for both. the pallies are getting fucked while israel yells BOHICA!

It must be a two state solution with both sides willing to negotiate.

HAMAS needs to reject terrorism in all it's forms if it wants Palestine to be recognised with statehood. There's no two ways around this. This is the reality they face should they wish to enter the political mainstream - while being recognised as a legitimate Government. That would mean it'd be up to the palestinians to stamp out militant islam within hamas and its own boarders. Israel will have to remove their illegal towns (settlements) on Palestinial land, while putting a leash on Moassad.

Wishfull thinking??? probably.


Active Member

I don't know which is sadder.

The fact that you still don't understand what i'm talking about, or the fact you have to lie to compensate for it.

Look at how many of my posts you liked. Look at how many of my comments you said you agree with. Because you and I are both of a similiar opinion that Israel is acting in an overly aggressive manner and murdering civilians in Palestine, all part of a coordinated military offensive and not a random defense of borders as some have said.

But now that I called you out because you don't add anything of value to the conversation other then pics and 1-liners, you try and accuse me of being an Israeli sympathizer. But when I chastised Kynes for his bushwhacked philosophy of badmouthing muslims you loved it right? Whatever man. Reup those meds because you clearly are not emotionally stable. Shit like this is why issues you care about don't get solved. Because you make such a huge fool of yourself that people don't even want to entertain the notion of continueing a conversation with you, let alone engage you in debate or learn anything from you. You wait to speak, you don't listen (or in this case read).

This IS NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK. We AGREE ON ESSENTIALLY EVERYTHING RELATED TO THE ORIGINAL TOPIC. And you ARE MAD BECAUSE I CALLED YOU OUT FOR ONLY POSTING ONE-SIDED POSTS. That is why I singled you out. Because you are just like Kynes in the sense that you think everything is black and white, the only difference between you 2 is that you want the Palestinians' to keep killing Jews and he wants the Israelis to keep killing Muslims. What I want is 2 states, established through a committee of representatives from both parties and mediated by the UN with a condition being that any violation of the cease fire by either side will be met by stern sanction.

I also agree with you on the fact that the international press is criminally negligent in it's coverage and angle in regards to what's going on in Gaza. So why do you keep repeating that point like I said something different?

And then, worst of all, when you know you're wrong and can't come up with anything to say, you switch to the "I am rubber you are glue.." trick and try to use the exact same things I said about you and say I am the one doing it. You sound like Mitt Romney about a week before the American people hit the ballotbox and called him on it too. Staaahhhp it, we can all read and we can all see how you get down. The people on here are too smart to fall for that kind of pretendo-amnesia so why bother?

Look at your former avatar. A perfect metaphor for how you do on here. One minute it's an Israeli flag with a swastika in it, something that is equal parts stupid and offensive. Then, after people complain you run and change it. You jump from shocker to shocker trying to make some point. When all you get across is the fact that you're a loser.

You know damn well that I am not some sock puppet, and i'm not some other person trying to hide behind a new avatar. Like I said before, until I disagreed with you you were kissing some serious ass, Lil Buddy.

Go on ahead and start sippin that soup.