Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


Well-Known Member

I don't know which is sadder.

The fact that you still don't understand what i'm talking about, or the fact you have to lie to compensate for it.

Look at how many of my posts you liked. Look at how many of my comments you said you agree with. Because you and I are both of a similiar opinion that Israel is acting in an overly aggressive manner and murdering civilians in Palestine, all part of a coordinated military offensive and not a random defense of borders as some have said.

But now that I called you out because you don't add anything of value to the conversation other then pics and 1-liners, you try and accuse me of being an Israeli sympathizer. But when I chastised Kynes for his bushwhacked philosophy of badmouthing muslims you loved it right? Whatever man. Reup those meds because you clearly are not emotionally stable. Shit like this is why issues you care about don't get solved. Because you make such a huge fool of yourself that people don't even want to entertain the notion of continueing a conversation with you, let alone engage you in debate or learn anything from you. You wait to speak, you don't listen (or in this case read).

This IS NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK. We AGREE ON ESSENTIALLY EVERYTHING RELATED TO THE ORIGINAL TOPIC. And you ARE MAD BECAUSE I CALLED YOU OUT FOR ONLY POSTING ONE-SIDED POSTS. That is why I singled you out. Because you are just like Kynes in the sense that you think everything is black and white, the only difference between you 2 is that you want the Palestinians' to keep killing Jews and he wants the Israelis to keep killing Muslims. What I want is 2 states, established through a committee of representatives from both parties and mediated by the UN with a condition being that any violation of the cease fire by either side will be met by stern sanction.

I also agree with you on the fact that the international press is criminally negligent in it's coverage and angle in regards to what's going on in Gaza. So why do you keep repeating that point like I said something different?

And then, worst of all, when you know you're wrong and can't come up with anything to say, you switch to the "I am rubber you are glue.." trick and try to use the exact same things I said about you and say I am the one doing it. You sound like Mitt Romney about a week before the American people hit the ballotbox and called him on it too. Staaahhhp it, we can all read and we can all see how you get down. The people on here are too smart to fall for that kind of pretendo-amnesia so why bother?

Look at your former avatar. A perfect metaphor for how you do on here. One minute it's an Israeli flag with a swastika in it, something that is equal parts stupid and offensive. Then, after people complain you run and change it. You jump from shocker to shocker trying to make some point. When all you get across is the fact that you're a loser.

You know damn well that I am not some sock puppet, and i'm not some other person trying to hide behind a new avatar. Like I said before, until I disagreed with you you were kissing some serious ass, Lil Buddy.

Go on ahead and start sippin that soup.
I never kissed ass, I never even addressed you, actually, I just tried to get you to stop writing long ass love letters that have nothing to do with the topic of the thread. We don't essentially agree on a whole lot actually, I like a lot of posts even if I don't fully agree.

Add something with substance yourself, just because you repeat that BS over and over doesn't mean that all I have is one-liners.

I'm done corresponding, get a life.

But thanks for admitting that you essentially agree with my views.


Well-Known Member
It has to be the same rules for both. the pallies are getting fucked while israel yells BOHICA!

It must be a two state solution with both sides willing to negotiate.

HAMAS needs to reject terrorism in all it's forms if it wants Palestine to be recognised with statehood. There's no two ways around this. This is the reality they face should they wish to enter the political mainstream - while being recognised as a legitimate Government. That would mean it'd be up to the palestinians to stamp out militant islam within hamas and its own boarders. Israel will have to remove their illegal towns (settlements) on Palestinial land, while putting a leash on Moassad.

Wishfull thinking??? probably.
They do and have for a long time. Countless statehood bids thwarted by assassinations and the physical separation of Gaza from the West Bank against international law leave them with very little options. The Palestinian people can't do much more to foster peace. They are constantly having lands taken by settlers also so they are being ever increasingly crowded into ghettos. They are under siege.


Active Member
I never kissed ass, I never even addressed you, actually, I just tried to get you to stop writing long ass love letters that have nothing to do with the topic of the thread. We don't essentially agree on a whole lot actually, I like a lot of posts even if I don't fully agree.

Add something with substance yourself, just because you repeat that BS over and over doesn't mean that all I have is one-liners.

I'm done corresponding, get a life.

But thanks for admitting that you essentially agree with my views.

Call it what you want to call it, Lil Buddy. Ass kissing, agreeing chronicly, etc.

You never mentioned anything about the length of my posts before now, but nice straw-grasp. SO CLOSE!

I called you out because you are biased. You can't sit there and say what an asshole Kynes (and he IS an asshole, make no mistake there) and then turn right back around and do the same thing. You have argued a couple times that because of their religion, Jews are somehow predisposed to conquest and killing. That makes you no better than someone (like Kynes) who calls all Muslims Barbarians.

I refuse to accept any point of view that claims the superiority or inferiority of any race/religion. Which is essentially what you did. You posted a pic of a child crawling through rubble with some dumbshit Kynes posted about the Torah being a historical document. The obvious intention on your part was to draw a conclusion that Jews condone hurting children. Which in my mind is no different then a post by Kynes that mentioned Hamas using mentally handicapped children as suicide bombers'. It's a point for shockvalue that adds no real substance to the discussion other then you stroking your cyber-dick trying to goad people.

Just because you're scared of being called out Lil Buddy, doesn't mean ya gotta run. Just use your big boy words and type slowly. Then maybe you won't trip over your own feet so much.


New Member
They do and have for a long time. Countless statehood bids thwarted by assassinations and the physical separation of Gaza from the West Bank against international law leave them with very little options. The Palestinian people can't do much more to foster peace. They are constantly having lands taken by settlers also so they are being ever increasingly crowded into ghettos. They are under siege.
Hey we're in agreement as far as Israel doing heinous shit, but once the settlements are gone, the attackts from both sides stop and the guilty find themselves in Hague... What would propose then? (Again wishfull thinking but endulge me...)


Active Member
I completely disagree with your view that all religions are designed to foster respect for man. Particularly in this case, as the "promised land of milk and honey" was "given" although it was "inhabited by descendants of the wicked nephilim" to "God's" "chosen" as "covenant" which Solomon broke by worshiping other "gods".

But your not biased right?


Active Member
I'm not disagreeing that the land that Israel is made from was stolen from it's original inhabitants.

What I disagree with is the fact that you are no better then the people you spent a decent ammount of time condemning because you completely ignore the fact that Israelis are humanbeings with just as much right to exist as the Palestinians.

Neither side is justified in killing the other. End of story.

Not all that hard to understand, is it Lil Buddy?


Well-Known Member
Hey we're in agreement as far as Israel doing heinous shit, but once the settlements are gone, the attackts from both sides stop and the guilty find themselves in Hague... What would propose then? (Again wishfull thinking but endulge me...)
Palestine very much wants the international community to recognize them and for Israel to stop expanding into their territories. Everyone seems to be repeating this sentiment that it is Palestine provoking Israel. That's like a kitten who has had it's tail chomped off by a pitbull coming back for more. They want bombs to stop falling from the sky. They have no helicopters, tanks or fighter jets. I think that the people who have this persistent view that they are terrorists because they fire RPGs from the 70s get fired in the general direction of populated Israeli territory in response to the siege and the loss of everything that they measure life by need to rethink what a terrorist is. That person firing a rocket isn't a terrorist, he is suicidal likely because of an eviction or the ghetto conditions of his once proud people. The terrorist is the one benefitting from the terrible conditions being inflicted upon a people.

So what do I propose? I propose that there is no hope for this land. I am beyond proposal. I am expressing anger. To the victor the spoils have already gone. The crimes are committed, the violence certainly continues but the damage is irreversible. The only way to give Palestine justice is to dissolve the Israeli regime and that is not going to happen. The two state solution has many flaws, namely that is has thus far been impossible to implement because Israel will not tone down it's spread of settling. Democracy (single state) could work if the international community can impose honest elections but the the US will never allow that. The population is already misled and only the US can change it even if it became possible according to popular opinion. Maybe Israel can finish crushing Palestine and then Arabs could have a civil rights movement to gain some measure of equality.

Measurable actions that I do propose that we could accomplish through grassroots democracy here would be:
1. Stop sending aid to Israel, they need to fund their own "defense".
2. Spread the truth about Israel's unwillingness to see peace and Israel's belligerence and Israel's expansion into Palestinian territories.
3. Make our leaders convince Israeli authorities to allow foreign aid such medical supplies and food to reach the ravished Palestinians.
4. This one may not be possible, but to stop being Israel's watchdog against UN resolutions.


Well-Known Member
I'm not disagreeing that the land that Israel is made from was stolen from it's original inhabitants.

What I disagree with is the fact that you are no better then the people you spent a decent ammount of time condemning because you completely ignore the fact that Israelis are humanbeings with just as much right to exist as the Palestinians.

Neither side is justified in killing the other. End of story.

Not all that hard to understand, is it Lil Buddy?
I never said the Israeli people don't have a right to exist nitwit. I condemn only the regime.


Active Member
Palestine very much wants the international community to recognize them and for Israel to stop expanding into their territories. Everyone seems to be repeating this sentiment that it is Palestine provoking Israel. That's like a kitten who has had it's tail chomped off by a pitbull coming back for more. They want bombs to stop falling from the sky. They have no helicopters, tanks or fighter jets. I think that the people who have this persistent view that they are terrorists because they fire RPGs from the 70s get fired in the general direction of populated Israeli territory in response to the siege and the loss of everything that they measure life by need to rethink what a terrorist is. That person firing a rocket isn't a terrorist, he is suicidal likely because of an eviction or the ghetto conditions of his once proud people. The terrorist is the one benefitting from the terrible conditions being inflicted upon a people.

So what do I propose? I propose that there is no hope for this land. I am beyond proposal. I am expressing anger. To the victor the spoils have already gone. The crimes are committed, the violence certainly continues but the damage is irreversible. The only way to give Palestine justice is to dissolve the Israeli regime and that is not going to happen. The two state solution has many flaws, namely that is has thus far been impossible to implement because Israel will not tone down it's spread of settling. Democracy (single state) could work if the international community can impose honest elections but the the US will never allow that. The population is already misled and only the US can change it even if it became possible according to popular opinion. Maybe Israel can finish crushing Palestine and then Arabs could have a civil rights movement to gain some measure of equality.

Measurable actions that I do propose that we could accomplish through grassroots democracy here would be:
1. Stop sending aid to Israel, they need to fund their own "defense".
2. Spread the truth about Israel's unwillingness to see peace and Israel's belligerence and Israel's expansion into Palestinian territories.
3. Make our leaders convince Israeli authorities to allow foreign aid such medical supplies and food to reach the ravished Palestinians.
4. This one may not be possible, but to stop being Israel's watchdog against UN resolutions.

From start to finish, this is what I wanted of you.

Not pictures. Not baseless assumptions and tongue-and-cheek BS.

What you have here is a clearly stated and fully finished thought.

And it is about fuckin time.

Now just apply this same level of detail to all your posts and the World's a better place all around.


Well-Known Member
From start to finish, this is what I wanted of you.

Not pictures. Not baseless assumptions and tongue-and-cheek BS.

What you have here is a clearly stated and fully finished thought.

And it is about fuckin time.

Now just apply this same level of detail to all your posts and the World's a better place all around.
You're a sock puppet and you need to learn to read. Besides, that wasn't in reply to you. Only thing I recall you ever addressing me with is complaints that you dislike my debate skills, which I prefer. That was to Echelon1k1 who politely asked me to indulge his request for my proposal. Now if only you could lead off with a morsel of respect instead of condescending me because you don't like the pictures I post I might be more willing. As of yet you have shown no such respect, and compounded this lack of respect by incorrectly explicating what I have had to say to you.

Treat others as you wish to be treated.


Active Member

Shocktactics are unappreciated from either point of view.

Pictures may be worth a thousand words, but we still have to be mindful of what we're saying.

Posting a comment about the Torah next to a pic like that is no better then baiting people.

All major religions are, at their core, designed to foster in people a respect for man and the world around them as both are a creation of "God". So, just because men of all religious denominations decide to stray from that for their own ends', does not mean we should indulge them by trying to deepen the divide.
This was my first comment that started this, please feel free to show where I was disrespectful.

You started the Fuck You's here bud so don't play victim now.].

And I don't care who you were speaking to, I was commenting on the fact that THAT is how you should try to get your point across. Not by posting 1-liners and lame pics, which don't do anything but turn people off to your P.O.V.

Just because you want to try and hide the fact that you overreacted to cristicism doesn't mean it didn't happen, Lil Buddy.


Well-Known Member
This was my first comment that started this, please feel free to show where I was disrespectful.

You started the Fuck You's here bud so don't play victim now.].

And I don't care who you were speaking to, I was commenting on the fact that THAT is how you should try to get your point across. Not by posting 1-liners and lame pics, which don't do anything but turn people off to your P.O.V.

Just because you want to try and hide the fact that you overreacted to cristicism doesn't mean it didn't happen, Lil Buddy.
Actually, I didn't over react, I returned jabs, but ended my posts with phrases such as "we cool tho". Of course this was turned around and became ass kissing in your perception, because you're an ass hole. So if you like being an ass hole, embrace it, be proud of it and keep it up. It's a good survival technique. If you don't like being an ass hole, quit being one and let the bickering turn back into arguing.

I personally love being an ass hole but I do try to tone it down when addressing someone who is clearly not an ass hole, unless I happen to dislike them. We cool tho.


Active Member

No one was debating Zionism being anything else. You stick these 1-liners and pictures up like you're proving a point or something, when all you do is serve as an easy caricature for dummies like Kynes to detach any legitimacy from your arguement based on the way you decided to convey it.

If your support for peace only runs skin deep and you don't recognize guilty parties on both sides of this, where do you really stand?
OK I get it, Hamas is a terrorist organization, I haven't been hearing that for a decade.

You act like it's time to be PC about making sure to insult both religions/sides/political parties/regimes/terrorist organizations.

Clinton is over there now and one of her main goals is to ignore Hamas, because "America doesn't negotiate with terrorists". Hamas is ready and begging for a cease fire and Israel is whining about one or two rockets that didn't kill anybody, retaliating by blowing up France's journalist's head quarters in Gaza.

But my support for peace only runs skin deep because I'm too outraged to remember to equally insult Hamas.


Fuck Hamas, Fuck Religion and Fuck you.

That is exactly how this started turning from discussion to pissing match Abandon.

Stop trying to play victim here, Lil Buddy.