my newly germinated seeds roots are brown! PLEASE HELP!!

alright so i have 4 seeds 2 White widow and 2 Critical kush. I germinated these seeds by placing them in rock wool and dipping them in 5.8 ph water. the sat in the dark for 4 days with a temp of around 80-83. they all had there two little round green leaves, so i turned on the lights! i have a T5 sunblazer; 6 lamps each one 54 watts, and the entire fixture puts out 30k lumens. i had 3 lamps going when i first turned them on, and they were about 3 feet above the plants. 2-4 hours later i came back and the CK were wilted over at the roots. BTW the roots were growing out of the rockwool about 3 cm and that 3cm on both plants were brown after the light had been turned on. I then got the 2 plants and puit them back in the dark with water and shuved the plant back into the hole so the roots would regrow. also i had watered the WW to much so the leaves were dropping, but still dark green. so, i removed them from the system (66 rainforest) and let it sit under the light for the rest of the day. the next day the 2 CK with burnt roots were revived and slowly growing, and the 2 WW fell over because the rockwool dried out over night and the light turned on from the cycle and dried them out at the roots.

How do i fix this?? i have wet the rockwool and covering the roots, but letting the lamps hit the still green leaves!


Well-Known Member
Quit fucking with them, 'shuving' and moving, get your temps down a bit, your RH up a bit, and make sure your lights are a few inches away, at least enough for your hand to fit between and be comfortable with the heat.
Do you have a fan blowing air to circulate it?


Well-Known Member
Quit fucking with them, 'shuving' and moving, get your temps down a bit, your RH up a bit, and make sure your lights are a few inches away, at least enough for your hand to fit between and be comfortable with the heat.

HAHA, but it's fun to fuck with them all the time when your new to the game lol, Sometimes to much love can kill ;)
well i wasnt fucking with them untill they started dieing. should i germinate the seeds longer untill actual canabis leaves start to grow? maybe i should get a humidity dome to start the plants? im just haveing problems starting it sucks.
all i have done really is put the seeds in the rockwool, dip them in 5.8 ph water. wait 4 days, turned on lights, 2 died at roots, so i pushed the roots deeper into the rockwool. 2 over watered so i removed from water.

how can i pervent over watering in a aeroponic system, and how can i pervent root burning when they need light.

should the hydrotons(clay pellets) cover the rockwool
how long should i keep them in the papertowel and plastic bag? when i take them and put them in rockwool do i put them in the hydro system, and do i put them under light right after? If i do put them under light should i use less lamps than the 6 for awhile or just use all 6 from 3 feet away?


Well-Known Member
soak in water 24 hours then to your rockwool add a 23 watt cfl till they break ground it will add a lil heat and help the germ better


Well-Known Member
how long should i keep them in the papertowel and plastic bag? when i take them and put them in rockwool do i put them in the hydro system, and do i put them under light right after? If i do put them under light should i use less lamps than the 6 for awhile or just use all 6 from 3 feet away?

Get you a hydrofarm dome with heating pad. Seedlings and clones love it.
thanks very much for the info! when should i add nutrients to my plants? i am ordering Advance Nutrients grow, micro, bloom, b-52, and voodoo juice