Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i was responding to one mans . . poor man catch 22 post meme quote

in order to understand docs opinion .. you have to understand he fears/understands very much the evilness of being a victim and victimizer . .. and any kind of abuse by one to another rings true to his life . . . . .also that he thinks a singular society is key to a balanced civilization/society


Active Member
@ Sam Well- Very true, Happy Thanksgiving.

@ Kynes- Honestly? I'm just going to read everything you post as being part of a complex character role from now on. You don't really believe what your saying, you're just acting. Pretty Freudian meme ya got going there, bud.

I've got a plate of food, a bottle of gin, and a jar of some really nice Jack Herer to attend to.

Be safe tonight everybody. It's amateur night at the bar. So cops, drunk/shitty drivers, and all kindsa craziness are on the roads to be mindful of.


Well-Known Member
that generalization makes absolutely no sense and i bet the author would not admit to being wrongsuper fail FTWthat way of thinking is entirely back ass backwards and invalidates any learning . . . and is entirely circumstantial and conditional at whatever point in whatever argument no matter background or context the first to say na uh is wrong . . .give me a breaka fools argument relies on the counter opinion being wrong-me some guy from washington
Just so you know (FOOL), since you obviously cannot read ...The requirement of "Malice Aforethought" is EXACTLY the difference between First & Second Degree Murder.
Do us all a favor and just STFU & FTW punk!BTW Happy Thanksgiving ;)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i was responding to one mans . . poor man catch 22 post meme quote

in order to understand docs opinion .. you have to understand he fears/understands very much the evilness of being a victim and victimizer . .. and any kind of abuse by one to another rings true to his life . . . . .also that he thinks a singular society is key to a balanced civilization/society

you need a few more semesters of into to psychology sam.

choosing a side is natural. i chose the side in the israeli/palestinian fight that i would prefer to live with, the side that has lied and prevaricated LESS, and the side with LESS blood on it's hands. and thats the israelis.

im always on the side of personal liberty, the side that says what's mine is mine, and what's yours is yours. self defense is a natural and irrevocable right of all, and "if they dont start nothin, it wont be nothin" is my creedo. i pick my side for reasons which are my own, but always consistent. deals are sacred, lies are inexcusable, and fake evidence poisons the entire argument. thats just how i roll.

four20swg prefers to stand off on the edge and call both sides assholes for not being as "unbaised" and "post modern" as himself. this entire thread is his forum for displaying his awesome skill at NOT taking a side and instead declaring oneself above it all, superior to those who choose a side, and so magnificently caring and magnanimous that he can empathize completely with every position. he is the most sensitive and empathetic person in the universe, especially when he is making specious arguments on behalf of NOTHING and hurling ad hominems at all who pass too close to his private pseudo-intellectual monkey cage.

abandon prefers the underdog, so he presumes and assumes hamas is the victim of israeli aggression, since that fits his narrative.

Smok3y is a doctrinaire moslem so in any conflict, the moslem is always blameless and perfect, and their opponents consort with djinn.

uncle buck of course prefers to wade in with whichever side is the most liberal/progressive

and red 1966 gets all his opinions from the good people at stormfront :mrgreen:

you, youre a mystery. a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an ez-wider. i never know where youll weigh in. i like the way you keep it fresh, and just a little schizophrenic. stay crazy my friend.


Well-Known Member
Just so you know (FOOL), since you obviously cannot read ...The requirement of "Malice Aforethought" is EXACTLY the difference between First & Second Degree Murder.
Do us all a favor and just STFU & FTW punk!BTW Happy Thanksgiving ;)
He was responding to the meme you posted about the guy who won't admit that he is wrong.



Well-Known Member

you need a few more semesters of into to psychology sam.

choosing a side is natural. i chose the side in the israeli/palestinian fight that i would prefer to live with, the side that has lied and prevaricated LESS, and the side with LESS blood on it's hands. and thats the israelis.

im always on the side of personal liberty, the side that says what's mine is mine, and what's yours is yours. self defense is a natural and irrevocable right of all, and "if they dont start nothin, it wont be nothin" is my creedo. i pick my side for reasons which are my own, but always consistent. deals are sacred, lies are inexcusable, and fake evidence poisons the entire argument. thats just how i roll.

four20swg prefers to stand off on the edge and call both sides assholes for not being as "unbaised" and "post modern" as himself. this entire thread is his forum for displaying his awesome skill at NOT taking a side and instead declaring oneself above it all, superior to those who choose a side, and so magnificently caring and magnanimous that he can empathize completely with every position. he is the most sensitive and empathetic person in the universe, especially when he is making specious arguments on behalf of NOTHING and hurling ad hominems at all who pass too close to his private pseudo-intellectual monkey cage.

abandon prefers the underdog, so he presumes and assumes hamas is the victim of israeli aggression, since that fits his narrative.

Smok3y is a doctrinaire moslem so in any conflict, the moslem is always blameless and perfect, and their opponents consort with djinn.

uncle buck of course prefers to wade in with whichever side is the most liberal/progressive

and red 1966 gets all his opinions from the good people at stormfront :mrgreen:

you, youre a mystery. a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an ez-wider. i never know where youll weigh in. i like the way you keep it fresh, and just a little schizophrenic. stay crazy my friend.

Durka Durka, Mohammed Jihad!


Active Member
four20swg prefers to stand off on the edge and call both sides assholes for not being as "unbaised" and "post modern" as himself. this entire thread is his forum for displaying his awesome skill at NOT taking a side and instead declaring oneself above it all, superior to those who choose a side, and so magnificently caring and magnanimous that he can empathize completely with every position. he is the most sensitive and empathetic person in the universe, especially when he is making specious arguments on behalf of NOTHING and hurling ad hominems at all who pass too close to his private pseudo-intellectual monkey cage.


You want me to choose a side Kynes? Fine.

I stand with the 9 Palestinians' who just got shot at trying to pick up parts from an exploded fucking jeep. The cease-fire didn't even last a week before the IDF broke it, they care more about scraps of metal than human lives!

I tried to be impartial because I respect all humanbeings and I was trying to demonstrate what I believe to be the only manner in which we'll achieve peace.

But now, I really just dgaf. You wanted me to choose and I chose.

The aggression on the part of the Israeli government towards the citizens of Palestine is unacceptable, and a violation of a cease-fire so soon after it's drawing up just shows to demonstrate how insincere Israel was in reaching the agreement.

You try and hide Christianity's violence, or downplay it in the face of Islam. And you fail everytime. I do not practice any faith, but I recognize the place of all of them in this world. Something you might try doing some day soon.


Ursus marijanus
I believe that "meme" characterizes most of you fucktards pretty well, hence your ignorant responses ...
... They somehow feel they won also!
Easy there with the "fucktards"; let's please keep it classy. The first/second-degree murder definitions you quoted are specific to USA jurisprudence and have variations from State to State. It's sometimes worth remembering that the USA isn't the whole world. cn