Old (school) grower looking for Hottie Apprentice.


New Member
Thanks ryan1918 between your thread and testin out a new outcross this morning I am inspired! Up-lifted and hopeful. So here we go. I am Lookin for a female apprentice to study any and all aspects of the MMJ business. From seeds to final meds of all types. Previous experience is not required. We Teach ;)Please post photo ;)


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure homeless is not an equal opportunity teacher, a union, or gay. lmao.
I am sub'd in case this works...


Active Member
again.. the topless trimming webcam show is by far the greatest way to make a profit on your trimmers while they work... just saying...


Well-Known Member
I won't be sharing any sexy photos of her but my ol lady is ALL ABOUT growing and she learns ridiculously fast. She is always asking tons of questions and coming up with wonderful ideas. She plans on making a career out of cannabis just like myself. It can be a wonderful thing to have a female right brain around the OP to balance out our male left brains, lets just choose very wisely ;) Women sure can be crazy and ya don't want your grow spot to be involved when she does go bat shit. Just be really careful man. Choose wisely and it will be the greatest thing you ever did. Cannabis doesn't lead to harder drugs, it leads to growing and bonding with your loved ones :)


New Member
Ill settle for a Ugly girl , but not too Ugly please .. The ugly ones seem to be more reliable and less likely to leave with all your teachings lmao