stealth scrog grow with cfl's

how many times did you top/fim
To get so many heads??
That looks amazing
Thanks, the plant was originally topped only once, started off as a small stem topped to about 1" tall not much thicker than a toothpick, with 2 small shoots coming out each side of it. I guess i've got the SCROG method to thank for the amount of heads haha, I am quite happy with how it has turned out though.
Hey! That's an awesome little grow you got going there. A+++++ for stealthiness too. So how did you gut the TV and preserve the screen? Dont they usually have a lot of glass like a big cone behind them?
Thanks, and yeah they do have a big glass bulb sorta thing in there, I just smashed it away and left the screen part, I could break off piece by piece without damaging the screen and then also had to paint the screen black as it is actually just clear glass with a thin film of metallic kind of stuff which wipes off if you touch it.


Active Member
Thanks, the plant was originally topped only once, started off as a small stem topped to about 1" tall not much thicker than a toothpick, with 2 small shoots coming out each side of it. I guess i've got the SCROG method to thank for the amount of heads haha, I am quite happy with how it has turned out though.
around what leaf set do you think you topped it to 1inch tall?
it probably had about 4 leaf sets before being topped, and was only probably 4" tall altogether, the plant was rediculously small. and I cut everything off apart from the bottom 2 branches
Can you show the bottom of your scrog setup? I am looking into doing a scrog for my next grow and not sure when to start trimming or pruning under the screen. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Love it! I'm a big-time newbie here. Yours is an inspiration for me. I have a 8' wide x 36-40" tall by 24" front to back area I'm thinking of doing a scrog in. If it can be done in a tv, I know I can make mine work then! Nice.
Can you show the bottom of your scrog setup? I am looking into doing a scrog for my next grow and not sure when to start trimming or pruning under the screen. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Heres a pic of underneath the screen. The screen is held above the pot by 3 pieces of wire buried in the soil, I did it this way so I can remove the whole plant & screen as one peice from the cabinet for maintenance or for whatever reason.

Apart from the initial topping of the plant I never trimmed/pruned anything. All that I did was when the end of the branch grew up high enough through the screen, I pulled it back under the screen and popped it up the next hole further away from the center of the plant and let it grow up again and kept repeating this process.


Heres another pic for the people that are interested. Currently 5 weeks since 12/12, about 4 weeks since first sign of sex so i'm guessing i'm about half way through flowering? The screen is being pushed up abit at the sides (was originally laying flat) but doesn't seem to be too much of a problem so I might just leave it as is.

I'm watering every 2nd day with about 750ml, nutes every 2nd watering.

Abit of info about the cabinet...

Aprox internal space is 50cm x 50cm x 50cm
2 x 45w 6500k cfl and 1 x 23w 2700k cfl
1 x 150mm intake fan at the bottom left, 1 x 80mm exhaust fan top right at the back, and 1 x 80mm fan hanging between the two 45w cfls blowing towards the exhaust side of the cabinet. This hanging fan helped control temps alot, before I put the fan there, the cfls were heating up the roof of the cabinet quite badly and creating alot of radiant heat which heated up the whole cabinet, this problem was solved completely by hanging the fan by the roof moving air around, now the roof doesn't get any heat soak at all, keeping the overall cabinet temp alot cooler.

The pieces of wood you can see at the bottom right I use to lift the pot to keep the plants close to the lights, and so I can drop the plant down lower as it grows higher.

If you've got any other questions fire away.



Active Member
How's the smell? Is it obvious to the nose what's going on in there when it's all closed up? I'm starting a stealth CFL grow under my work bench and I have an exhaust fan to bring in fresh air but I'm worried about making my basement smell a giant bud once it gets growing? BTW, looks great! :joint:
My lights are off during the day and when the lights are off, so are the fans, and there isn't any smell at all. When the lights are on you can smell it in the room that the cabinet is in but it's not overpowering, if you didn't know what it was you probably wouldn't guess, but i'm guessing the smell will start to get alot worse as the buds develop more. But smell is the reason why I have the lights and fans off from 7am till 7pm, as these are the most likely hours that people will be in the house
All looks great man, great job!!! Couple questions about the whole SCROG setup. What size pots would I have to use if grown in a stealth pc box? How many plants would I be able to grow? Does it depend on strain, veg height before flower, or does that matter?
I'm not really the person to be asking for advice because i'm so new to this myself, but for pot size, i would go for the biggest you can fit in the space you have, if your box is square, go for a square pot to take advantage of the room that might be wasted with a round pot. I would stick with 1 plant in such a small space, otherwise things will just get crowded. Alot of the details do depend on what strain you are growing, I switched to flower when the screen was half filled and it worked out perfect me for this plant


Well-Known Member
Renuzit odor killers, for $1 at the grocery store. Each one works for about 2 weeks. Completely eats the smell of flowering or recently harvested bud. Put two in a big room, and swap them out when they get old for maximum odor protection. :joint: They're so small and compact you could probably fit them in your grow box if you wanted.

Consider using a large rubbermaid container for two or more plants. I can flower two in a 30 gallon tall tub with 8 100w CFLs near the top. Get another smaller tub for vegging and you can have yourself non-stop setup.
I don't think we have that odour killer stuff in my country, I havent really had a look at whats available yet though.

The screen is just a plastic mesh I had lying around, I think it is used on contruction sites etc as a safetly mesh, I just cut it to the size i wanted
checked my ph level for the first time yesterday as the plant seemed to be getting some yellow spots on the leaves and it turns out my ph was a bit low, in the low 5's. I flushed with water and today the ph seems to have come up to around the low 6's which is where it should be isn't it? So hopefully this helps cure the yellow on the leaves. I tried to take some close up photos of the bud sites but my camera is to shit and they just look like a blurr. currently in week 6 of 12/12, week 5 of flowering
7 and a half weeks since 12/12 just incase anyone is still following this thread..
about 6 and a bit weeks since first sign of sex, all the trichomes appear to still be clear but i'm keeping a close eye on them. Also losing more and more fan leaves every day and I think i'm going to stop feeding nutes now


Active Member
That looks awesome. Man did you top or fim?
I read you waited till your screen was half way full to switch
The lights
About how many weeks was that of veg?
Thanks bro you got any more pics?