So how often do you crop?

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
i guarantee you that if you had 5lb's and the cops showed up and your like im not over my limit these are still "curing" only this 15 oz's is dry and ready if they pull the curing stuff out and feel that its dry enough to smoke it they're not gonna give a shit about "curing" cops dont know meaning of why you cure the bud (well they may know the meaning but if its dry to them which is probably anything that is dry to the touch such as curing buds


Well-Known Member
Uhh.. You're supposed to mark the jars with a do not use before date to show which buds are cured and which are not. This should satisfy officer friendly.


Well-Known Member
was doing a 1 plant per week perpetual grow that was pretty cool. changed it up just recently to a every 2 month schedule. 2 months of veg, 2 months of flower. might break my cycles in half and crop out every 1 month though. depends what i feel like doing lol.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Uhh.. You're supposed to mark the jars with a do not use before date to show which buds are cured and which are not. This should satisfy officer friendly.
Where do you guys come up with this shit? If your stash weights more than you're allowed to hold and LEO is involved you're going to jail, it doesn't matter what you label it or how moist it is.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Uhh.. You're supposed to mark the jars with a do not use before date to show which buds are cured and which are not. This should satisfy officer friendly.
....Where do you people come from???? Once the cops are there, they aren't there to not make a bust and leave looking stupid. Am I the only one who has encounted cops that aren't at all moral or ethical? And they wouldn't even have to be unethical assholes with dudes like you using a labeling system to justify your over abundance of unusable plant material. Holy hell no wonder they still get up every day and go to work to bust pot farmers; if they are meeting you guys. Officer friendly might be satisfied but they don't let that guy even do the dispatch! you're going to have officer assbag and srgnt. dickhole doing jumping jacks in your asshole and if you think a sticker on a jar will absolve you of the 5lb posession (and from there distribution etc.) charge wait til you find out they are actually charging you with 6 lbs cuz they threw some random plant material off your floor and the stems from the trash up on that scale. you got to do a little more to protect yourself than a lableing system. Go back to season 1 of weeds and watch the whole series; its fiction but you like fiction, maybe you can pick up on some helpful tips.


Well-Known Member
So what is the limit for someone like me that is producing for myself only and no patients? I hear 12 plants, I suppose that includes clones, seedlings? I hear 2.5 Oz. Is that how much you can carry outside or how much you can have total? I'll have my card in Dec but would like to plan a little...


Well-Known Member
Thanks CC. How can that work? I gather they don't distinguish a live plant from a harvested plant? 12 plants will always be more than 2.5 oz while alive

Even if they don't count live, growing plants, after harvest of 12 plants, you're in violation immediately? I must be missing something.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member,4601,7-154-35299_28150_51869---,00.html
the plants are plants, their weight is not suposed to count toward the 2.5 oz the 2.5 oz is dry (they don't say cured but DRIED) usable plant material (buds). You can fight that other stuff and greater amounts using the phrase somewhere in there about uninterupted supply to justify more. I wouldn't try it myself but some people swear they can have 7 oz for themselves and argue they are in need of RSO or some shit and fight it in court. I prefer to try and dodge the whole mess. I count unrooted clones as plants, some dont. I'm a safe rather than sorry type guy. I get rid of trim immediately. I count butter as weight as well again, safe rather than sorry aproach. I get stems and trash grinded up and tossed in the mulch ASAP as well just in case officer heppy pants wants to ad it on the scale should I get a visit.


Well-Known Member
Well as Dr.Bob stated before in the co-op grow thread which is just a joke btw that with 12 plants your going to keep pretty much under the radar as long as only you know about your grow and no one else does. My brother is a police officer in some city here in Michigan and he knows I grow for myself and we have talked about it. He also made it clear that DEA and Fed raids come about more so because of co-op and or just plain illegal grows. It's simple really, try and make big money and expect to get caught. Always better to be safe then sorry, this cannot be stressed enough!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I'm definitely getting the card, just want to be able to survive a surprise visit. Maybe this is why so many people convert bud to oil. Does oil count toward weight, or are oils, hash, tincture not legal?

3 early veg/clippings, 3 vegging, 3 starting flowering, 3 full flowering/harvest. That's a model for perpetual harvest.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
yeah, oil and extracts do count and that is why I have bubble bags. if I get close, I take the least attractive buds and make them tiny in weight so the limit is avoided. CC that makes me want to CO-OP LOL; legal co-op is on the radar of police? or is he saying that only the big time line stepppers and envelope pushers are going to get the hammer dropped? I'm toying with the co-op idea with some dudes I met recently. They are a little young-as in they don't recall Nancy Regan and the Nazi Germany type enviro I dealt with in the day. it makes them kind of, well jsut oblivious I guess not dumb but really close to dumb. like "well, why would they bust us we got cards" maybe cuz you're in a WAREHOUSE OF WEED? LOL!


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of converting some bud to concentrates. Seems that would reduce the calculated oz on hand, as c&t commented. Someone could conceal sealed mason jars in storage in places I suppose. I get it. Thanks a lot

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Yep Abe is right on that one. I tried to tell them guys that a distressed or totally fucked up house at auction or something is the way to go. own that shit do't rent a warehouse! rent is not a good idea at all IMO and a warehouse is WAY not a good idea IMO. Also, ABE: it's been a minute (or a week) since I called you out publically on some thread and was a dick to you so here is a public appology to you. I am sorry. A PM wouldn't make up for it so here for all to see I was a prick to Abe and he's good guys so that was my bad. Sorry.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I like the idea of converting some bud to concentrates. Seems that would reduce the calculated oz on hand, as c&t commented. Someone could conceal sealed mason jars in storage in places I suppose. I get it. Thanks a lot
I'd beware of "hiding" cops have week long seminars on how to find your stash. illegal guys have tried and most fail. Another thing that might help out is cultivating a relationship with others and a dispensary. That way if you are about to go over or something you can go consign an oz or "give" a buddy some weight til you clear out a space for it. trades too, for strain tolerance and variety. just an opinion but it's helped me keep numbers where I like them BELOW my stated limits.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
big hug Corey (lol).
I was a ginormous ass that whole week and prolly wore a few of ya'll down going back n forth w hic. that was my bad, I'll have to learn a better way to settle my differences online. sorry for any distress I caused anyone!!