So how often do you crop?


Well-Known Member
you fuckers-

sure have big heads to think all this shit up.

who's gettin busted. even recently, who is gettin their door smashed in and popo sayin, 100 wet!!!!!!!!! we got em!!!!!!!!!!!!

everyone has plants dryin, get a life. they arent smokable till i say they are, simple as that. no cops testin guys on how long thier cure time is. if the cops busted me id be over weight just on the roaches what fell behind the workbenches and shit.

"i was savin all them roaches to try and take over the next election offficer."

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Well as Dr.Bob stated before in the co-op grow thread which is just a joke btw that with 12 plants your going to keep pretty much under the radar as long as only you know about your grow and no one else does. My brother is a police officer in some city here in Michigan and he knows I grow for myself and we have talked about it. He also made it clear that DEA and Fed raids come about more so because of co-op and or just plain illegal grows. It's simple really, try and make big money and expect to get caught. Always better to be safe then sorry, this cannot be stressed enough!
While I think there were some good points made in the Coop thread this post has a real gem. Try and make big money and expect to get caught.. This really is key. The MMMA is not legalization, nor is it an ok for a commercial grow. You are supposed to grow enough to meet your needs, or have a friend grow for you. The compensation is designed to offset the cost of your hobby if you are a grower. Keep this in mind, keep quiet, and you will avoid most contact with leo.

There is an old story about two guys going bear hunting. One joked to the other that he couldn't out run the bear. The other replied that he only had to out run him. LEO looks for low hanging fruit. They are not going to spend resources debating if your 8 plants are 'too much' for medical use, when they have a guy down the road growing 400 to sell his 'overages' at a dispensary or farmers market. Make sure you are not the photo op they are looking for.

Dr. Bob


Well-Known Member
I'm getting my card in the first place to be conservative. The problem I have is the jarring and curing that I like takes months. I'll have to get creative. I don't think I'm going to debate cured vs uncured bud with the cops. I agree that's a debate I'm not likely to win.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
while lots of things have changed it's NOT changed that one key part that's always been a weed grower's motto; don't tell don't call attention to yourself and don't get the cops there in the first place. The rest is legal semantics for lawyers to fight out. We're still more moonshiner than we are brewers at budweiser. side note, love that show about moonshiners LOL

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
The other thing a lot of folks don't think about is what is involved in a section 8 defense.

1/ You get arrested and spend at least a few hours if not a few days in jail.
2/ You get to pay bond, in cash, or pay a bondsman a very high interest rate (putting something you like up as collateral) in order to get out of jail.
3/ You get to hire an attorney. A good one can be had for about 10K or more for a case that requires work.
4/ You get to hire experts, expensive ones, like doctors (3-5K), growers willing to testify, oil makers, etc. They weight the plants, you have to prove what is 'dry enough' to be considered usable, what a proper TRIMMED weight is, and so on and so on.
5/ You get to prove how much you need, and produce a doctor's recommendation that you juice (which requires high weight) over all other forms of ingestion, for example.
6/ You have to hire a researcher to counter the tricks a prosecutor with many AP's, labs, and the nearly unlimited power and resources of the state will come up with. For example, in one current case in the UP, they are making the case that hash oil and concentrates are not medical marijuana- BS I know, but you get to pay to prove them wrong.
7/ You get to devote the next year or more of your life to doing all this.
8/ If you lose, you go to jail and still have to pay your bills. If you win, you pissed them off, they know who you are and where you live. Good time to move.
9/ BTW how is your boss and your spouse going to handle all this drama?

So the next time you read some idiot in a tin foil hat telling you that if you paint a red line around your outdoor grow and put up a sign 'do not cross line' you have 'secured' it, this is what they are setting you up to go through. Know the difference between 'enclosed' and 'secured'. A prison exercise yard is 'secured'. A cell is 'enclosed'. Don't learn that the hard way.

Dr. Bob


Well-Known Member
The other thing a lot of folks don't think about is what is involved in a section 8 defense.

1/ You get arrested and spend at least a few hours if not a few days in jail.
2/ You get to pay bond, in cash, or pay a bondsman a very high interest rate (putting something you like up as collateral) in order to get out of jail.
3/ You get to hire an attorney. A good one can be had for about 10K or more for a case that requires work.
4/ You get to hire experts, expensive ones, like doctors (3-5K), growers willing to testify, oil makers, etc. They weight the plants, you have to prove what is 'dry enough' to be considered usable, what a proper TRIMMED weight is, and so on and so on.
5/ You get to prove how much you need, and produce a doctor's recommendation that you juice (which requires high weight) over all other forms of ingestion, for example.
6/ You have to hire a researcher to counter the tricks a prosecutor with many AP's, labs, and the nearly unlimited power and resources of the state will come up with. For example, in one current case in the UP, they are making the case that hash oil and concentrates are not medical marijuana- BS I know, but you get to pay to prove them wrong.
7/ You get to devote the next year or more of your life to doing all this.
8/ If you lose, you go to jail and still have to pay your bills. If you win, you pissed them off, they know who you are and where you live. Good time to move.

So the next time you read some idiot in a tin foil hat telling you that if you paint a red line around your outdoor grow and put up a sign 'do not cross line' you have 'secured' it, this is what they are setting you up to go through. Know the difference between 'enclosed' and 'secured'. A prison exercise yard is 'secured'. A cell is 'enclosed'. Don't learn that the hard way.

Dr. Bob
Someone should really go post this in Ryans fake MMJ card thread lol.

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Look guys, I am not trying to be an 'asshat' whatever that is. We are all adults here and are used to managing our risk as we go about our lives. But the key to managing risk is knowing what it is. I've seen the tricks they pull in court. I've seen public defenders play the game with patients- 'what is your offer to get this off the docket mr. prosecutor sir....'. Doctors who sign based on a 'sworn statement' you are sick, with nothing to back it up, for a higher fee than if you brought records, or through the mail, go home from court. Lawyers go home from court. It is just another day at the office. But the cost to patients, caregivers, and their families is huge and life altering. How many divorces over criminal cases are there?

Decide if it is worth it when some poster on the internet suggests you can do something that sounds like you might have to answer for it. That is why I've always recommended a conservative approach. The tide is turning, we can safely do more every election cycle. Give it the time it takes to get those with badges and handcuffs time to adjust their view of the world and cannabis. The courts are starting to turn, let's not give the Schuettes and Jones of Lansing sound bites about 'abuses of the law- 18 year old with stubbed toe has 500 plant "medical" grow'...

Dr. Bob


Well-Known Member
yeah, oil and extracts do count and that is why I have bubble bags. if I get close, I take the least attractive buds and make them tiny in weight so the limit is avoided. CC that makes me want to CO-OP LOL; legal co-op is on the radar of police? or is he saying that only the big time line stepppers and envelope pushers are going to get the hammer dropped? I'm toying with the co-op idea with some dudes I met recently. They are a little young-as in they don't recall Nancy Regan and the Nazi Germany type enviro I dealt with in the day. it makes them kind of, well jsut oblivious I guess not dumb but really close to dumb. like "well, why would they bust us we got cards" maybe cuz you're in a WAREHOUSE OF WEED? LOL!
Yes legal co-ops. the fact is most dispensaries are probably being watched as well, there will be no end to them wanting arrests. We have to understand that even though the rules have changed for us, it hasn't for them. I can google 100 stories of illegal raids in two seconds. The warning my bro gave to me is keep it under the current statues and tell no one!


New Member
How often Do I crop lol .. If I told you this I would be stupid in the first place to admit to setting the bar when there is way to many variables involved in a grow ( Harvest or Perpetual ) to honestly do such ..

Surely there is an average and regular harvest but I like to grow as much variety as possible and this really puts a spin on things ...

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
section 8 housing? isn't that federal assistance that is dependant on you not having drug charges and other such federal asshattery (btw: asshat is interweb for silly moron)? that's a no brainer-if you're on section 8 and like having it DO NOT GROW POT OR GET CAUGHT WITH POT EVER! Has anyone you have gone to court to defend actually won and got their section 8 voucher back? My wife is in social work and section 8 is hard to get and hard to keep from what she has seen and with drugs involved it's jsut done and over without much discussion.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
CC, thanks. That's just confirming what I thought. it's got to be worth it for them, so don't make it worth their while. Like the same reasons you plant one here and one there and not a patch when you're a guerilla grower outdoors.


New Member
Initiated Law 1 of 2008
333.26428 Defenses.
8. Affirmative Defense and Dismissal for Medical Marihuana.
Sec. 8. (a) Except as provided in section 7, a patient and a patient's primary caregiver, if any, may assert the medical purpose for using marihuana as a defense to any prosecution involving marihuana, and this defense shall be presumed valid where the evidence shows that:
(1) A physician has stated that, in the physician's professional opinion, after having completed a full assessment of the patient's medical history and current medical condition made in the course of a bona fide physician-patient relationship, the patient is likely to receive therapeutic or palliative benefit from the medical use of marihuana to treat or alleviate the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition or symptoms of the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition;
(2) The patient and the patient's primary caregiver, if any, were collectively in possession of a quantity of marihuana that was not more than was reasonably necessary to ensure the uninterrupted availability of marihuana for the purpose of treating or alleviating the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition or symptoms of the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition; and
(3) The patient and the patient's primary caregiver, if any, were engaged in the acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use, delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana or paraphernalia relating to the use of marihuana to treat or alleviate the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition or symptoms of the patient's serious or debilitating medical condition.
(b) A person may assert the medical purpose for using marihuana in a motion to dismiss, and the charges shall be dismissed following an evidentiary hearing where the person shows the elements listed in subsection (a).
(c) If a patient or a patient's primary caregiver demonstrates the patient's medical purpose for using marihuana pursuant to this section, the patient and the patient's primary caregiver shall not be subject to the following for the patient's medical use of marihuana:
(1) disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau; or
(2) forfeiture of any interest in or right to property.

History: 2008, Initiated Law 1, Eff. Dec. 4, 2008
Compiler's Notes: MCL 333.26430 of Initiated Law 1 of 2008 provides:10. Severability.Sec. 10. Any section of this act being held invalid as to any person or circumstances shall not affect the application of any other section of this act that can be given full effect without the invalid section or application.