The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Voted there bubbles. You probably downloaded the wrong bit version ae. Either 64 or 32

Two of my clones seem to have made it too. Roots coming from the bottom of the pots this eve.

thats the next aspect of my growing i have to work on, my cloneing, i think i`ve messed with roots and stems and training stuff for long enoough, and i think i have that part down so cloneing is the next job, i have some rooting powder but hear the gel is better, did you start them in rockwool pad or straight into soil...


Active Member
Used them Root Riot cubes ae. Say next time I'm just gonna start seeds or clone straight in coco. The seedlings and the clones seem to have came on since I potted up to coco. Dont get me wrong, cant really fault them but I'd say just get the Clonex gel if you can and thats enough. FFS some people talk about cloneing in just water or sand.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah yeah i`d say i`ll get it down to a fairly easy technique, just need mothers to work off now so won`t be for a while, think the next time i crack seeds will be well after january.....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so i`m down to one room now this lot are ready to chop, so that`ll help on the leccey now aswell, god i`ll be saveing money all round...

quite happy with my own little take on the small hempy grow, got some plants with potential, and sme defective lookers.. will let them all go there own road until they sex, then its a sort for fem`s and chuck the rest...

as there straight to flower from seed and only 2 litres of soil its going to be a tricky one this...

so the plan is to take all lower branchs and growth leaveing only the tops to form buds, also i`ll top them, this will be done before the lower growth is removed for obvious reasons, thats about all the training etc for these so very minimal gardening, and lets hope some good rewards.....


Well-Known Member
What german shit md? How you been mate? quite around here last few days, another couple of fresh pics, alot of growth in the sugar leaves and tonight she will get more bloom nutes than grow nutes, ive been breaking her in adding a little bloom to the grow nutes and now shes ready for bigger feeds
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they look healthy and beautiful hope they turn out great for you, great job man. I've been good just had the thanksgiving holiday so i had to travel back to texas for the holiday, I hate leaving california!


Well-Known Member
for all you green crack fans sickmeds seeds has it: green crack x green crack (selfed). one the best strains on the planet in imo!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
god i`m getting a little excited now, like a kid at christmas waiting on santy... i won`t say exactly what i think the yeild will be but i do think its about 5 times the last one, and i`m well happy with the progress the 12/12 from seed plants are makeing so it might be a doer from now on and be gone with the veg box, and if need be all i need to do is up the hours on the hps and they`ll vegs anyways so no real loss...

so now doing away with the cfl altogether so prob get the bro growing or something...


Well-Known Member
Just cut the hermy down found no seeds so far happy days lets hope the rest of the crop in two weeks will be the same goodnight lads thanks again for voting for my buddy


Active Member
ye the frost is out man.did ya get yourself a thermo yet?86 when ya get used ta google chrome ya,ll never go back too internet explorer trust me its way better and faster.


Well-Known Member
Had to add the heater last week because its gone so chilly, I have it coming on as it dips below 13'c...lights on and it's raises to 26'c
girls seem to be happy enough.


Well-Known Member
Its not getting any warmer thats for sure! that place fat richies where i bought the parts wouldent reply to me at all and i ended up starting a paypal dispute and within 5 mins of starting the dispute he contacted me, its not an irish grow shop he is in belgium and abit of a ballox. i got the refund and bought everything from belfast indoor gardening, went all out and bought the digital ballast and two bulbs one dual spec one hps 400w, palgron royal mix too

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
no thermo yet, but things seem ok so far, no signs on the girls apart from the odd bit of red on the leave stems etc, nothing on main stems, and certainly no other signs..

bloody cold enough that i really should know tho.. trek if he`s reading this will prob be laughing his ass off, he`s always onto me to get one too..;)

how you finding the shed growing these days jay? still haveing some issues with the condensation myself, as i have to lock it up so often the air circ is still not up to the job, think i`ll have to work in an extractor fan of some kind..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Its not getting any warmer thats for sure! that place fat richies where i bought the parts wouldent reply to me at all and i ended up starting a paypal dispute and within 5 mins of starting the dispute he contacted me, its not an irish grow shop he is in belgium and abit of a ballox. i got the refund and bought everything from belfast indoor gardening, went all out and bought the digital ballast and two bulbs one dual spec one hps 400w, palgron royal mix too

be watching this one closely, as we were talking about before, the soil is my next upgrade so want to see what yours look like, and with 400w on them.... should be good....;)


Well-Known Member
You watch Boardwalk Empire at all. Just watched the latest ep there and cant believe the shit thats after happenin.
I download and watch that show every week it comes out paddy! great show i love it but then i like all gangster shows, good actors in this show tho and the ending of the last episode was indeed class lol bring on the war, al capone - i need a bath and a steak then we talk about who dies - lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so flush done and had them tipped on there sides a little to drain the res for about two hours this morning so they should be well dry, and thats it now, not another thing to do, i`ve already done a major de-foiliation, takeing most of the sun leafs and exposeing the buds almost completely, so they should be fairly dry pots by sunday..