Lost a freind today


Active Member
Don't ever let anyone say it's gets essayer to loose a pet when you get older.

Tag was seven when he passed. This dog slept near,with or on me most every day of his life. At 128 lb's he stood 31 inch's tall and was all puppy at heart. Tag was loved by most all that knew him. Some folks are just scared of rotties.



New Member
Sorry to hear about your loss mate. I mean no disrespect when i saw this, Nothing pleases a dog more then pleasing you, Sounds like Tags passing is a good reason to go out in he woods and dig a hole, or 2 or 3. Follow me? Please forgive if i have offended, but its the right time of year, And besides i would consider it like a spiritual guard dog ya know.

I can just imagine you half asleep having a conversation with the spirit you have shared so much of yourself with, Some real Lassie shit. "Whats that you say Tag, A ripper scout saw my spot, there coming back next week."

Maybe i'm to high, it is late. Sorry for your loss.



Well-Known Member
No fun losing a mate stumps. I love my animal family and have lost a few over the years. It does cut deep. But as p@ssw0rd said, you've probably got him by your side now.


Active Member
Thanks for the nice words... yes over the years I to have lost many a freind to cancer both human and pet. Living next to a nuke site has it's down falls. But on the bright side we all glow at night and most of the plants love it.


Well-Known Member
Awwww, he looks like a big sweet heart. I love big dogs, and I agree, it's never easy to lose a pet. If it's easy, then something's wrong with you.

Sorry for your loss hun.


Well-Known Member
sorry your dog died he looks almost exactly like mine mine is rot german shephard mix named porkchop he is the shit again sorry yours died ooks like a rot or a rot mix what was it


Active Member
he is rott/sheperd mix. I will post a pic of his sister when I get them on the pc. she doesn't look much like him. Holly shit I have a book shelf on my wall. has three shelfs 8' long I was hearing a ticking thought something was banging the wall in my grow room.all of a sudden crash the whole thing just came down on me and my little dog. fuck what a mess. jeezze what a shity day lol.


Well-Known Member
If i could cry i would.....

Looks like you two got on with each other real great...


New Member
No fun losing a mate stumps. I love my animal family and have lost a few over the years. It does cut deep. But as p@ssw0rd said, you've probably got him by your side now.
Thanks for the nice words... yes over the years I to have lost many a freind to cancer both human and pet. Living next to a nuke site has it's down falls. But on the bright side we all glow at night and most of the plants love it.
Awwww, he looks like a big sweet heart. I love big dogs, and I agree, it's never easy to lose a pet. If it's easy, then something's wrong with you.

Sorry for your loss hun.
he is rott/sheperd mix. I will post a pic of his sister when I get them on the pc. she doesn't look much like him. Holly shit I have a book shelf on my wall. has three shelfs 8' long I was hearing a ticking thought something was banging the wall in my grow room.all of a sudden crash the whole thing just came down on me and my little dog. fuck what a mess. jeezze what a shity day lol.
Gosh stumpsx2!!! It is extremely painful to lose a best friend whether the four or 2 legged kind.

I lost my shepherd the end of last November.
She was struck and killed by a car right in front of me and it was my fault.

Now I have tears streaming down my face for all the beautiful humans who shared their love with their best four legged friend. :cry:

My heart is with you buddy. So sorry for your loss. :cry::cry::cry: I know my heart is aching right now with you.

Here are some pics of her.



New Member
I'm crying enough here for all of us. Thats heart breaking. I am so so sorry for your loss. It is truly heart-breaking:cry::cry::cry:
If i could cry i would.....

Looks like you two got on with each other real great...


Active Member
Sorry for you man, but I am glad you have dedication like that to your four legged friends, take comfort in the fact that you were such a good friend and you both enriched each others lifes.


New Member
Yes indeed. I believe even animals enter into our lives to teach us things we need to learn.

Awww.....I better stop posting here....:(
So sorry for your loss. I am also deeply touched by your loss.
OUCH!!! :( :( :(


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Sorry to hear of your loss, it is almost harder to lose a pet. The unconditional love they have for us and we for them is so strong. Almost stronger than some human bonds. I am an animal lover ( have 2 Labrador Retrievers right now) and have lost pets in the past, it is never easy. You have to keep busy, mourn the loss and eventually you do feel better. Some peole find getting another dog helps to fill that void they leave. Not to replace the dog itself but another dog to keep your routine going or to totally turn your life upside down. Most dog people need or really want dogs around them, I know I am like that, can't live without them. Good luck to you and again sorry to hear of your loss. :peace:


New Member
I said I wasn't gonna come back here because I am such a hijacker BUT I have to agree wiht you on this one Chiceh. I was going to write the same type of thing but I didn't want to sound incompassionate to humans either. Dogs do give us unconditional love. They have a very special bond that only a dog can have with its owner and it really is a hard void to fill. They are so loyal and don't judge us like humans do.

I don't think you ever really fill it but another dog will certainly distract you enough to ease the pain of your loss.

Just don't get one if you are not ready to make that special bond.

Awww crying again. :cry:

ok I'm outta here. :-|
Sorry to hear of your loss, it is almost harder to lose a pet. The unconditional love they have for us and we for them is so strong. Almost stronger than some human bonds. I am an animal lover ( have 2 Labrador Retrievers right now) and have lost pets in the past, it is never easy. You have to keep busy, mourn the loss and eventually you do feel better. Some peole find getting another dog helps to fill that void they leave. Not to replace the dog itself but another dog to keep your routine going or to totally turn your life upside down. Most dog people need or really want dogs around them, I know I am like that, can't live without them. Good luck to you and again sorry to hear of your loss. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Sorry for your loss . I had to put my best friend down 2 yrs ago.. I have another dog now (same breed) It helps with the pain , But is not the same yet ... Sorry Bro...


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Sorry for your loss . I had to put my best friend down 2 yrs ago.. I have another dog now (same breed) It helps with the pain , But is not the same yet ... Sorry Bro...
I don't think it ever the same after losing your pet. I still miss the dog I had growing up, he lived for 16 years. When I see dogs that remind me of him, I still get sad and he has been gone for over 10 years. They leave a mark on us that will never go away. But your love for dogs and animals is still there and that void will need to be filled some how. I do agree you should always take your time and mourn the loss before considering a new dog or pet. :peace:


Active Member
I'm a new nobody here, spend most of my time lurking and learning.

Your loss has prompted me to reply for the first time.

I'm a dog lover also.

40 years old and only had 3 dogs. My dogs have always been long lived. They have all truly been my very BEST friends.

The grief I've felt at each ones passing was extreme to say the least.

I'm truly sorry for your loss.


New Member
Aww chiceh gurl. You don't often express your feeling but when you do it is heart felt gurl. :-|

I have to agree wiht you there also. They just leave a mark on us forever unlike anything a human can offer.
I don't think it ever the same after losing your pet. I still miss the dog I had growing up, he lived for 16 years. When I see dogs that remind me of him, I still get sad and he has been gone for over 10 years. They leave a mark on us that will never go away. But your love for dogs and animals is still there and that void will need to be filled some how. I do agree you should always take your time and mourn the loss before considering a new dog or pet. :peace:
I'm a new nobody here, spend most of my time lurking and learning.

Your loss has prompted me to reply for the first time.

I'm a dog lover also.

40 years old and only had 3 dogs. My dogs have always been long lived. They have all truly been my very BEST friends.

The grief I've felt at each ones passing was extreme to say the least.

I'm truly sorry for your loss.
42 here and through both happy and sad tears . You feel the heart of true dog lovers.

Here is to all dog lovers of the world. Hugs and kisses to you all. :hug::hug::hug:

Now speaking of dogs I have to take mine for a walk.



Well-Known Member
omg lacy my girl just saw your avatar and threw a redbull at my head !

im blaming you !