Lost a freind today


Active Member
I said I wasn't gonna come back here because I am such a hijacker BUT I have to agree wiht you on this one Chiceh. I was going to write the same type of thing but I didn't want to sound incompassionate to humans either. Dogs do give us unconditional love. They have a very special bond that only a dog can have with its owner and it really is a hard void to fill. They are so loyal and don't judge us like humans do.

I don't think you ever really fill it but another dog will certainly distract you enough to ease the pain of your loss.

Just don't get one if you are not ready to make that special bond.

Awww crying again. :cry:

ok I'm outta here. :-|

I still have two other dogs and they help but i think they are missing him too.his sister keeps whinning and looking for him. and he was the little male boxer/pits buddy cuz rease is such a B.I.T.C.H to the males.


Well-Known Member
Shit, I'm shedding tears ...

Dogs are wonderful friends, the best anyone could ask for. I love cats, too ... and I know how hard it is to lose them. Lost one of the best friends I'd ever had a few years ago, and I still miss him.

Dogs are a product of their environment, and Tag looks like a lover if there ever was one. My current doggy friend is half pitbull, and people are terrified of him, but only until he goes bounding up to them wagging his tail and smiling a mile wide ...

People who have pets are some of the bravest people in the world, I think. They know when they enter into the relationship that they'll most likely outlive their buddy by decades ... which is a reason to love them all the more.

You loved him, he loved you. Beautiful thing, that.

(I'm seriously crying now ... ;_; )

Hang in there, friend. *HUG*

Don't ever let anyone say it's gets essayer to loose a pet when you get older.

Tag was seven when he passed. This dog slept near,with or on me most every day of his life. At 128 lb's he stood 31 inch's tall and was all puppy at heart. Tag was loved by most all that knew him. Some folks are just scared of rotties.