what strains would do good in Arizona climate? (hot and dry)

Ive been threw many plants that have died from heat stress and I'm tired of being let down. Are there any particular strains that do well in low humidity and warm to hot climates?


New Member
Ive been threw many plants that have died from heat stress and I'm tired of being let down. Are there any particular strains that do well in low humidity and warm to hot climates?
ive grown white widow many times and cant kill the stuff for the life of me! ive done everything you could imagine to it.also your growing outside i presume? put some poles in the ground and put some window screen over your plant like a make-shift roof and it will block the light some and keep them cooler.also put as big as a drum or jug as you can get and fill it with water then poke a tiny hole in it to let it drip slowly over time to drip irrigate your plants


Well-Known Member
kushberry hahah are you growin indoors? you need an ac and some fans plants can grow in hot weather but if its 99 in your room with no moving air or fresh intake or a/c youyr fucked and your buds will never be quality.. its all about making the environment perfect thats the key to growing indoors, it shouldnt matter how it is outside you need to control the inside. expect high power bill from runnin a/c.

if your outside just water everydaay if its summertime. plant your seeds or clones on easter and cut hawloween. or you can throw a decent size plant out now and will start to flower
thanks for the replys. Yeah I'm growing outdoors. I have a bag seed that my dealer found in his most recent pound and he gave it to me and she is doing good. But the weather is also perfect. I'm just planning ahead for my summer grow.


Well-Known Member
they will thrive in the summer you will be suprised put them in the ground if you can instead of a pot. just dig a hole fill it with soil just dont forget to water
Are you serious about putting them in the ground? Wouldn't it just be the sam as being in a big pot? And ive read a little bit that afghan kush doesbgood in heat but ill check out the other African strands too. Thanks for the replys.