whats wrong im using waterfarm with air stone in res and 23 watt 5000k cfl 2 inches away from 6 inch clone
in res im using floraseries: micro 2.5ml a gal, bloom 2.5ml a gal, grow 2.5ml a gal, rapid start 2.5mls a gal botanicare calmag plus 3ml a gal, superthrive 5 drops in total ppm@450 distiled water hp 5.5- 6.1 but try to keep it at 5.5 goes up in 4 hours, ppm goes up a lil daily aroun 10 ppm, fresh air 4 times a day, temp@ 69. had spider mites got them coverd yesterday with ecosmart spray.....
in res im using floraseries: micro 2.5ml a gal, bloom 2.5ml a gal, grow 2.5ml a gal, rapid start 2.5mls a gal botanicare calmag plus 3ml a gal, superthrive 5 drops in total ppm@450 distiled water hp 5.5- 6.1 but try to keep it at 5.5 goes up in 4 hours, ppm goes up a lil daily aroun 10 ppm, fresh air 4 times a day, temp@ 69. had spider mites got them coverd yesterday with ecosmart spray.....