am i ready to harvest (pics)


Weed Modifier
i think it can go a bit longer...hairs are just starting to change color, new bud growth still forming/filling out.
how many days of 12/12 are you at?
blue cheese - first grow. 250w hps, about 6 weeks into 12/12. think growth was stunted due to cold temperatures. (grow is in shed out back)


Well-Known Member
definitely another 2 weeks. Hairs will almost all be orange/dark tan and will start receding into the bud when it is ready to cut. Frosty ;)
thanks for the advice guys, yea i think i'l leave it 2 weeks, its my first grow and more of a learning curve, il get myself a magnifying glass in future


Well-Known Member
Good luck to you! We've all been on the first grow before ;) Your's is looking a lot better than my first attempt at growing schwag bagseed, hahaha. And yes, I'd definitely invest in a jewler's loupe (30x) or a mini pocket microscope (100x) from Radioshack or Amazon.