The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Just back from the farmers market, stuffed me face on freebies and bought shit loads too haha. The wifes just gone to asda to get me some ice as im making some gumby this afternoon. Fancied the dry ice method but gonna do it the poor mans way, only done this once or twice and was ok, hoping for better results this time.


Well-Known Member
Dunno about posting it mate. Will it not get scanned b4 it goes on a plane back to the UK?. Lol I just tapped the baggies over my pubes, I tell ya, there were a few squeals when I had to rip the tape off Lmfao!


Well-Known Member
Butane is way more volatile than ISO
The ISO fumes are minimal, just do it near an open window. Preferably outside if possible

Cheers man! I thought it would only make a couple of g's lol. I'm thinking about buying a honey bee extractor to make bho. Gumby is the easiest I think. It's a mix of Exo and afghan kush trim. I've watched vids on iso hash, it's the fumes that put me off. I'm the type if cunt to set myself alight lol


Well-Known Member
How is everyone today? off work coz of broken ribs an no bud so jus sitting here reading up on smallholding/farming etc


Well-Known Member
lmao. i was thinkin more like a Q or halfa. but straping them to my balls seems a good idea. Some one told me to post it bk... good or bad idea?
I always fly, and I always just keep the hash in my pocket, or occasionally down my pants. Having said that, I'm an innocent looking fella, so I never get stopped anyway. I also don't worry about it, so don't give myself away sweating about it. I only ever bring back a half Oz at a time though...nowadays.

I also took some mdma through singapore airport on a transfer on my way to Thailand once....That was a slightly damp moment though I have to say. I'm not sure I'd risk that again.
I've got a few stories I guess. Once brought weed from Lao to Thailand and had an argument with the head of the border (a guy in a proper communist style military outfit) because I didn't want to pay a fine for overstaying my visa. Obviously they never thought to search my bag, what moron would start a fight over $20 if they had an ounce of sensi in their backpack ;)
Was amazing weed though, and only cost like $1 for the small carrier bag full. Weed was basically free in Lao in 2000!!

Sometimes a bit of front help. Got me out of time in a cell in Thailand (without having to pay a hefty bribe either!) when I got collared while skinning up at a full moon party!! Fucking close call that one!!
I've never had close calls like that bringing stuff though uk airports.


Well-Known Member
I always fly, and I always just keep the hash in my pocket, or occasionally down my pants. Having said that, I'm an innocent looking fella, so I never get stopped anyway. I also don't worry about it, so don't give myself away sweating about it. I only ever bring back a half Oz at a time though...nowadays.

I also took some mdma through singapore airport on a transfer on my way to Thailand once....That was a slightly damp moment though I have to say. I'm not sure I'd risk that again.
I've got a few stories I guess. Once brought weed from Lao to Thailand and had an argument with the head of the border (a guy in a proper communist style military outfit) because I didn't want to pay a fine for overstaying my visa. Obviously they never thought to search my bag, what moron would start a fight over $20 if they had an ounce of sensi in their backpack ;)
Was amazing weed though, and only cost like $1 for the small carrier bag full. Weed was basically free in Lao in 2000!!

Sometimes a bit of front help. Got me out of time in a cell in Thailand (without having to pay a hefty bribe either!) when I got collared while skinning up at a full moon party!! Fucking close call that one!!
I've never had close calls like that bringing stuff though uk airports.
lmao u mad cunt.
yeah i was thinking of sticking a few eighths in my clothes pockets in my bag and jus playin dumb acting like i forgot they where in there lol (if i got caught lol)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
lmao u mad cunt.
yeah i was thinking of sticking a few eighths in my clothes pockets in my bag and jus playin dumb acting like i forgot they where in there lol (if i got caught lol)

I think if you get stopped at UK customs coming back into the country with weed, under 10g is automatically considered personal (if no prior drug convictions) and a choice of taking it to court or pay an on the spot fine of about 75 notes. If it's 10g or over it automatically goes to court.


Well-Known Member
i once got pulled for a spot check and search in the street, cops were on an anti-blade crusade, and i was a dodgy looking skinhead, had half an oz of speed in seperate 1g bags, and i had an open wrap in my jacket pocket i had been dabbing at as i was walking around, fuckers searched every pocket and gave me a full pat down.....missed the fuckin lot. couple of months later i was thumbing it home from the pub absolutely flying out my box when a cop car with 3 plod in it stopped and gave me a lift, i had about 20 grams on me, got in the car with them and yapped like fuck , lol, it was pissing myself laughing about it for days.


Well-Known Member
I think if you get stopped at UK customs coming back into the country with weed, under 10g is automatically considered personal (if no prior drug convictions) and a choice of taking it to court or pay an on the spot fine of about 75 notes. If it's 10g or over it automatically goes to court.
looks like im bringing 10g back then! ha ha


Well-Known Member
Last time I was in the dam with a m8, the morning before we left I walked into the living room of the gaff we were stayin in and he had about ten littles baggies of weed on the table, a roll of cling film and a tub of Vaseline, I just walked back out and left him to it lol


Well-Known Member
Last time I was in the dam with a m8, the morning before we left I walked into the living room of the gaff we were stayin in and he had about ten littles baggies of weed on the table, a roll of cling film and a tub of Vaseline, I just walked back out and left him to it lol

i bet you didnt...........