Is 80 degrees too hot?


Well-Known Member
I had what I thought was the perfect temperature, about 72 degrees. Until I decided to add another 105 watf cfl. This has bumped my temperature up
to a steady 80 degrees. I do think I read somewhere that 80 is acceptable and promotes faster growth, but 90 is the dangerzone. I am not sure?

technical dan

Active Member
80 is fine its a bit over the generally recommended ideal but it shouldnt be bad. Get a little fan going in there to move air and watch for curling and raised edges on the leaves. If it has those its a little warmer than the plant wants to be. Just move your lights a little farther away if this happens. You should be good with a fan.


if u feed silica u'll notice that ur plant will be resistant to heat stress, diseases and its stem will become a lot thicker! true story


Active Member
The main reason I would recommend staying in the 70's would be from my own personal experience with bugs. IDK why but in the 70's the gnats seems to fuck off but after it gets in the 80's for a bit it seems to be the perfect temp to incubate their eggs and ruin my roots! As far as growth is concerned I would try to lower the temp in flowering if I were you but its not life or death.


Well-Known Member
I had what I thought was the perfect temperature, about 72 degrees. Until I decided to add another 105 watf cfl. This has bumped my temperature up
to a steady 80 degrees. I do think I read somewhere that 80 is acceptable and promotes faster growth, but 90 is the dangerzone. I am not sure?
Assuming your humidity is in acceptable range and the distance of your light source is not to close to your canopy then 80 degrees is fine. Optimal temperature for indoor horticulture is 75 degrees. 90 degrees is the danger zone especially if you have too many spikes. Growth stunting occurs and could lead to absence of growth.


New Member
No....65-85 is fine....below or above either n ur asking for probs....72-78 is ideal dude grows outdoors in florida...hitting 110°…they do fine...yes indoors is different than outdoors but as the person sd above if its a little warm keep a fan on em.