Early 12/12 Grow


Well-Known Member
Just My Thought, U Realy Should Give Them A Touch Of The Grow Side Of Things If Not Just For The Roots, Maybe A Week, U May See Even A Better Pick Up In The End. Again Just My Thoughts In Know Its The 12/12 Journal. But Couldn't We Lie For Just A Wk. Or Couple Days For Her Sake...db.:):):)

yea i guess...i just love to get things done fast...but i'll vegg for a little maybe even a month or more


Well-Known Member
i'll try...my order is still under review...i'll see if i can find a good 250watter
my bad, the room was spinning. lol

yea, if u had a 250 watter Ud be able to do 8-12 plants on 12/12 from seed.

the CFL's can be used on the clones/mothers.

damn im high.
blaze on


Well-Known Member
i just cancelled the last order and im placed an order for the 400watt hps....now its really cultivating time:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah you did make the right choice thats the one im getting very soon .... cannaboy check out my thread i got the close ups up of the pistils they look nice check it out bro


Well-Known Member
Cannaboy I Am Sorry, Are U Still Crying.....!!! Lol Db. Update. Foot Tapping, Bro, Ok More Rocking Back And Forth Than A Tap.!