
Well-Known Member
oh ya, I'm not really a doctor, I just play one on the internet, lol[/QUOTE]

Damn for real? So you mean you can't fix my busted up arm then? Damn it!


Well-Known Member
Yah, there should be a site wide ban on nasty pictures of dudes asses
Hey, there needs to be a lil something for everyone to enjoy. Not my fault it got quoted 50 times so you had to keep looking at it. Hell it's burned into my mind and it's equally as traumatizing.


Well-Known Member
Hey, there needs to be a lil something for everyone to enjoy. Not my fault it got quoted 50 times so you had to keep looking at it. Hell it's burned into my mind and it's equally as traumatizing.
Honestly I forgot all about it until everyone started bringing it back up :)

Gonna have to smoke a lil bubble hash to erase my memory again. lol


Well-Known Member
Hey, there needs to be a lil something for everyone to enjoy. Not my fault it got quoted 50 times so you had to keep looking at it. Hell it's burned into my mind and it's equally as traumatizing.
you had the ass of a toddler, be proud!


Well-Known Member
Heres a douchebag pic from back when I did the x. Lost like 70lbs

one more work pic too

I was a lil too skinny. Made my ears look big LOL!!!

