
Well-Known Member
lol u know ur self consciouss ass is gonna be thinking about that comment all day... i was kidding.. dont cry...

HEY!! BE NICE AND STOP PICKING ON THE GIRLS. A joke is a joke but you take it too far!! U love winding people up and tbh you DO take it well in return (!) But tone it down for fucks sake !! :)


Well-Known Member
HEY!! BE NICE AND STOP PICKING ON THE GIRLS. A joke is a joke but you take it too far!! U love winding people up and tbh you DO take it well in return (!) But tone it down for fucks sake !! :)
only if u strip down for a pimp... put on those lil spinning things that go on da nipples i likes that


Well-Known Member
only if u strip down for a pimp... put on those lil spinning things that go on da nipples i likes that
Playa if you rollin the way you say, you already have a passport, just jump a flight to Spain. You say 500$ a day, thats 182,000+ a year my man. Watch your pockets in Spain though, they're world famous.


Well-Known Member
Playa if you rollin the way you say, you already have a passport, just jump a flight to Spain. You say 500$ a day, thats 182,000+ a year my man. Watch your pockets in Spain though, they're world famous.
Ya world famous for draining your bank account and 401k


Staff member
im sorry suny... ive held and seen alot of titties in my life.. those are not double dds...
hmm d3monic can vouche for me. i wont retort with a photo lol also not every girl in the world shoves her tits in her pictures

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
lol your no pimp expres your just a dude that preys on weak willed girls . .. had plenty of friends like you over the years, hit on 100 girls and insult them . . . percentage wise at least one is going to have low enough self esteem to sleep with you . . .thats not pimp . . .thats desperate lol

pimp hand more like your wimp hand

you people have a weird way of flirting . . . . .