Newbie Grower


Hey All,

So i didn't expect to be growing marijuana, i found some seeds in the weed i had been buying and had attempted a few methods for plant growth. The first method i tried was just planting a seed and seeing what happened, the second was to plant add bong water and see what happens and then the final method was the way where you germinate the seed on paper towels, well of the three methods only 2 worked and it wasn't the germination.

I then happened to look out my window yesterday and see 2 budding little plants, i have named them Cheech and Chong, Cheech who got the bong water has really shot up and Chong is sprouting slowly. I transferred them from the window planter to a plant pot with the soil from the planter itself seeing as it seemed to have helped them, then following a few things i have been finding online i added a few used coffee grounds which is supposed to be a replacement for rose plant food and to control the acidity, i also made the white distelled vinegar fertiziler i found online and added it to the plant and bong water. At this moment in time during the day i place it outside the window to give it natural sunlight then at night i use a CFL bulb as recommended in one of the guides here.

My question to you guys is there anything i should have done different or should do differently?

I hope these plants are female and produce good bud but if not i don't see it as the end of the world, it's my first time and was a complete shock so i see this as more of a proof of concept that i can grow and then the next time if it doesn't work out i can learn from this and make improvements.

I have attached 2 pictures with my lamp and pot set up, its sitting beside a window that has shutters so i can adjust the air flow and light and what not.



Well-Known Member
Are they under any kind of light schedule? Are you growing it completely under the light or a mixture of the sun and the light? It's not going to bud until it's under a light schedule of 12 hours on and 12 hours off. Even at that, from the looks of it that plant has a few weeks until it's mature to run a flowering light schedule.


The only light schedule i am following is during the day to use natural sunlight, being where i am i have plenty of it and then at night when it's dark outside switch to the CFL bulb. That's the schedule i started i only noticed that these had sprouted yesterday so really i have nothing set in concrete yet.

I think they were in the outside planter for around 6 weeks before i transplanted them yesterday. There is a second smaller plant sprouting should he be in his own container?

If i told you the name of the strain i believe it is would it make it easier to help advise me on what to do?


Well-Known Member
Every plant should be in it's own pot/container, yes. No, it doesn't matter about the strain IMO. A marijuana plant will grow like a marijuana plant. Strain changes how long it will flower, yield, potency ect ect..


Knowing what strain you are growing plays a big role when it comes to growing/environment ect. I think you should put your babys in a bigger pot with some good hydro store medium I recommend-> View attachment 2430464 with ocean forrest soil you never have to give them nuts, the soils got it all. Best of luck mate!


Well-Known Member
Knowing what strain you are growing plays a big role when it comes to growing/environment ect. I think you should put your babys in a bigger pot with some good hydro store medium I recommend-> View attachment 2430464 with ocean forrest soil you never have to give them nuts, the soils got it all. Best of luck mate!
thats not true you will still need nutes just not as soon as other soils start feeding week 4 maybe 5 with ocean forest


I've used it for all my soil grows and I've literally never gave any plants any nutes, just put them in a bigger pot 3 different times for the full grow, just gave them water.


Well-Known Member
you need to repot that thing into a real container. is that made of paper? dont be so cheap on soil give them some room to grow


Well-Known Member
I've used it for all my soil grows and I've literally never gave any plants any nutes, just put them in a bigger pot 3 different times for the full grow, just gave them water.
must have been some small plants because a good size plant would use those nutes up quicker than you may think


My biggest problem is i am in Israel so i don't have access to 98% of what is available on the American market, so it would be very hard for me to find the medium you recommended. That was the same problem with the pot, was the best I could find at such short notice. I do intend to look for something a little bigger but i have no idea where to get it.

The strain is Forest Skunk, i believe it also goes by the name Colombian Skunk. I have tried finding out information on this strain to know more about it but the only information i have found is basically medical information about whats it's medical benefits are etc. haven't been able to find anything with information about the flowering time or light conditions or anything. Does anyone know of this strain and where I could find more information on it?


you need to repot that thing into a real container. is that made of paper? dont be so cheap on soil give them some room to grow

It's a solid plastic container, i had no idea on how much soil to take from the outdoor planter and put into the container when i transferred i put what i thought was enough. So you would recommend more soil in the container?


Well-Known Member
It's a solid plastic container, i had no idea on how much soil to take from the outdoor planter and put into the container when i transferred i put what i thought was enough. So you would recommend more soil in the container?
yes you wanna fill to about 1in from the top. did you add drain holes? also shouldnt use soil from outside inside your risking being infested


I added drain holes, this is soil from an outside planter it's not regular dirt. It has what looks like little white rocks mixed in with the dirt, i thought it was some kind of growing medium because it was in an outside planter and they seemed to flourish quite well, so i didn't think using it would be a problem.


Well-Known Member
I added drain holes, this is soil from an outside planter it's not regular dirt. It has what looks like little white rocks mixed in with the dirt, i thought it was some kind of growing medium because it was in an outside planter and they seemed to flourish quite well, so i didn't think using it would be a problem.
even if it was reg potting soil or whatever there is a high chance there were bugs and bug eggs in the soil just keep an eye on it i would hate for you to get over run


Thanks for the concern i will definitely keep an eye on it make sure nothing develops.

As for now i have added more soil to that container and have the one plant in it, as shown in the picture and Chong the smaller of the two has been transplanted back to the outdoor planter till i go get a container for her. I don't think with her size i need worry to much about her and focus on Cheech instead right now as she has super sprouted in the 6 weeks she was outside.



Active Member
shit. just keep em up. if ur working with sun during day and cfl or whatever at night. I am doin that now to save electric bill. keep em under light for a month or two. Keep light hittin em for 24. Then u could start lettin them get like 4-6 hours sleep. then u can control when u want to start flower(12/12). This is my opinion if u want some yield off of them. I found that i can keep in veg until im ready for flower just by the light. Good LUCK!

oh yeah....i do move them out in the sun if its not too cold and bring the fuckers in every evening and put them under some lights. i even had them just sittin in the kitchen with the lights on. no probs at all. Its like the possibilities are endless! This plant kicks ass, have a blast!


At this point she has been growing for 6 weeks outdoor in a planter with no human interference. So from this stage that i have transferred her to a planter what's a rough schedule i should be looking at for the various stages like switching to a 12/12 schedule and then flowering, because from what i read on line it takes about 4 months before your ready to harvest and dry so by my guess i should have something by March or would it be later than that?

And would i switch to the flowering schedule in another 2 weeks or another 4?


Well-Known Member
I've used it for all my soil grows and I've literally never gave any plants any nutes, just put them in a bigger pot 3 different times for the full grow, just gave them water.
He's not saying they won't grow without nutes, he is saying that by using FF, the OP can wait longer to add them.
Plants will always grow better with nutes than with plain soil.
OP.I don't advise just throwing vinegar and other additives into your soil unless you know what you are working with.
If your PH is already low, and you add vinegar, you may be causing more problems than you are helping.


Ok good to know, i was looking for a cheap home made plant nutrient and that's why i used it i have zero experience and i followed what he wrote to a tee.

Hopefully it all works out, this is a new learning experience.


OK been a couple of days and a couple of developments, i got a bigger pot for her and bought new soil with bat guano was hard to find but i succeeded.

I have a couple of questions though i have noticed that the lower end of the stalk is an olive green color whereas the top is more vibrant is this normal? what could have caused this and what solutions are there?