There is heat sensing equipment which can detect the unusual amount of energy


Will they be able to see 12 42 watt cfl light going in my cabinet and if so how do i protect that from hapening?


Well-Known Member
Will they be able to see 12 42 watt cfl light going in my cabinet and if so how do i protect that from hapening?
stop feeding the pigs! saying shit like this, making a statement then asking a question(as if we dont understand what you trying to do.), if i was a mod i would delete this thread and ban you for inciting fear.

your an asshole i just wanted to let you know. and no they will not catch you with heat sensing equipment for 12 42w CFL.



Well-Known Member
You can buy something (used to be called polyshield but I think the name's changed). It's like thick mylar and is supposed to block thermal imaging cameras. I have some in my cabinet. Not sure if it works though. Damn expensive too.


yo guys i have not started even growing yet i was just wondering cause i heard that they have those heat gun things im a first time grower come down!!! i just need to no how to make sure that dont happen if thats true?


Well-Known Member
Will they be able to see 12 42 watt cfl light going in my cabinet and if so how do i protect that from hapening?
CFL's are not even worth mentioning as far as a heat sig. that might be noticed, but if you're that worried about it, line your closet with some Dynamat.


Well-Known Member
Ur gonna need a lot more lights. If u get caught it wont be cause your power consumption or heat signature with a grow that sized.


Well-Known Member
@polyarcturus may i ask why you r such a cunt?
change the neame of your thread so as it is not the first thing some newb of the day reads and i will play nice.

because A) its not true B) its a statement and C) you did that cause your an asshole and to get attention.


Well-Known Member
OK. I'm not getting involved in the arguments but here's my take on it.
I live in the UK where, depending upon where you live, there are police helicopters, complete with thermal imaging cameras. Some counties have them, some don't.
About 3 years back I had a 600w HPS grow going in the loft. No tent, no insulation. One night, at 2 a.m. a police helicopter hovered about 30 feet above it for a good 10 minutes, pointing straight at it.
Hence the fairly large wedge of cash spent on polyshield the next day.
Nothing came of it, but I lived in a fairly 'high-profile' sports facility at the time and the grow was intentionally placed above the shower blocks (Where I figured they would assume the hot water tanks to be) and a bust would have been a major embarrassment if it went wrong/was a mistake.
Now, although you are only running cfl, there is 504w there which is pretty close to what I had, possibly more on the heat signature due to the greater inefficiencies of cfl. However, I think my mistake was a loft grow without insulation. If it's in your house, in a cupboard or tent etc, I see no problems. It's when it's producing heat somewhere not expected that it may be a worry. Then again, my mate (a non-grower) has his washing machine and tumble dryer in a shed in the garden and he hasn't been busted yet!