Really Tiny Auto Flower? First Time With Autos.


Active Member
Hey guys I've currently got 2 auto flower Big Bangs growing with my normal plants. I'm really confused tho as one of my Autos is only around 8inches (20cm) and already in full bloom and doesn't seem like its going to grow in height anymore. While the other Auto is just starting to show pistols now and is around 12inches (1 foot). Im worried that since it doesn't seem to be growing anymore besides buds, that its going to end up being a waste of space and light. They were both vegged under 18/6 for 1 month then moved to 12/12 about one week ago. Im just confused as to how one Auto can already have developed buds while the other is just starting, will it grow any taller then 8in or is it just going to produce buds now? Some kind of crazy pheno?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Auto plants dont need to be moved into 12/12... put them both on 18/6 and watch them grow phat buds


Well-Known Member
Auto plants dont need to be moved into 12/12... put them both on 18/6 and watch them grow phat buds

Yeah, I have 2 autos myself. Auto Blue Mystics & Auto Northern Lights.
There still seedlings, and this is my first experiance growing autos. So,
I need to know how everyone else does it? Can you top them? Can you
Super crop um? Is it better not to? Etc'? I would really apperciate your opinon.
Thanks bro.. Later.


Active Member
Low stress training is the best for auto IMO. Tie branches down so that more of the plant can get light. Dont pinch off or cut her. "They" say that you dont want to put auto thru the stress of it. Makes sense to me tho. Enough light and the right conditions people pul several ounces off one plant.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I've currently got 2 auto flower Big Bangs growing with my normal plants. I'm really confused tho as one of my Autos is only around 8inches (20cm) and already in full bloom and doesn't seem like its going to grow in height anymore. While the other Auto is just starting to show pistols now and is around 12inches (1 foot). Im worried that since it doesn't seem to be growing anymore besides buds, that its going to end up being a waste of space and light. They were both vegged under 18/6 for 1 month then moved to 12/12 about one week ago. Im just confused as to how one Auto can already have developed buds while the other is just starting, will it grow any taller then 8in or is it just going to produce buds now? Some kind of crazy pheno?

Thanks in advance!
OK, as Saldaw said, autos don't need 12-12. The more light they get during veg, the bigger they'll be when they start to flower, and the bigger they'll yield.

So if you can, ideally you'll want to grow them 18/6 lighting from ceed. You could even do 20-4 or 24-0 if you like. Autos will do better under 24-0 than 12-12, I think, though its debatable whether or not they do better under 24-0 than 18-6.

To answer the other questions, unlike some plants, many autos were bred specifically to be short "dwarf" plants so 8 or 12" plants are normal for some strains. They'll still grow a little in height during flowering, but not nearly as much as other stretchier normal strains you may be used to.

Why is one 8 and one 12? Why are you taller than your brother? That's probably normal genetic phenotypic variability. Along those lines, note that many auto lines haven't been fully stabilized, and you may have individual plants (or even all of them) that aren't "auto" and require 12-12 light for flowering.

technical dan

Active Member
dankster no topping and no supercropping. Like rizzo said adds a lot of stress LST probably ok and definitively bend & tuck fan leaves that are shading bud sites.


Active Member
Thanks guys, I know ideally the autos should be under 18-6 for the best growth. Tho due to space restrictions and light source I figured they be better under 12/12. Since I only have 300watts for veg and the veg space is full Id figure I'd get the best results from 12/12 under 1000watt Hps with my normal strains. I suppose if I had to I could make some room in veg but I think 12/12 1000watt will do better then 300watt 18/6?