Dwc little white worm like thing


So I was Changing the dwc in wk5 and I noticed a white worm looking creature squirming around. It's like 5-10 of them in total. First time I see something like this.

They are clones and been fine until I seen this. And I also was wondering if it is a pest or something in that category.


Active Member
Bro that def sounds like mosquito larvae... Where is your setup n where wher your clones placed? Maybe something wet from outside carried em in.


Well-Known Member
that would more than likely be a fungus gnat larvae, mosquitoes don't really have much interest in plants . sns209 , gnatrol, gognats, mosquito dunks with BTI.


Well-Known Member
personally I do like the sns209 because it's a systemic that stays in the plants system . Its nothing more than rosemary oil basically.


Well-Known Member
damn I had never heard of sns209 sounds sound.
me either till this marc dude here mentioned it, the only problem I see is def stopping use early since rosemary tasting bud might be an issue. I've used it for the first time this cycle and haven't seen a bug one. pests here are usually a problem, winter coming on helps a little though.


Well-Known Member
I've been familiar with the sns lineup but never knew they added one that went systemic. before that I had very little interest in their products but now I think I'll be using the 209 and the 244 . the 244 is a fungicide, nothing but thyme oil, has a odor too it but after you get used to it the odor is actually kind of pleasant, probably not in the tent though, little strong there I bet.


Well-Known Member
Definitely fungus gnat larvae. Which means there were some adults fucking around somewhere in time if not still.

While i've never had that in hydro, my first and last experience with soil I had them factory fresh from ShitFarmsGnatForest soil.