Marine imprisoned in Mexico over firearm.


Well-Known Member
FWIW its been 20+ years since I was in Mexico, but I had a great time every time I went. We went a lot when I lived near San Diego. Beautiful country with great natural resources. Unfortunately corruption runs rampant.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Well, like it or not, it is a sovereign nation and it has laws, amongst those laws are laws against importing fire arms. They are sick of Gringos bringing guns down. The whole story is a bunch of propaganda and I'm surprised there was no mention of swine flu. First off, all of the cartels get all of their weapons from the US and a large portion of them from the US government. Some fucking Marine he served with is quoted in this story and no Mexican official is quoted, nor is the Mexican law quoted. You slurp this shit up and say "fuck Mexico"...

Let me tell you what the average Mexican knows that you don't, the Zetas are just the CIA, the drug war is fueled by US demand and has cost Mexico 60,000+ lives in the last decade, and now you fucking assholes are legalizing this shit. How can you expect Mexico to foot the bill for military eradication? Guns are illegal in Mexico, this story would have you believe that US officials gave him a form to fill out. They don't take applications for exceptions to Mexican law and you don't go up to a Mexican cop and tell him you have committed a very serious crime. I have heard of people getting years over a single bullet.
god. youre wackier every day.

there are forms to allow exceptions to the mexican laws against owning a gun.
there are hunting permits, firearms transfer permits, importation permits,, etc etc etc.
he got fucked by not having his forms lined up ahead of time, but then mexican lawmen are as corrupt as the cartels so even the proper permits might not have helped.
the only permit he really needed was a couple hundred bucks to bribe the federales.

the cartels are NOT run by the cia, thats the sort of retarded conspiracy story you hear in every shithole nation looking for a boogeyman to blame for their own corrupt officials.
"gringos bringing guns down" american's fault, driving the gun trade by forcing the mexicans to buy their guns
"cartels bringing cocaine up" america's fault, driving the cocaine market with their demand by FORCING mexicans to sell them cocaine.

you logic is sterling as always.

heres the facts: the cartels dont get their guns from the US, they get em from china, russia, former soviet republics, small boutique gun runners, brazil, guatemala and el salvador. the reeason operation Wide Reciever failed aand was scrapped is that most opf the top quality aamericaan guns went into private collections and stayed there, while the cheap guns moved through the cartels like herpes in a mexican brothel. Wide Reciever waas aaall aaabout GPS tracking gun movements, to find the supply and distribution patterns, not to bust gun collectors for having a single quasi-legal m-16 or colt 1911. (quasi legal, since mexico is an Anarcho-Kleptocracy, where bribes are the supreme authority.)

just as an aside, "Wide Receiver" was not the fore-runner to Fast 'N' Furious, since wide receiver was about a few guns with gps trackers, as a co-operative program between mexico and the justice dept, but fast 'n furious was a gun running scam with vast numbers of guns, no gps trackers and no co-operation with mexico.

also, obama sucks, and eric cockbreath holder is a dirty corrupt gun-runner who should be in prison in mexico.

also, fuck mexico.


Active Member
Isn't Brietbart dead? Good riddance the brainwashing liar. Not necessarily on this story, but a ton of others.


Active Member
What would really happen if we legalized every drug? Would the cost of anti drug and rehabilitation programs outweigh the strangle hold drugs have on america? I feel like we should try it. We can always go back if it fails,right? Would the cartels cease to exist? I have heard the "War on drugs" slogan since I was little, it seems to not be working.

I think we should have a surge type strategy to deal with the players in the mexico region. Then all the head cartel leaders in the southern regions should be picked off by small covert operations, sniper missions. I know once one leader is dead another comes rearing his head, but this might slow or disrupted them for a while, eventually crushing them.

Mexico has some cool parts, but when ever I go down their I have my head on a swivel. Make sure I have my wits about me.



Well-Known Member
god. youre wackier every day.

there are forms to allow exceptions to the mexican laws against owning a gun.
there are hunting permits, firearms transfer permits, importation permits,, etc etc etc.
he got fucked by not having his forms lined up ahead of time, but then mexican lawmen are as corrupt as the cartels so even the proper permits might not have helped.
the only permit he really needed was a couple hundred bucks to bribe the federales.

the cartels are NOT run by the cia, thats the sort of retarded conspiracy story you hear in every shithole nation looking for a boogeyman to blame for their own corrupt officials.
"gringos bringing guns down" american's fault, driving the gun trade by forcing the mexicans to buy their guns
"cartels bringing cocaine up" america's fault, driving the cocaine market with their demand by FORCING mexicans to sell them cocaine.

you logic is sterling as always.

heres the facts: the cartels dont get their guns from the US, they get em from china, russia, former soviet republics, small boutique gun runners, brazil, guatemala and el salvador. the reeason operation Wide Reciever failed aand was scrapped is that most opf the top quality aamericaan guns went into private collections and stayed there, while the cheap guns moved through the cartels like herpes in a mexican brothel. Wide Reciever waas aaall aaabout GPS tracking gun movements, to find the supply and distribution patterns, not to bust gun collectors for having a single quasi-legal m-16 or colt 1911. (quasi legal, since mexico is an Anarcho-Kleptocracy, where bribes are the supreme authority.)

just as an aside, "Wide Receiver" was not the fore-runner to Fast 'N' Furious, since wide receiver was about a few guns with gps trackers, as a co-operative program between mexico and the justice dept, but fast 'n furious was a gun running scam with vast numbers of guns, no gps trackers and no co-operation with mexico.

also, obama sucks, and eric cockbreath holder is a dirty corrupt gun-runner who should be in prison in mexico.

also, fuck mexico.
Where ever the guns originate from changes not the fact that they all enter Mexico from the northern border, all of them, illegally. Some of them pushed by the US government as you have even admitted while attempting to blame Obama. Whatever, he is your president.

Want to talk about corrupt kleptocracy gringo? At least Mexican banks don't destroy lives by the tens of thousands and then get federal bailouts.

The most brutal cartel, the Zetas, is run by the CIA and everyone down here knows it. They were trained at Fort Bragg and fly American helicopters. They have the most advanced surveillance techniques and equipment the CIA makes. Now even HSBC is implicated in this so it's too big to fail.

The US isn't forcing Mexico to sell crack? They are just DEMANDING more crack.

Last but not least, no, they are not taking applications to allow exceptions for US service members to break serious laws. Particularly US service members, Mexico has not forgotten the invasion.


Well-Known Member
What would really happen if we legalized every drug? Would the cost of anti drug and rehabilitation programs outweigh the strangle hold drugs have on america? I feel like we should try it. We can always go back if it fails,right? Would the cartels cease to exist? I have heard the "War on drugs" slogan since I was little, it seems to not be working.

I think we should have a surge type strategy to deal with the players in the mexico region. Then all the head cartel leaders in the southern regions should be picked off by small covert operations, sniper missions. I know once one leader is dead another comes rearing his head, but this might slow or disrupted them for a while, eventually crushing them.

Mexico has some cool parts, but when ever I go down their I have my head on a swivel. Make sure I have my wits about me.

Legalize it, the cartels would lose a huge portion of market share and that would be good for Mexico and the US.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Where ever the guns originate from changes not the fact that they all enter Mexico from the northern border, all of them, illegally. Some of them pushed by the US government as you have even admitted while attempting to blame Obama. Whatever, he is your president.
hmm... so he is MY president? i wasnt pimping for him. that was you. firearms enter mexico from all directions, illegal weapons get smuggled into the US too. but when somebody smuggles shit into the US it's the US's fault, but when somebody smuggles shit into mexicio.. yeah it's the US's fault still. like i said, wackier every day.

Want to talk about corrupt kleptocracy gringo? At least Mexican banks don't destroy lives by the tens of thousands and then get federal bailouts.
yep. bankers suck, but the suckieness of bankers is directly proportional to their proximity to the USA. nice logic. i suppose bankers and finaancial assholes are all Bodhisattvas in south america, passing up their entry to paradise to share their light and wisdom with the huddled masses.

The most brutal cartel, the Zetas, is run by the CIA and everyone down here knows it. They were trained at Fort Bragg and fly American helicopters. They have the most advanced surveillance techniques and equipment the CIA makes.
pure speculation and conspiracy theory. did they learn the secret language of bigfoot, so they can call down a hundred sasquatches for aid if the incorruptible federales get too close? youre insane.

Now even HSBC is implicated in this so it's too big to fail.
hsbc,, the hong kong based chinese bank is NOW implicated, since you just implicated them. maybe Max Factor made the cartel moll's makeup, so now they are implicated too. look out whatever company owns the Aquanet hairspray brand... you're next!

The US isn't forcing Mexico to sell crack? They are just DEMANDING more crack.
no, the us has a demand for coke, or do you suppose it gets rocked up south of the border, so it's bulkier and harder to smuggle? further, wanting something and being willing to pay for it is COMMERCE not coercion. nobody makes mexico sell coke. just like nobody makes the US buy it. be less stupid.

Last but not least, no, they are not taking applications to allow exceptions for US service members to break serious laws. Particularly US service members, Mexico has not forgotten the invasion.
anybody who files the right forms and pays the fees can get a javelina or turkey hunting permit and a permit to bring their gun into mexico. my uncles used to hunt in mexico every year before the whole country went to shit. and what invvasion are you referring? the mexican american war? the hunt for pancho villa? spring break '93 in cabo? youre just spouting garbage now.


Well-Known Member
i bet he was arrested after he refused to pay the bribe. i've been to mexico with rifles, paid bribe because i had gasoline with me from states. they know every little law to jam you up, just hand em a 20 spot n move on. abandon...stop making sense....peace


Well-Known Member
i bet he was arrested after he refused to pay the bribe. i've been to mexico with rifles, paid bribe because i had gasoline with me from states. they know every little law to jam you up, just hand em a 20 spot n move on. abandon...stop making sense....peace
The federal police are very unlikely to take a bribe, they would much rather get a medal for arresting a gringo with a gun, that would make them a hero.


Well-Known Member
no, the us has a demand for coke, or do you suppose it gets rocked up south of the border, so it's bulkier and harder to smuggle? further, wanting something and being willing to pay for it is COMMERCE not coercion. nobody makes mexico sell coke. just like nobody makes the US buy it. be less stupid.

anybody who files the right forms and pays the fees can get a javelina or turkey hunting permit and a permit to bring their gun into mexico. my uncles used to hunt in mexico every year before the whole country went to shit. and what invvasion are you referring? the mexican american war? the hunt for pancho villa? spring break '93 in cabo? youre just spouting garbage now.
Mexican authorities are in the midst of a crackdown on Americans with guns. It is a big problem. Sending crack north isn't as big of a deal, since you people want the shit so much.

Yes, I was referring to the war. Every city in Mexico has streets named for important dates, people and places pertaining to that war.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Mexican authorities are in the midst of a crackdown on Americans with guns. It is a big problem. Sending crack north isn't as big of a deal, since you people want the shit so much.

Yes, I was referring to the war. Every city in Mexico has streets named for important dates, people and places pertaining to that war.
mexico cant even secure it's own military armories against the bandits. they are looking for somebody to blame for their own troubles.

cocaine is sent through mexico (middlemen stealing food from the hard working coca farmers of bolivia and colombia) to the market in the US, COCAINE not crack. "crack" is an adulterated product made from cocaine and other shit, it is not pure cocaine. crack is made FROM cocaine, nobody smuggles crack. "crack smugglers" would be carrying an extra 10-15% weight of talc and baking soda across the border. smugglers are not that stupid.

"the war" ha ha ha ha ha! losers always bitch about the wars they lost. man, california sure is awesome though, yall should tried harder to keep it. sucks to be you.

of course if mexico HAD kept california texas new mexico, and arizona they would have fucked it up just like the rest of their territory. or did the US force mexico to ruin their own shit and keep their populace in poverty for the profit of the 7 families?

an oil rich nation with abundant arable land, vast resources of silver gold and copper, a good climate for most any crop imaginable, a hardworking and industrious population, and the most bountiful seas and good harbours,, yet still it's a third world shithole. must be america's fault somehow.



Well-Known Member
mexico cant even secure it's own military armories against the bandits. they are looking for somebody to blame for their own troubles.

cocaine is sent through mexico (middlemen stealing food from the hard working coca farmers of bolivia and colombia) to the market in the US, COCAINE not crack. "crack" is an adulterated product made from cocaine and other shit, it is not pure cocaine. crack is made FROM cocaine, nobody smuggles crack. "crack smugglers" would be carrying an extra 10-15% weight of talc and baking soda across the border. smugglers are not that stupid.

"the war" ha ha ha ha ha! losers always bitch about the wars they lost. man, california sure is awesome though, yall should tried harder to keep it. sucks to be you.

of course if mexico HAD kept california texas new mexico, and arizona they would have fucked it up just like the rest of their territory. or did the US force mexico to ruin their own shit and keep their populace in poverty for the profit of the 7 families?

an oil rich nation with abundant arable land, vast resources of silver gold and copper, a good climate for most any crop imaginable, a hardworking and industrious population, and the most bountiful seas and good harbours,, yet still it's a third world shithole. must be america's fault somehow.


The US is not to blame for raping Mexico, the ass fucking is consensual. She was asking for it, she was dressed like a whore, it naturally follows that she got raped.


Well-Known Member
All guns enter mexico through the USA? Thats a joke right? The Majority of guns in Mexico come from places other than the USA.