I hate telemarketers

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I despise and loath them. I harass them and cuss them out every time they call. I encourage everyone else to do the same. I am going to go get a very loud whistle to start blowing at them. Maybe after some ruptured ear drums they will take me off the list?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Yea that's funny as hell. I get the credit card calls though. "Hi, this is ann from account services..." blah blah. Then you press 1 to get connected to a rep. I am always so pissed I hit 1 and cuss them out. I now save their number every time they call under the name "scum bags". These are the numbers they call from.



Well-Known Member
I had a magazine company call me about 12 years ago when I had an apartment with a good friend. They wanted to do a survey with us to find out which magazines and movies we watched. What do you think two stoned, drunk 20 year old males answered with? Specific porn movies and magazines of course!

meechz 024

Active Member
Here's how my last call went:

Telemarketer: Hello, we are from united cleaning services , would you be interested to try our free-trial offer to clean your house every other week, after the 30 days you will be-----(interruption)
Me: hold up, I like it...
Telemarketer: You are interested in taking this offer?.
Me: Are you interested in cleaning my asshole?
Telemarketer: .......whaa??
Me: No gloves.. bare fingers.....
Telemarketer: *Hangs-up*

Mission accomplished.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I despise and loath them. I harass them and cuss them out every time they call. I encourage everyone else to do the same. I am going to go get a very loud whistle to start blowing at them. Maybe after some ruptured ear drums they will take me off the list?

as a former telemarketer...

they have your name, number and address. they don't care if they get fired and they will never be prosecuted. after you blow your whistle, they will copy down your number for some later fun, and then they will gleefully code your file as "not home, try again 1 hour". as you blow your whistle, they will take off their headset so all their coworkers can hear, they will all have a chuckle at you, and may even be tempted to see how far they can escalate you for kicks.

i once passed a woman's phone number around at a party. long story short, she changed her number a week later. i have taken a cordless handset into the bathroom and flushed the toilet in their ears. we used to use the old ebaumsworld soundboards when we were bored. we'd forward some calls to stupid hotlines for phone sex or winter boots. sometimes i would call the same number over and over again just to look busy.

think of it like being rude to a waiter, except instead of eating spit and semen on a single occasion, the waiter gets to push your buttons whenever they want until you change your number. if you really want them to go away just suck it up and be nice. pretend you are the police and act like they just called a bloody crime scene. whatever. if you antagonize them, they will accept your challenge more often than not.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
as a former telemarketer...

they have your name, number and address. they don't care if they get fired and they will never be prosecuted. after you blow your whistle, they will copy down your number for some later fun, and then they will gleefully code your file as "not home, try again 1 hour". as you blow your whistle, they will take off their headset so all their coworkers can hear, they will all have a chuckle at you, and may even be tempted to see how far they can escalate you for kicks.

i once passed a woman's phone number around at a party. long story short, she changed her number a week later. i have taken a cordless handset into the bathroom and flushed the toilet in their ears. we used to use the old ebaumsworld soundboards when we were bored. we'd forward some calls to stupid hotlines for phone sex or winter boots. sometimes i would call the same number over and over again just to look busy.

think of it like being rude to a waiter, except instead of eating spit and semen on a single occasion, the waiter gets to push your buttons whenever they want until you change your number. if you really want them to go away just suck it up and be nice. pretend you are the police and act like they just called a bloody crime scene. whatever. if you antagonize them, they will accept your challenge more often than not.
They don't have anything besides my number. I usually ask them, and tell them I will do business with them if they even fucking know the name of person they are calling, and they never do. It is a random auto dialer.

Don't compare them to waiters; waiters are human at least. Fuck telemarketers. I hope they all die in a fiery car crash.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i sold frozen beef, newspapers, loan consolidations, satellite tv, and all sorts of other shit. in some cases i had access to people's ssn, credit history, mother's maiden name, etc. i would have loved you. to fucking pieces. little soggy tear stained pieces.

the reason they pretend not to have your name is so you can't say, "he's dead/in jail/moved" or whatever. if you claim to be mr. x and tell them to take you off a list, they are supposed to do it. if they don't use a name, a random person answering the phone has no standing to have the number removed from the list unless they specify the name and number of the person who should not be called. see what they did there?

the names may be wrong half the time, but i assure you they almost always have the source info, or access to it.


New Member
I had one calling me.I'd been dodging here for the longest.One day she switched it up and said this is me Julie what are you doing.I yelled Julie you cheating whore.I got fucking Aids from you.What else did I catch?Blah blah blah......She never called back

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I despise and loath them. I harass them and cuss them out every time they call. I encourage everyone else to do the same. I am going to go get a very loud whistle to start blowing at them. Maybe after some ruptured ear drums they will take me off the list?
good luck with that, they will just descend upon you like the shithawks.


Well-Known Member
lol. i enjoy telemarketers, no matter which side of the phone i'm on. what total head said is 100% true.

5 starred.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
i sold frozen beef, newspapers, loan consolidations, satellite tv, and all sorts of other shit. in some cases i had access to people's ssn, credit history, mother's maiden name, etc. i would have loved you. to fucking pieces. little soggy tear stained pieces.

the reason they pretend not to have your name is so you can't say, "he's dead/in jail/moved" or whatever. if you claim to be mr. x and tell them to take you off a list, they are supposed to do it. if they don't use a name, a random person answering the phone has no standing to have the number removed from the list unless they specify the name and number of the person who should not be called. see what they did there?

the names may be wrong half the time, but i assure you they almost always have the source info, or access to it.
No, I am pretty sure these are not the honest trying to make a living type of telemarketer. These are the robo calling, running an illegal scam type of telemarketer. They don't have my name. Your logic doesn't even make sense since they are dialing me illegally anyway. It's always either "rachel" or "ann" from "card services". I have given them pseudonyms and baited them along plenty of times. I don't know why they would play along if they knew I was giving them false information. I mean their whole goal is to scam me into giving some information and agreeing to pay them for something, and if I am giving a fake name right off the bat, why would they even stick around? What is their thought process? "I know this guys name is bob and lives in ohio, but he just told me his name is martin mcfly and lives in texas....better stay on this dead end phone call just to see where it's going..." That doesn't even make sense.


Well-Known Member
I usually try to politely stop them before they go into their speech of whatever it is they are trying to sell me, but if I can't, I usually just ask them to hold on and put the phone down and don't go back till I hear the off the hook tone then I go and hang it up .... LOL

meechz 024

Active Member
I usually try to politely stop them before they go into their speech of whatever it is they are trying to sell me, but if I can't, I usually just ask them to hold on and put the phone down and don't go back till I hear the off the hook tone then I go and hang it up .... LOL
aww, you're soft. Just fuck with the poor bastards...

One time I got so bored during this accent-ridden asshole's sales pitch that I interrupted him mid conversation like

"I need to smoke a bong to continue listening to this. You can continue with you're bullshit after I'm stoned.....k?"

Telemarketer: okay sir........

Me:.......You actually waited for me to take the bong hit?

Telemarketer: ..yes

Me: I salute you.

Telemarketer: ugh..okay....sir we are doing an offer for -- (Interruption)

Me: *purposely pulling on the bong water to make bubbly noises, I put the phone over the downstem hole.*

Telemarketer: Hangs up

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I despise and loath them. I harass them and cuss them out every time they call. I encourage everyone else to do the same. I am going to go get a very loud whistle to start blowing at them. Maybe after some ruptured ear drums they will take me off the list?
...when I was a kid my friend's dad used the test button on the smoke detector to deter prank calls. However, party lines were still in use back then, hit and miss with the neighbors :)


Well-Known Member
That fucking Rachel or Ann from Card Services call about 1-4 times a week and then they'll go silent for a couple of weeks then return. I filed a complaint with the FCC and they're fully aware of those robo calling cunts. Most of the time I hit "1" to speak to an "agent" and call him/her names like "criminal" and "I've reported you bastards to the FCC, etc". They keep calling. I'm just changing my number. It's been going on ever since the "crash" in 08.
