spots on buds/fan leafs


Well-Known Member
Could be a lack of N. You are nearing the end of flower so lower leaves yellow is not abnormal. You could give them a hit of grow nutrients if it gets drastically worse.
room temp mid 70s. (1.5 gallons of water) nutes (sensi a+b 22ml each) (dutchmaster silica 3ml) (molasses one spoon full) (big bud 13ml) (x factor 13ml) (tap water ph at 6.5) rh?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
room temp mid 70s. (1.5 gallons of water) nutes (sensi a+b 22ml each) (dutchmaster silica 3ml) (molasses one spoon full) (big bud 13ml) (x factor 13ml) (tap water ph at 6.5) rh?
RH is relative humidity. I'm not seeing a supply of micronutrients. Sensi a+b Are a base and require micros to be added. Then your adding in a lot of p and k and very little N. with the other stuff. I think you meant bud factor x? right?