I'm having trouble with Molassese


Well-Known Member
hi guys and girls i seem to be having trouble with molasses. Every time i give it to my plants the plants leaves go all funny like nute burn> i know molasses activates the micros in the soil and that makes more nutes. So maybe that's what happaning but it all ways happens even when i flushed the soil of all nutes. any info would be great thanks .


Well-Known Member
Molasses will lower your ph very fast. If it continues to be a problem, discontinue its use.


Well-Known Member
How much are you using? I flush with 1 tsp of molasses and 1 tsp of epsom salt in RO water and the plants always seem to love it.


Well-Known Member
well i flush with plane ph water 6.0 i only give the molasses when flowering and i never thought about checking the Ph with molasses i usally justput
about half a tea spoon to a 500ml bottle of water and test to see if the plant's can take it an then it all goes wrong from there this time i will test my ph before giving it to them thanks


Well-Known Member
I have no idea why people like it. I used it once and it made my stuff taste and smell unnatural to say the least. Yeeech``


Well-Known Member
I have no idea why people like it. I used it once and it made my stuff taste and smell unnatural to say the least. Yeeech``

They have a blue and a yellow thumb,..they haven`t quite put them together yet !! Greed works`....in the stock market,....not your garden !!


Well-Known Member
I have no idea why people like it. I used it once and it made my stuff taste and smell unnatural to say the least. Yeeech``
I agree with you. Have ran it 4 times and was not impressed. This run no molasses and my buds are looking great!


Well-Known Member
I tried it last grow, on 2 plants, but stupid me, nothing to compare to without it, but everything turned out fine with 1tsp/ gal. everytime I fed, and I had no issues, except for an early K deficiency, and a later P deficiency from cold, so I never flushed throughout the whole grow..

Kite High

Well-Known Member
sugar blocks N...use the molasses on biscuits .. plants make their own sugars and the microherd should be fed with ferts thast need to be broken down for the plant to use...or better yet use synthetics and screw a mircroherd... molasses for growing is preposterous ...but to each their own


Well-Known Member
I laugh when I see molasses and epson salts questions. They are plants, give em good solid nuts and forget all this added snake oil stuff. We arent mad scientists. Most newbees need to sit on their hands and let em grow and dont fuck with em except solid watering when needed. Put it down and slowly walk away.


Well-Known Member
I use molasses at the end of flowering, after I stop fertilizing and am using plain water to help flush out the last of the nutes. It will help provide a little natural boost of a few micro's, and it does enhance the flavor a bit. I use it every other watering the last 2 weeks, never more. And ALWAYS pH your water before watering with it---- A-L-W-A-Y-S, ok?


Well-Known Member
ive used it in the past and found it to be a waste although. I have added dehydrated molassas into soil then composted it so it would break down and it seemed to not be a problem but I don't know if it helped any eithe. it needs to break down to be of any use and it isn't going to in your dead soil. even in organic living soil by the time it breaks down it's just a waste it needs to be broken down into a usable form and it wont unless you add it in to composting soil. better off just using water plain ol water. feed her with a complete nute when she is hungry and just water the rest of the time


Well-Known Member
its not snake oil if you use it properly and pouring it into your pot is not right epsom salt mixed in mollasas mixed in and soil left to compost will benafit bit just dumping it on there is useless
I laugh when I see molasses and epson salts questions. They are plants, give em good solid nuts and forget all this added snake oil stuff. We arent mad scientists. Most newbees need to sit on their hands and let em grow and dont fuck with em except solid watering when needed. Put it down and slowly walk away.


Well-Known Member
Ya, so molasses is good. Probably is far more suitable for organic farmers. The micro beasties below in the root world are hard at work making sure the green shoot world is happy happy happy. These fungies and the micro life below in the soil love them some complex carbohydrates, and in exchange allow for healthy root production and proper nutes up take. What do think is in Sweet, Bud Candy, and canna boost?

I have also read a side by side comparison of a plant that was treated with molasses and without. The results showed significant bulking of bud size on the plant treated with molasses.

When all is said, I respect everyone's grow method. This is just my .02


Well-Known Member
Ya, so molasses is good. Probably is far more suitable for organic farmers. The micro beasties below in the root world are hard at work making sure the green shoot world is happy happy happy. These fungies and the micro life below in the soil love them some complex carbohydrates, and in exchange allow for healthy root production and proper nutes up take. What do think is in Sweet, Bud Candy, and canna boost?

I have also read a side by side comparison of a plant that was treated with molasses and without. The results showed significant bulking of bud size on the plant treated with molasses.

When all is said, I respect everyone's grow method. This is just my .02
My last 4 runs I used it with fair results. This run I used none and my buds are 20% bigger. The only thing I think it changed, was the taste of my finished product.