Homo sexuals

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Well-Known Member
I was just busted chops in good fun, I didn't intend for a whole English lesson to erupt.
Sidenote: I like those godaddy commercials, just saw one.


Well-Known Member
lol, I just decided if anyone corrects my shitty grammar I will just ask them a million questions.


Well-Known Member
Their home is a mess because they`re heathens.
Is that correct? Not being a dick I genuinely do not understand.
it doesnt matter nor should it unless you have a job that calls for correct pronunciation or prefer formal english, which might i add is a hell of alot harder to learn once you take college classes, high school english is a joke and needs to be revisited as college is on a whole new level of formal english.


Well-Known Member
So instead of killing Saddam, Bush would have just flown to Iraq and fucked him publicly.
Right in front of the whole family. In fact he would have had them line up in a circle.
Not a good egg in the bunch. He would have to do the state of the union address whilst fuckin the line would be so long. My fellow Americans ughhhhhh, NEXT!!!


Active Member
Believe me from so many people correcting me on here I finally learned to take my time and make sure my grammer and punctuation is correct. So I guess thanks to everyone lol. It's just hard when your trying to type fast to get your point in as fast as possible in heated debates.


Well-Known Member
Believe me from so many people correcting me on here I finally learned to take my time and make sure my grammer and punctuation is correct. So I guess thanks to everyone lol. It's just hard when your trying to type fast to get your point in as fast as possible in heated debates.
Honestly I do learn from being on the web. I have a very little formal education
and not enough drive to go take a class or even google it all at once.
I want to continue picking it up as I go because it has limited me in the past.
Not life or death by any stretch of the imagination but it is embarrassing at times.
Ok back to the topic. Where the fuck is Clayton???


New Member
hmm? when your fingers are big and the screen is small, the touch screen isnt as accurate anymore, and RIU doesnt allow me to even to click on my errors then i tend to just keep going as mostly everyone but the people that try to one up everyone, tend to understand and not care.
I'm always using a phone, Google spell check is the bomb diggity.


Well-Known Member
Hah! I'm on the iBrick, I think it's the second gen iphone it has the bottom half black stock and 8 gigs, dont even know the ios but i can hardly get any apps and there isnt enough room to hold all my music so I have to pick and choose what to put on it. All the apps require at least ios 3 most the time which this doesnt have, along with not having multi-tasking which annoys me most, its not activated as an actual phone and its slow as a snail lol. Damn I wish it would auto correct on riu mobile.

On topic, I'm going with not a choice.


Well-Known Member
speaking of gay. Did you guys notice the heart that appears when you give a like? Sorry guys, no more likes from me. :bigjoint:
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