Well-Known Member
This thread is still rockin because nobody has killed the bull in this bull fight. Everyones just adding thier two cents and B.S. and theres been just about zero actual science added, about weed, not tomatos, tobbacco, bananas, or oranges. So far my recap has it with no flush posting a long ass list of links to things not related to ganja at all and im pissed that i wasted all that time reading about curing when the debate is about flushing, not apple fucking trees, stupid cigars, chocolate, or egg incubators. Furthermore the poster of this data makes just as many points for flushing as not flushing...
"Pre harvest flushing is a controversial topic. Flushing is supposed to improve taste of the final bud by either giving only pure water, clearing solutions or extensive flushing for the last 7-14 days of flowering. While many growers claim a positive effect, others deny any positive influence or even suggest reduced yield and quality. " this is conclusive...nope
"Not all nutrient compounds are moveable within the plant.
1) N, P, K, Mg and S are considered mobile: they can move up and down the plant in both xylem and phloem.
Deficiency appears on old leaves first.
2) Ca, Fe, Zn, Mo, B, Cu, Mn are considered immobile: they only move up the plant in the xylem.
Deficiency appears on new leaves first.
Storage organelles:
Salts and organic metabolites can be stored in storage organelles. The most important storage organelle is the vacuole, which can contribute up to 90% of the cell volume. The majority of compounds found in the vacuole are sugars, polysaccharides, organic acids and proteins though.
Now that the basics are explained, we can take a look at the translocation process. It should be already clear that only mobile elements can be translocated through the phloem. Immobile elements cant be translocated and are not more available to the plant for further metabolic processes and new plant growth.
Since flushing (in theory) induces a nutrient deficiency in the rootzone, the translocation process aids in the plants survival. Translocation is transportation of assimilates through the phloem from source (a net exporter of assimilate) to sink (a net importer of assimilate). Sources are mostly mature fan leaves and sinks are mostly apical meristems, lateral meristem, fruit, seed and developing leaves etc. " what i take off this is that NPK are all mobile and can move all over the plant, up down,side to side, in out, round and round. These are the MAIN ingredients in our fertilizer and the ones wed like to remove right? Right? Also, flushing (in theory) induces blabla five lines above....this isnt a theory. No nutes means deficiency, fact, thats an easy one, then the plant starts shuffleing its stored nutes around, up down, in OUT, round and round.
Then it adds that vacuoles store salts, translocation is possible, bla bla, some trace elements are immoble, but again the main elements are. This is the only real evidence in this whole pile of crap and it doesnt even make a difinitive point, the rest is about, drowning plants, drying, curing, chocolate and fermenting apples.....who this data in the farm report.
Then flush arguement kinda sounds like its writen by somone selling flushing solution but has some good points and mentions a key selling word..SAFETY. This word sells anything. Mention that to a pregnant woman and shell buy whatevers infront of her regardless of cost. This thread is about flushing or not flushing plants, started by someone who did a short flush instead of a longer flush. Everyone thats checking this thread wants to learn about flushing but theres no one posting RELEVENT facts. Just a bunch of reeeeeetards posting"I always flush the toilet.....absolute genius!! So what you mean is you have nothing important to add, no facts to mention, and you think if the same joke gets told a million times i keeps getting funnier. I hope that this pisses some people off on this thread so maybe we can get some real info up. Im a noob and i can see right through this smoke show. Post some real data and stop telling me about one time in band camp(american pie)when you took a dump and flushed or didnt. Turds. Lol