soil question please help


hello i have ben growing for a long time useing foxfarm ocean forrest......but it is quite pricey...i am thinking of trying sunshine mix 4.......i use only foxfarm nutrients. will this work?? allso do i cut the sunshine mix with perlite??? do i have to start feeding when i plant or is there a couple weeks worth of nutrients like in ocean forrest??? thanks for any advice!!!!!:?


hello i have ben growing for a long time useing foxfarm ocean forrest......but it is quite pricey...i am thinking of trying sunshine mix 4.......i use only foxfarm nutrients. will this work?? allso do i cut the sunshine mix with perlite??? do i have to start feeding when i plant or is there a couple weeks worth of nutrients like in ocean forrest??? thanks for any advice!!!!!:?
:peace:use miracle grow soil, no chemicals, humboldt crystals last 2 months and you my friend have some kick ass smoke. trust me it really works that easy, i do it all the time.


Well-Known Member
MG will work but add some Dolmite lime to it. Will add some helpful minerals and get the PH up a bit. GL

Light House

Active Member
I think ocean forrest is Coco based and Sunshine is peat just an fyi. I am not sure but if you dislike one or the other you may want to remember to check their base.


Well-Known Member
I just use MG, with about 40% MG perlite mixed in, started feeding when it was 3 weeks old, with MG nutes, and she's doin great.