Sick World


Well-Known Member
oh and by the way there was a story very recently of the kid who went to his fathers college where he was teaching and shot him in the head with a compound bow. should we also require permits to own a bow or ban them outright?


Active Member
just wanted to send my prayers to the families and those hurt by this. I am neither a republican nor a democrat, I am an American!!! I swore to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC when I joined the military. when I got out I still have the honor of doing so as a patriot. All that would be real hard to do if all I had was paper clips and rubber bands. IMHO


Well-Known Member
I understand peoples desire to own guns. Nobody is suggesting (including the President) that your guns will be taken away. BUT, there is no rational argument for people to own assault rifles, or to have mentally disturbed people with access to weapons. The guy in Denver that shot up the movie theater purchased his guns and THOUSANDS of rounds of ammo in the days leading up to the incident. Is anyone going to argue against the notion that this should have raised some serious red flags? Is anyone going to argue that every Tom-Dick-and Harry should just be entitled to buy a handgun at a gun show with no background check and no questions asked? Common sense is what's lacking with our gun laws, and anyone that believes we don't need to re-evaluate our current gun laws is lacking common sense as well.

Also, you guys on this thread talking like John Wayne need to consider something. You may be a good shot when your standing at a gun range shooting at a target that doesn't return fire. But when you are caught off guard by some nut who puts an assault rifle in your face, do you really think your cowboy scenario of you saving the day will play out? You'll shit your pants, and be shot in the head. That's what would happen to you, and that's what would have happened to that teacher that was caught in that class room had she have had a gun stuffed in her purse.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
all I have to comment to you was the last time someone attempted to pull a gun on me...well I am sitting here typing to you...but I agrtee if you do NOT have the balls to shoot someone then do NOT get a gun...simple as that


Well-Known Member
I wont peddle with you pal. I will simple put the way I always will...

I have shot and killed in defense. I have disarmed a gun at my forehead. I taught woman self defense classes. A gal leaving our gym (of all places) was assaulted by her ex who was the reason she was taking the classes. She killed him.

Consider this brother, you have apparently miss judged who you are speaking to when on a global platform. Let us remind you that you are speaking to everyone. A global audience that has seen more of life and death than you can imagine. Apparently.


Well-Known Member
I wont peddle with you pal. I will simple put the way I always will...

I have shot and killed in defense. I have disarmed a gun at my forehead. I taught woman self defense classes. A gal leaving our gym (of all places) was assaulted by her ex who was the reason she was taking the classes. She killed him.

Consider this brother, you have apparently miss judged who you are speaking to when on a global platform. Let us remind you that you are speaking to everyone. A global audience that has seen more of life and death than you can imagine. Apparently.
Look, all of your bravado is really cute, and makes for some nice stories, but the bottom line is this:

The scenario that played out yesterday would have happened no matter what. I don't care if it were that teacher, you, or Dirty Harry himself sitting in that room. That guy had the element of surprise on his side, and the intent to slaughter everyone in that room. You would have had a better chance of growing horns out of your head than to evaluate the situation, locate your gun, take the trigger lock off, and shoot to kill. You wouldn't even get to step 2 before you'd catch a dozen bullets upside the head. And considering you're a stoner, you'd probably be in the middle of eating a bag of Doritos further complicating your efforts to play Rambo. :-)


Well-Known Member
by no means am i suggesting anyone go out and be dirty harry but had one person at that school been allowed to carry and chose to do so there MIGHT have been a chance to save even one of those children. should you be allowed to go to a gun show and just by a gun? no absolutely not. same goes for any weapon but with a quick background check you can walk out of cabelas with a shiny new ar15. but to be honest it's not much different to buy a handgun. go to cop shop, apply for permit, take quick test(only need a 70% by the way) and there ya go. 10 day permit in hand. i don't presume to have all the answers but i do know that there should be something different in place to help weed out the mentally deficient from owning weapons. a simple background check and a test that my 6yo would pass with 100% also isn't the answer. but on the other end of the spectrum, completely banning civilians from owning and carrying is also NOT the answer. i have no problem requiring gun safety classes be added to the app process and several hours of stringent defensive weapons classes for cpl applicant. a single one day class is not nearly enough. but like any other area in life you can't stop all bad things from happening. we can only be prepared to the best of our ability to intervene when possible


Global Moderator
Staff member
by no means am i suggesting anyone go out and be dirty harry but had one person at that school been allowed to carry and chose to do so there MIGHT have been a chance to save even one of those children. should you be allowed to go to a gun show and just by a gun? no absolutely not. same goes for any weapon but with a quick background check you can walk out of cabelas with a shiny new ar15. but to be honest it's not much different to buy a handgun. go to cop shop, apply for permit, take quick test(only need a 70% by the way) and there ya go. 10 day permit in hand. i don't presume to have all the answers but i do know that there should be something different in place to help weed out the mentally deficient from owning weapons. a simple background check and a test that my 6yo would pass with 100% also isn't the answer. but on the other end of the spectrum, completely banning civilians from owning and carrying is also NOT the answer. i have no problem requiring gun safety classes be added to the app process and several hours of stringent defensive weapons classes for cpl applicant. a single one day class is not nearly enough. but like any other area in life you can't stop all bad things from happening. we can only be prepared to the best of our ability to intervene when possible
Well spoken.

kenny ken 77

Well-Known Member
I understand peoples desire to own guns. Nobody is suggesting (including the President) that your guns will be taken away. BUT, there is no rational argument for people to own assault rifles, or to have mentally disturbed people with access to weapons. The guy in Denver that shot up the movie theater purchased his guns and THOUSANDS of rounds of ammo in the days leading up to the incident. Is anyone going to argue against the notion that this should have raised some serious red flags? Is anyone going to argue that every Tom-Dick-and Harry should just be entitled to buy a handgun at a gun show with no background check and no questions asked? Common sense is what's lacking with our gun laws, and anyone that believes we don't need to re-evaluate our current gun laws is lacking common sense as well.

Also, you guys on this thread talking like John Wayne need to consider something. You may be a good shot when your standing at a gun range shooting at a target that doesn't return fire. But when you are caught off guard by some nut who puts an assault rifle in your face, do you really think your cowboy scenario of you saving the day will play out? You'll shit your pants, and be shot in the head. That's what would happen to you, and that's what would have happened to that teacher that was caught in that class room had she have had a gun stuffed in her purse.
Bruv I agree that certain gun laws can help,
but the fact is,just look at Blighty, we've had the same shit, mongrel emotional retards with access to a weapon causing un fathomable damage to innocent families.
what I'm trying to say is,here in England our gun laws have always been strict,now they are draconian, I like guns, I wish I could own one legally, not that I have an illegal one.
reality is, regardless of back ground checks etc, the majority of massacres over here have been perpetrated by legal gun owners, only the other year we had a taxi driver blow his fellow piss taking cabbies away! Then whilst at it he decided to just blow whoever he saw away, this stemmed from an arguement with his brother over inheritance. There has been a few others too, the bloke who caused the draconian laws by entering a school and indiscriminately opening fire on children was also a registered gun owner, same as Michael Ryan, he blew away his mother etc then went on a rampage killing countless innocents, why?? Who knows.
does gun control work? That's the question, you think how many guns you Americans own, shit! Texas probably possess's more than our whole armed
seriously though, think how prevalent guns are in the U.S. in comparison you don't have too many massacres.
though I totally agree, one is more than enough.
guns are ok, it's just the mind behind the trigger, and how do you regulate that?
even here where you cannot buy a legal handgun,only hunting rifles/shotguns, if you are so hate filled/dementedly full of rage. You could quite easily get a katana/machete and a dagger,kill and wound as many or more, especially if you wear a crash helmet and armoured biking leathers.
i think schools need an extensive perimeter,security checks at the door/perimeter. Not fool proof, but more feasible than a blanket firearm ban, something we know can never happen in the U.S.
and more efficient than a rifle man in each and every class room. Just my thought peeps, sorry if I upset/disappointed anybody. K.K.


Well-Known Member
by no means am i suggesting anyone go out and be dirty harry but had one person at that school been allowed to carry and chose to do so there MIGHT have been a chance to save even one of those children. should you be allowed to go to a gun show and just by a gun? no absolutely not. same goes for any weapon but with a quick background check you can walk out of cabelas with a shiny new ar15. but to be honest it's not much different to buy a handgun. go to cop shop, apply for permit, take quick test(only need a 70% by the way) and there ya go. 10 day permit in hand. i don't presume to have all the answers but i do know that there should be something different in place to help weed out the mentally deficient from owning weapons. a simple background check and a test that my 6yo would pass with 100% also isn't the answer. but on the other end of the spectrum, completely banning civilians from owning and carrying is also NOT the answer. i have no problem requiring gun safety classes be added to the app process and several hours of stringent defensive weapons classes for cpl applicant. a single one day class is not nearly enough. but like any other area in life you can't stop all bad things from happening. we can only be prepared to the best of our ability to intervene when possible
That is very reasonable. I don't support taking guns away from law abiding citizens either, I just feel that it should be tightened up a bit so that mentally ill people are not getting guns that they shouldn't have. I also think there should be more of a burden on gun owners to make certain their weapons stay safe. The penalty should be very stiff for anyone carrying a stolen gun (or any gun not registered to them), and equally stiff for anyone that allows their gun to be stolen/misplaced.


Well-Known Member
That is very reasonable. I don't support taking guns away from law abiding citizens either, I just feel that it should be tightened up a bit so that mentally ill people are not getting guns that they shouldn't have. I also think there should be more of a burden on gun owners to make certain their weapons stay safe. The penalty should be very stiff for anyone carrying a stolen gun (or any gun not registered to them), and equally stiff for anyone that allows their gun to be stolen/misplaced.
and on that we agree completely. but how to determine who may be mentally unstable when there is no documented history in a certain persons background. should each person who wants to purchase a gun be required to take a psych eval? i personally have no issue with that but will that really weed out the guy who wants to shoot up a school? maybe , maybe not but i guess that would be one more avenue for safe gun ownership. foolproof? no. but i'm not sure what is. but even that wouldn't have stopped either this recent school shooting or the the movie theater shooting or the oregon mall shooting for that matter. assault rifle was used during the movie theater shooting and other than a simple background check done over an automated system and there is no permit needed nor do you have to register it which i disagree with. the other shootings this week have used stolen guns.


Well-Known Member
and yes i also agree the firearm owners should be responsible for the safety and security of each and every firearm kept in the home. as i've said before while i keep my pistols locked and loaded they are also locked in my digital safe next to my bed with only my wife and i having access. both my rifle and shotgun are kept in a closet attached to a wall lock and would require either the key which is also in my safe or very heavy duty tools to remove


Well-Known Member
. And considering you're a stoner, you'd probably be in the middle of eating a bag of Doritos further complicating your efforts to play Rambo. :-)
in the midst of this tragedy and the debate we have engaged in i have had to go back and re-read this and i must say this did make me laugh out loud


Active Member
oh and by the way there was a story very recently of the kid who went to his fathers college where he was teaching and shot him in the head with a compound bow. should we also require permits to own a bow or ban them outright?
Personally, I think all projectile weapons should at least be tracked. I'm not quite sure how it works, but if you don't need a permit, you should at least need to register it somewhere.

Why should it be legal to keep a very deadly distance weapon a secret? If you have nothing to hide don't conceal anything. As I understand it, in USA you are obligated to carry your firearm out where everyone can see it, unless you have a concealed weapons permit.

What is the point of not wanting to register a weapon besides to hide something? To have a weapon to use that can't be traced back to someone?


Global Moderator
Staff member
How could that possibly have helped in this situation ?
Odds are if they were bought from a store they are already recorded along with the buyers personal info.

Again, how would that help ?


Well-Known Member
How could that possibly have helped in this situation ?
Odds are if they were bought from a store they are already recorded along with the buyers personal info.

Again, how would that help ?
in this situation it wouldn't have. i'm sure the weapons were registered but they were not registered to the coward, they would have been registered to his mother. there isn't much that could have been done unfortunately. it was stated that the guns were taken from his mother. and in that situation those weapons should not have been accessible to anyone but the mother but i was not in the home nor do i have the details as to how he aquired the weapons from her.


Well-Known Member
what makes a person go to this level?
Asperger's. A sub-class of Autism. That's what the news is saying today. I think it is pure evil. He fucking executed a classroom of first graders man. Coroner said 3 to 7 shots per victim. Autism Speaks? Give me a fucking break.


Well-Known Member
I just dont get it,how do you look into the face of an 7yr old aim your wepon and shoot and then do it 20 more times.Like someone said he must be PURE EVIL and I hope hes in a place right now getting things done to him that we could never comprehend.Its times like these that you look at the things you take for granted and hug your kids alittle closer and appericate every little thing about them.My prayers are with you ct.


Well-Known Member
Yep you're right, registering all guns will solve gun crimes.

Yesterdays attacker used his mothers REGISTERED handguns..

This whole gun registering argument is fucking stupid.

Because criminals care about gun regulations.