Steroids....Info Anyone?


Well-Known Member
I know this isn't the best thread to be posting about anabolic steroids but, I just can't seem to find a realiable online source for them these days....

What I'm asking is. Does anybody have a website that won't just steal your money? There are hundreds of sites that say they sell them, very few really do. Most just take your money and send you nothing...



Well-Known Member
im training to be a issa personal trainer, trustme, you really dont need steroids to screw up your body and natural chemical processes.

why not jsut try ester creatine,glutamine,protein, and a great multivitamen along with 5 small meals a day, people will surprised how easy it is to build muscle with the right ingredients


Well-Known Member
im training to be a issa personal trainer, trustme, you really dont need steroids to screw up your body and natural chemical processes.

why not jsut try ester creatine,glutamine,protein, and a great multivitamen along with 5 small meals a day, people will surprised how easy it is to build muscle with the right ingredients
yep, protein is a great way to build muscle. last year every morning i drank protein shakes, worked out and ate pretty well and i was probably in the best shape I've ever been in. I have been slacking this year though. that reminds me to get some protein powder.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
im training to be a issa personal trainer, trustme, you really dont need steroids to screw up your body and natural chemical processes.

why not jsut try ester creatine,glutamine,protein, and a great multivitamen along with 5 small meals a day, people will surprised how easy it is to build muscle with the right ingredients
I hear what your saying, but experiance tells me other wise. Getting in shape and Getting big quick are two different things.
Thank you for the lesson on body building nutrition though. I do use all that shit, and do eat quite a bit. I have used all types of steroids for many, many years. It is completely impossible to get the same gains without them as you do with them.. FACT... My problem is that for the last 6 years or so, I havent been able to workout due to a shoulder injury that is now heeled. I had a great source back then, but now I don't.