Is there a doctor in the house? Quick question regarding the health of my plants.


Active Member
Quick run down on my setup:

GrowLab GL60 (2x2x5)
Soil grow, x1 (3 Gal) x1 (1.5 Gal)
Soil is Fox Farms Ocean (whatever it's called)
250W HPS
Air Filter, Inline Fan.


Just started from seed, germinated them properly then planted them.

Been about 2 weeks so far and one plant is off to a good start, about 3/4 sets of leaves.

They are absorbing light from two CFL's. One each. The larger kind just until they are big enough for the HPS.
I figured I didn't want to risk burning the little sprouts.

Thought the soil might burn the sprouts as well but they are doing good besides the leaves are curling in.

I water when the soil is dry (~every other day)
Light is CFL right above them. It doesan't get hot.

The plant is sturdy, nice green color besides the main round leaves starting to turn yellow.

Could this be the nutrients? Just want to make sure the plant can push through the curling of the leaves or if I should change something before it's too late?


Well-Known Member
Probably magnesium deficiency. Maybe calcium too? - Anyone comment on second part?

Mag deficiency is common in soil (I am dealing with one now, didn't have the nutes while they were growing to correct)

Make sure soil pH is good, and add some epsom salt or Cal Mag (nutrient name).
I like calmag because it also has nitrogen which is always needed while vegging


Active Member
Probably magnesium deficiency. Maybe calcium too? - Anyone comment on second part?

Mag deficiency is common in soil (I am dealing with one now, didn't have the nutes while they were growing to correct)

Make sure soil pH is good, and add some epsom salt or Cal Mag (nutrient name).
I like calmag because it also has nitrogen which is always needed while vegging

Is there such thing as too much Cal Mag though?


Active Member

The other seedling I had going in the 1.5Gal pot was growing straight then today I found it bent in half.. the stalk was really thin.. any idea why?
I'm just trying to get two plants going and so far I can get a sprout going in the other pot.