sugar and yeast???


Well-Known Member
Yes, this is commonly called fermentation. sugar + yeast + water= C02 and alcohol. It is not better than dry ice as dry ice is pure C02.

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
Dry ice is expensive. and if you have a hot grow room, you will be placing in ice all the time. Make sure to shake whatever container you use a couple times a day to keep it active. Def worth it in my opinion. Keep it at about the same height or higher since C02 is heavier than oxygen.


Well-Known Member
I keep a homemade CO2 "generator" going 24/7 in my flowering room.

It couldn't be easier to make/use --

In a clean plastic one-gallon jug pour in 2 cups of sugar and 1 1/2 tablespoons of bakers or brewers yeast.
Add hot water to the 1/3 full line and fit a rubber stopper with a hole(s) for the gas to escape. CO2 is
heavier than air so you want to hang your jug as close to the ceiling as possible. I use the ceiling fan on
low 24/7 to push the generated gas down into my plant canopy. Every 4 days I dump the concoction, rinse
the jug out and start all over again.

I estimate having the CO2 generator going increases my yield 10-15%.

Dry ice is dangerous. When I worked at UCLA we used CO2 gas from melting dry ice to euthanise lab animals.
One time I was cleaning out the "death chamber" and leaned too far forward while scrubbing the bottom. With
most of my head inside the chamber I could feel cold frozen fingers snatching the oxygen out of my lungs. If you
left a chunk of DI to dissapate in a 5-gallon bucket and walked away you could return to find a pet or child who had
leaned over the bucket and inhaled CO2 gas.



Well-Known Member
I read a fourm it said sugar and yeast mixed makes c02.. Is this true? Is better than dry ice?
Co2 supplementation is only needed when you're running a closed system and should only be used if you're dialed-in to the nth degree. Yes, the byproducts of fermentation are Co2 and alcohol but you'll be spending a lot of time, effort and money to maintain that ferment for an entire grow cycle. It's not worth it.
it is worth it if you increase your yield by even a percent. once your in this deep with growing whats a few bucks a week to get sugar and yeast. its cheap. and waaay safer than a c02 tank and regulator for the average grower who isn't doing a big scale grow of 6+ plants


Well-Known Member
if a 10-15% increase is achieved with the "gas your own" method it would be worth doing ....not sure what the exact % of weight that is lost when drying but i do know its more than 15%....the $20 invested on sugar ,yeast and time would help alleviate that unavoidable loss


Well-Known Member
By all means, conduct a side-by-side with groups of plants that are from the same mom. You *think* Co2 will increase your yields but something tells me that someone considering a ghetto Co2 generator probably isn't consistently pumping out greasy plants month after month.


Well-Known Member
Dry ice is expensive. and if you have a hot grow room, you will be placing in ice all the time. Make sure to shake whatever container you use a couple times a day to keep it active. Def worth it in my opinion. Keep it at about the same height or higher since C02 is heavier than oxygen.

dry ice is actually not that expensive at walmart as i have purchased a big block for under $10