Arizona Organix

Did you ask them why it was so expensive?

They have barely started their grow. The place is supposed to have started from seed, to veg, flower, dry and cure. So they have obtained care giver meds in the meantime. It was their top shelf and I can get better easily, cheaper
Very good meds right now can be had for $240 an ounce - good meds, high quality, well cured from trusted growers!

Who in their right mind would pay $225 for a 1/2?
I weep for patients that have to pay that much for the disp I work for in Co. we charge 180 a zip of organically grown top shelf meds.
225 a half... Well, at least its not $500 an 0z or that would be absurd...

If you can't fucking sell weed at market the you should go back to drywall or selling used cars or whatever the fuck you did before you got the stupid idea of growing weed in you head.
I will say I dont know the cost of living in AZ so maybe thats a factor BUT I cant fathom prices being more than 200 buck a zip..I feel thats a pretty good base line for an oz.
I will say I dont know the cost of living in AZ so maybe thats a factor BUT I cant fathom prices being more than 200 buck a zip..I feel thats a pretty good base line for an oz.

it's relatively cheap to live in the phoenix metro area. his prices are simply: i have pot, you need pot, you're going to get raped. have a nice day.
taking meds for free AND charging outrageous amounts for it? Id say get away from this place as fast as possible
Yeah I bet that whistling tooth champion would love free meds.
Shit dude needs a way to pay for all his newly planned dental work. R Wells could have been a bum prior to becoming a scapegoat.

Arisssona Organix

All it will takes is one investigation into this place for their cert to go back into the lottery. Doubt we will be seeing that from the department anytime soon, even with 5mil in resources...
I would rather turn a harvest over to the DEA than give it to Arizona Organix for free so that they can sell it back to me and fellow patients.
Never seen so many haters, in any industry, in one place, at one time.

You don't get out much do you :) Of course I'm a hater...taking away my rights to reasonably priced meds...i can't afford those prices...i will have to go back to narcotics...i can afford those. :(
Don't get me wrong LV, i would donate some meds to a dispensary if they were to develop a program for low income patients who in turn received my meds at no-charge: zero, zip, free!

I am sure a lot of compassionate growers in AZ would consider this model...but to donate meds so these profiteering-fucktards can make a profit is the dumbest fucking idea i have ever heard and only a giant puckered asshole would expect a grower to play this reindeer game!

Give me one reason, why anyone would dontate to a dispensary only to have their meds sold back to them and sold to other patients at a 1000% profit? Why wouldn't someone just give them away to patients directly? That seems a lot more compassionate.

Let me know if i am missing something - i have a lot to learn, but from the outside looking in - it seems really fucking stupid.