Need help with plant diagnosing! and Questions about my setup!

Welcome! and thank you for taking a look,

Well firstly, i want to start off by saying that this is my first grow ive never attempted so i am still in the process of learning and experiencing new things.
These plants were givin to me at 4 weeks old and one of them was 3 weeks. I've had them for 2 weeks now and been have taking quiet good care of them and doing everything i can do in my situation. There in good pots with soil i bought at home depot and i added percilite to the mixture.
~ Setup Inquiry ~ :dunce:

Well my setup is basically based of home materials and minimumally under 50$ invested into equipment. So its not a super pro closet setup some of you might be thinking.
I know i definatly need better lights and im going to invest in them soon but till then i am using 100W bulbs (3), on four plants that i am growing. I am wondering how long this will last as far as there grow process because i know when they start flowering there is going to be a diffrent cycle needed.
There is a good consistancy of breeze though, bottom right there is a fan that is blowing air and giving them a good consistancy of air flow and there always moving nicely.
How long might this setup last? Whats needed.
lights 1.jpg
whole set.jpg

:leaf:* ~ The Plants ~ *:leaf:

The plaint four plant strains im growing are - Chem Dog, Blue berry hogsbreath, bubba OG and Larry
Here's the big thing although, when i got these plants they had spider mites and i started treating them 2 days after i got them with this stuff called "Bayer Advanced Natria Insect, Disease and Mite Control" and I would spray them , leave them for 20 minutes, spray them down with water and then 20 minutes and there back in. I did this once every 3 days for 2 weeks now and it looks like they are going away, but definatly still there .. not as strong although.
all 4.jpg

They are looking okay to me and looking for a nice growth for the most part, there getting new leaves as im keeping track basically day by day.
THE BIG question really im trying to understand is that there getting like this almost to say 'sperm' looking substance on there leaves. Its like a crust like also because ive actually taken it off the leaves by peeling a little bit of the white stuff off. I dont know if the spider mites have caused this but i am thinking they have somthing to do with it or if you guys know what it really is, i really need the help.
white shit.jpgwhitee shit.jpg

Im really interested and am going to read all of your guys feedback so please dont be afraid to put good information in it.

I will be posting more pictures throughout time of these plants the full grow and any corrections that i might make through your guys judgement and advice. :bigjoint:

Thank you,


Some updates that have been going throgh is definatly knowing to keep that light closer to them. Taken off covers due to dust and im in the process of changing up the spider mite spray and going to a local hydroponic store and getting real spider mite killer other than the homedepot shit i got.
Plants are going well and looking to start my flowering process in early to mid January.
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Well-Known Member
Lower your lights, or raise your plants if you can, but this will help keep them from stretching more than they already have.
Can you take a magnifying glass, or loupe and look for bugs under the leafs?
Are you feeding them at all?
Lower your lights, or raise your plants if you can, but this will help keep them from stretching more than they already have.
Can you take a magnifying glass, or loupe and look for bugs under the leafs?
Are you feeding them at all?
Alright ill try and lower the lights to get them clsoer to the plants, thats definatly adjustable. I havent been feeding the plants anything but watering there soil and every 3 days giving them the mite spray. I looked under the leaves and there are still tiny black dots, but everytime i spray i could definatly say there getting less and less but again, not totally gone with the spider mites.

UPDATE * i lowered the lights and hopefully thatl help there growth.
update 1.jpg


Active Member
Could the white junk be residue from that "Bayer Advanced Natria Insect, Disease and Mite Control"??
I would put the pots closer together under those 3 lights...ur babies look a little hungry to me.
Could the white junk be residue from that "Bayer Advanced Natria Insect, Disease and Mite Control"??
I would put the pots closer together under those 3 lights...ur babies look a little hungry to me.
Possibly could be the bayer stuff, i have no clue but theres legitamtly silver stuff in the crevisises of the leaves(some). Yes they proabably are hugnry, what nutrients should i be feeding them at this stage there at right now?
I got damn small tiny flies around them too now aparently. Should i use HotShot product bought at like home depot? Would it work in this setup.


Well-Known Member
Alright ill try and lower the lights to get them clsoer to the plants, thats definatly adjustable. I havent been feeding the plants anything but watering there soil and every 3 days giving them the mite spray. I looked under the leaves and there are still tiny black dots, but everytime i spray i could definatly say there getting less and less but again, not totally gone with the spider mites.

UPDATE * i lowered the lights and hopefully thatl help there growth.
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Keep spraying, and is there any way to get your plants centered under the lights instead of just aiming the lights towards and relying on the reflecting light?
Thank you bakatare, yes i've moved the lights closer and also took off the covers on the lights cause they had light dust of them. Looks like theres better light and there liking it more. I just need to figure out how im going to put like 2 more CFL's down the side of them.
Tommaro is when im going to spray them tommaro again with that bayer stuff so that will be 3 days since my last spray which should be again helping the plants. But I have some pictures and I NEED to know whats going on and whys theres LITERALLY silver crust on the leaves. Like i am basically able to take off the silver crust by hand. KinD of! just some. and there are still like 2 or 3 little black dots under some of the leaves i can see, so i do infact still have spider mites ): .. more updates to come! But here are some pics! and more advice is highly apreciated! photo.jpgphoto[1].jpgphoto[2].jpg


Well-Known Member
Try spraying some of your stuff on a piece of something, where you wil be able to see the silver after it dries, in case in fact it is the spray causing it.
You may just be worrying over nothing.:wall:
Try spraying some of your stuff on a piece of something, where you wil be able to see the silver after it dries, in case in fact it is the spray causing it.
You may just be worrying over nothing.:wall:

ah this is in fact very true, i will try this now haha >.< problemz problemz. These hopefully will be some juicy buds though,. Im going tommaro or soon to get some azamax and neem oil to try and conquer those stupid spider mites. You guys are helping me a bunch, as im nub of this but shit, im learning very well.


Well-Known Member
Well, you're trying, and taking all the opinions and suggestions openly, that makes it easier for us to try and help.:wink:


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to say but i can't see from ur pics what that silver stuff is too clearly, but my money anyway would be on it being something bug-related that they spit/shit out or lay. If it is residue from whatever spray u put on, then that aint too good a thing either as i doubt the product is meant to accumulate in that way & ur probably putting too much on; it may or may not affect the plants health.

But in general, i wanted to say, do be careful with what u spray on ur plants - make sure ur using something suitable for food consumption plants as u don't wanna end up smoking something toxic. And do follow the labels & if anything give abit less than recommended, if possible. Excess use of any chemicals usually doesn't get the job done quicker or better!

And without sounding too nagging mother, but u do also realise ur gonna have to viciously scrub & disinfect that entire grow-room before u even think about using it for any grows after this??! Any time u get insects u gotta sterilise everything at end of grow or else the little wankers will be straight back as soon as any new plants appear! In fact in hindsight, it was pretty tight of ur mate to give u plants that were probably already infected! Tho very good variety choice tho - will be sweet as if they do keep marching on strong & harvest well! Best of luck anyway man!
Thank you so much for the input my friend, yes the reason why i took them with spider mites is also because they were infact free! so thats why i took up upon the journey.
As far as the silver shit, it all goes away after i spray them down with the shit and wait 20 minutes and spray them with water. Then like a day passes and itl be there again and itl jsut get worse and some might or might now go away.
ill try diffrent spray although and see if this helps and also use light dosage. After i spray them with the new kind of stuff ill get, il try and do best i can with the grow space and scrubbin it down. Hopefully ill come out with some good green. Again i really apreciate it and ill have updates through the whole thing
Small issue, on my BBHB theres small orange hair coming out from the stem and showing signs of more hairs poping out and coming out. and on the other one, larry thats also sprouting some hairs.
Although there is the smaller plant who might be a male and im not sher about the other one either. Tell me if you think either of these could be males. I am not to sher.
