I started working way early.. I was the kid in the neighborhood who went to your door asked to rake-clean-sweep your yard for cheap.. infact I had a crew with me.. not too many Navy moms could resist a kid who will clean up the yards.. We made BANK when it snowed.. (bank was about 2$ per yard.. but it gave me the desire to work and get money to buy crap my folks refused too..
Age 10-15 babysitting yard cleaner
age 13 I worked for the St of CT as a seaweed disposal tech.. (we got paid to walk out in a shallow ocean cove that a local factor had spilled something in that made the seaweed flourish... did this for the entire summer of 1983) we did get to keep all the crab and other ocean edibles we drug up in the net.... a week later a lady was swimming there and got cought up the seaweed and drown...
Age 14 Spent the summer again working for the St of CT (summers youth program) cleaning up old cemeteries.. learned how to do grave stone rubbings with charcoal.. all of the cemeteries were 1800's and earlier.
Age 15 grocery bagger at the commissary tips only (loved this job good pay)
age 16-18 worked for a CPO (cheif petty officers club) club Navy Exchange Deli Burger king
age 19-22 Local Hospital
22-24 school Worked at Staples till Circuit City recruited me stayed there for 2 years
Collection Agency Manager 9 years
Gov Collection agency 8 ( ran a wedding-portrait business while working ft.. )
retried unwillingly age 40
Loved the Wedding photography part... Collections was interesting to say the least...
Age 10-15 babysitting yard cleaner
age 13 I worked for the St of CT as a seaweed disposal tech.. (we got paid to walk out in a shallow ocean cove that a local factor had spilled something in that made the seaweed flourish... did this for the entire summer of 1983) we did get to keep all the crab and other ocean edibles we drug up in the net.... a week later a lady was swimming there and got cought up the seaweed and drown...
Age 14 Spent the summer again working for the St of CT (summers youth program) cleaning up old cemeteries.. learned how to do grave stone rubbings with charcoal.. all of the cemeteries were 1800's and earlier.
Age 15 grocery bagger at the commissary tips only (loved this job good pay)
age 16-18 worked for a CPO (cheif petty officers club) club Navy Exchange Deli Burger king
age 19-22 Local Hospital
22-24 school Worked at Staples till Circuit City recruited me stayed there for 2 years
Collection Agency Manager 9 years
Gov Collection agency 8 ( ran a wedding-portrait business while working ft.. )
retried unwillingly age 40
Loved the Wedding photography part... Collections was interesting to say the least...