The UK Growers Thread!


RIU Bulldog
fuck off and go eat some beans ya mexican immigrant lol

hows ya doing anyway m8? u good?
I'm alright man, just trying to survive this fucking Christmas business. I'm more upset about that than the damn so-called Mayan apocalypse! Humbug!

You sound chipper. What's up with that? lol


Well-Known Member
I'm alright man, just trying to survive this fucking Christmas business. I'm more upset about that than the damn so-called Mayan apocalypse! Humbug!

You sound chipper. What's up with that? lol
i was lucky beans had a cropped a month before xmas got all the prezzies and shit then, aint been to no shops for ages fuck that! too busy just the thougth of going gives me a panic attack lol


RIU Bulldog
In all seriousness though, I hope nothing happens to you and yours.

Losing that Cheese mother would truly be a tragedy.


Well-Known Member
so the mayanoise guys wer wong,, who next is syaing the worlds ending? mother shipton, if her bridge falls, but they scoffolded it up so that wont happen (no shit)
who else has predicted the worlds end?

i was lucky beans had a cropped a month before xmas got all the prezzies and shit then, aint been to no shops for ages fuck that! too busy just the thougth of going gives me a panic attack lol
i did the same,, bowt 3-4 weeks ago i did mine,, glad i got the xmas prezzies done, ffs less stress


RIU Bulldog
i was lucky beans had a cropped a month before xmas got all the prezzies and shit then, aint been to no shops for ages fuck that! too busy just the thougth of going gives me a panic attack lol
Ah that's good man. I like hearing that my online pals are doing well. I hope it stays with ya in the new year my friend.


RIU Bulldog
Well there was Y2k....
Also there was Heaven's Gate. Check this guy out. 40 seconds is his doomsday...uh.....prophecy...


Well-Known Member
so the mayanoise guys wer wong,, who next is syaing the worlds ending? mother shipton, if her bridge falls, but they scoffolded it up so that wont happen (no shit)
who else has predicted the worlds end?

i did the same,, bowt 3-4 weeks ago i did mine,, glad i got the xmas prezzies done, ffs less stress
I predict the world will end, one day when our star goes supernova and turns into a Red Giant, engulfing half of our solar system.

When will this happen? In about 2.4million years... Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerp


Well-Known Member
just had 18oz of sirloin, pot salad, coleslaw, asparagus n jack pot fuck it went down a treat, gotta admit it was a bloody taste sensation lol


Well-Known Member
just had 18oz of sirloin, pot salad, coleslaw, asparagus n jack pot fuck it went down a treat, gotta admit it was a bloody taste sensation lol
u fat cunt!

i just got sum chicken with chps n spaggetti hoop,ss this infection i gots kicking my arse!! i hate been poorly ffs


Well-Known Member
Nice one Yorkie.

Me and the wife just got called Cancer Victims by some sick Moroccan dudes, fukkin little knob jockeys. The Dutch got some wierd ways of abusing you.


Well-Known Member
It's laughable lad, I see them all the time, it's just constant threats and abuse to people.


Well-Known Member
geezer i know,, a old due 50+constantly talks shit,lies and lies, anyhows about a month bak lied saying hes got cancer and was syaing that within 24 hrs the doc had sent him to hossy and had a biopsy done,results bak and in kemo,,, wtf all in 24 hrs? lol
so anyways 2 days later the dude collapses gets taken to hossy ONLY GOT LIVER AND KIDNEY FAILURE,,AHAHAHAHA............... i call that KARMA!!

prik,lying about cancer,, wat a moron,


Well-Known Member
fucking wankers! std vitcims the fucking lot of you! scummy cunting fucktards! il kill you all! that is after me snooze, fucking 3nights running now im defo getting old lol just woke up only layed back for a quick relax lol

  • it's just constant threats and abuse to people




Well-Known Member
fucking waknkers! std vitcims the fucking lot of you! scummy cunting fucktards! il kill you all! that is after me snooze, fucking 3nights running now im defo getting old lol just woke up only layed back for a quick relax lol

  • it's just constant threats and abuse to people


lol big baldy fat hed sambo all pissey coz royal mails fucked him AHAHAHA wankers eh sambo?