Evo's Back, New Grow Room Op., Perpetual UC DWC, Blue Widow, Aurora Indica, Purps


Well-Known Member
So I took a break for a while and sold everything about a year ago. Thought I might run into some problems so rather than that I just stopped. I get busy during the nicer weather months due to my job and that being framing houses. We do work right through winter but its a bit slower you could imagine.

I decided to jump back into it this time for good and try to lessen my cost to start up and have increased my yield and earnings specifically for the fist harvest.

I will be doing two under current systems in seperate 4x8 tent under a scrog. I used to fill a 4x4 tent with four plants under 1 1k dual spectrum bulb. Ill be keeping it the same four plants but this time Im going to fill twice that. lol.

With the under currents supposed growth rates im hoping to keep a decent month to 6 week veg. Ill fill 3/4 of the net then i flip. During the veg state I keep a bigger screen like the net types with 5x5in squares. Then I keep chicken wire over the top of that. During veg all i do is pick up the chicken wire and drop it back down pulling branches here and there obviously. Keeps my scrog like a carpet of bud. I used to have pictures here not sure if anyone seen them before but there gone now.

So now heres the system i built using all cch20 buckets and lids and all their new 3" bulk heads. I have a 600 gph pump on it and a pond master a100 on order as well for all my air needs in the room.

Im using the hail right now with AN nutes. Sensi A+b Grow and Bloom. I have Silica Blast from botanicare, cali magic from Gh for the RO water. Ill be going with some bud hardners and we'll see what else.
I make my own cloner as you can see.

I just whipped that one up real quick to get going again. I think Im going to use one with a cooler and then also get the pump out of the reservoir to keep the temps down more.

Now on to the important part. lol. As for plants I have right now I have a friend hook me up with 5 plants all from seed. 4 of them about 12 in tall and then one mom about 3 ft tall. You can tell which is the mom obviously. lol. Then in rainforest system two of the bigger plants are aurora indica which i transplanted from coco in a pot, along with two smaller ones being aurora clones though i cut. Then there's a blue widow and some purps i got from another friend off his mom plants.

Then as for the buckets I have one aurora indica, and then one purple wreck. which are from seed.

Well let me know what ya think anyway. Or if you have any questions on the uc system. Think I have to go whip up some calimagic and silica for these guys. I forgot with the RO water I needed to be watchful and it looks like there curling on me. I will keep it updated as much as i remember to. lol

edited to add some bud porn:

Here is a pic of some of the bubblicious my friend is growing and is going to give me. Grown in coco using an nutes and 2 1k lights and 1 300w led. 10 plants per harvest 4 oz per plant. Bud comes out super dense and a+ looking and smoking. and those aren't even colas. lol.

he doesnt grow big plants either. Ive never personally seen his grow op just his product.


Well-Known Member
guess its not really a big deal if i keep this updated or not. lol. 170 views no responses. A bunch of lurkers or what... lol

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
guess its not really a big deal if i keep this updated or not. lol. 170 views no responses. A bunch of lurkers or what... lol
Hey EVO..

Looks good......fire it up....I just use the bubble 5 gallon bucket method.......I have seen some pretty nice grows using that method you have set up there...........Good luck........nitro..


Well-Known Member
Yah Im hoping to get my under current finished up here shortly. The second one i buy definitely will be already done from cch20. I built it myself using all their stuff but they know the secrets to what the angle of the pvc needs to be so that it doesn't pull on the container when everything is tight. I bought all m stuff at one shop and had went to another near my house that seen the new set up like i have and said the pvc is cut on such a slight angle some might not notice if not for the up arrow on the pipe.

At this point I had it all leak-less except for some aggervating drips from randown pvc connections that didn't get glued well enough i guess along with one or two uni-seals doing the same because I had over tightened them and spun them right off. lol. So I just went through it all with aquarium silicone anyway seeing as i live in an apartment. Luckily no one underneath me but a crawl space so in that aspect im lucky. But paying for supplies to re-do the room i don't want to do. lol. I have the floor poly-ed along with the grow tents so along with the best invest you can make if your growing with water and that being a shop vac. lol. I get any spills picked up quick.

I actually ran my RO system through the wall from my bathroom through the baseboard to my reservoir in the grow room. From there I decided I was just going to remove the baseboard heat from it anyway to help keep temps down even in the winter. Plan on running like 8 600 digital lights and 1k digital for veg. along with all the pumps, fans, and what not else. lol.


Well-Known Member
I only have one led at the moment. Its a sunshine systems 300w blue/red mix only. Plan on doing the first harvest with a 1k hps and the led and see what the out come is. from there Im going to up it 1k watts and see if he gains are worth the cost.


evo why not run hydroton? and depending on how many plants your running with the 1k itll always be worth it for the most part..never seen leds do anything great personally


Well-Known Member
I used to used hydroton but I'm not a fan. Escpecially with this hail or that new glass stuff is a great choice also. The hail is nice because while the plant is small only use a little and its not as dense and then as they get bigger just push it down to make it more dense.

There is no rinsing and no dirty water even after you've cleaned it. Plus with the salts it always grows powdery milder i don't like seeing or cleaning. lol.

The led is just supplemental light not really there for much other than that. I'm thinking the two 1k's in the 4x8 is going to be the optimum set up.

Then come's the big debate over hood and a co2 set up to no hoods and just a big air intake set up.

Ill be doing a 4 plant scrog in a 4x8 tent again if you didn't catch it. I veg for about 4-6 weeks under the net and keep them under for two weeks into flower.


Well-Known Member
ya know what's funny is how much easier of a time I have growing in water and keeping the plant healthy. Where as the few I have in coco have been lacking some n and cal or mag. I have them coming back to a nice green but still a slight curl to the leaf tips.


Looks good bro! I thought about using hail in place of hydroton as well. Only thing that concerns me is whether it will support a mature plant because the net basket and hydroton is all I have for support.


If you run Co2 you need Co2 burner or regulater, controller, and a/c which is an extra grand and the expense of cooling. You could add another light for that and probably yield just as much with just exhausting and bringing fresh air in. The only thing that draws me to using Co2 is the sealed room aspect of it, not having to worry about smell, temps and bugs but I find it hard to justify the price difference.


Well-Known Member
Well as to the hail supporting a mature plant I think that the hail is a better choice. The roots actually grow through the hail unlike hydroton and there-fore grow through it all and
intertwine. Ive had a worse time with big plants and the hydroton not really being a good anchor if you get me.

I scrog and I don't top the plants I just let them continue to grow and i pull them side ways so that they look more like a bonzai tree. lol. So there ends up being a lot of weight going out to the sides instead of up.


Cool I didnt know it grew through the cubes. If it is more stable as you say than it is def more user friendly than hydroton. I have dropped a basket of hydroton in my utility room and still find that shit in every nook and cranny.

Do you think you need considerably less air from air pumps using RDWC than in a standard DWC system? I see people running air stones in each site so doesnt that defeat the purpose of moving the water and creating waterfall effect if your already pushing air to the root zone? I realize its keeping the nutes stirred but seems like extra equipment if your going to run an air pump with it.


Well-Known Member
Also decided on a side not that I'm ditching the AN line and moving to most likely Dyna.

Also contemplating doing a vertical grow in the other tent. Thinking of keeping three reservoirs each connected to a seperate section in the tent to keep it perpetual.

The under current I will keep to the side and grow big bush's for the scrog and it will be like a 3-4month cutting schedule on that.

Ill see what happens anyway. I like the idea of a vertical scrog.


Well-Known Member
Honestly with the air pumps its not just about the DO in the water its more about the fine mist it produces. Which is why I keep an air stone in each bucket. I love a lot of bubbles and a strong air pump. The plants are really what love the fine mists it produces. Which is valuable when there isn't much roots hitting the water yet. Also why with the undercurrent you can clone with it. Which I haven't done but we'll see what happens.


I shut down for awhile and recently decided to start back up. I used AN and decided to try Dyna line this go but have only fed dirt plants until my clones root. Im going for productivity this time without worrying about plant numbers.

Sog flood & drain seems to be the most productive and less involved than most systems. I grew trees scrog style with great yields but it took alot of time weaving and rez maintenance in my opinion. I read a few vertical grows last night and it looks like alot of vertical grows are not getting the most out of their light. It may be a poor design but it looks like a pain in the ass running tiers or rows of plants while trying to evenly distribute plants and compensate for mature growth without having big gaps in between the rows. I seen a few using corragated pipe and pumping water through with 600 gph pump. I would like to see some yield results.


Well-Known Member
Take a look at this guys set up Here. I started off with doing the stinkbud system from 3 week perpetual harvest and from there i adapted it to a dwc/ lp aero set up. So I like this guys set up. There is another guy who did it with 4in y's and went with vertical columns with the same lp aero design. I just find like everyone else you get leggy plants with aero because they just grow so fast.

That's why I mixed it up with the dwc and I got nice big bushy plants.

If you get it right with vertical you can't beat the yield. You can grow any which way you'd like also. But you are supposed to use a lot of plants so with soil and other mediums that cost a lot suck to use. So again the hail would work nice with what ever system you end up going with.

Id be looking to do a U type scrog in like a 5 or 6 ft tent with a height of about 6'10. Im really just experimenting i guess to find what is going to get me the best yield in the space i have while keeping it perpetual.

I was going to do two under currents cutting 4 plants and the 4 more plants two weeks later every two months. With the hopes of averaging at least 2lbs per tent.


Well-Known Member
My buddy is hooking me up with a Strawberry cough clone today too. Only thing is I think it will be like f3. What ever i guess we'll see how she turns out. lol


Active Member
Your setup looks good Evo. I'm just starting perpetual dwc in sealed room. I'll have two screens flowering in rotation started the first on November1st she's about to goto 12/12 starting veg on the second. I like you idea on three U shape just don't have room, and that vertical setup is sweet great idea looms complicated though. I'll be watching see what you do!


Well-Known Member
Figured I'd post a few updated pics of the ladies.

Ive got the cloner filled with aurura indica and a couple purple wreck in the middle there.

Then we got the Aurora Indica Mom I've been pulling off and trying to shape into a little scrog to get the most out of it in flower here shortly. Leaves are down do to her being a little thirsty. Dam coco is a pain in the ass to be hand watering.

I have my rainforest set up to veg the plants right now. I have Blue Widow, Purple Wreck, and Strawberry Cough in there at the moment.

Here's my Purple Wreck mom. I went through and trimmed all the fan leaves off the three moms. Growth is so much better for all the rest of the plant as you can see.

Here's a Aurora Indica that I will be making my new mom.

Finally the under current up and running with 4 aurora indica's in there.

Let me know what you think. Still need to build my net for the uc but i got time so not to worried. Going to be flowering that mom here shortly once I get another tent. Hoping that the plants in the uc take off so I can get this show on the road. lol