Evo's Back, New Grow Room Op., Perpetual UC DWC, Blue Widow, Aurora Indica, Purps


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. lol. I have things changing around still a lot figuring what's going to work.

I agree that plant's don't seem to take very well at a young age in it. I'll definitely be keeping it in mind from now on.

I moved my hempy buckets in with the UC and have them all vegging now and I'm not really going to train them with the scrog net. Just going to tie them down and trim for now to keep things going faster for now.

I bought 6 2 gal air pots for the flood table now and the same dripper set up. this time no 5 gal buckets and these will be going into the vertical racks once I find or build my flood trays for it. I need four for each side at 4 feet long by about 14in wide and even just an inch dip would work and I would just build a support bar for air pot not to tip over.


Well-Known Member
Got some pictures of everything I was talking about and the mom all trimmed up. I have been trying to just make a legit grow op room. Trying to determine a spot for everything and keep a perpetual cycle going. So my room is 12x14 and its has a small 2x3 closet with 8' ceilings all around.

So here's my closet I whipped up over the weekend. Poly'd the cloning area and built a couple shelves to hold and mix nutes and another top shelf to hold media and other misc.

Cloning cab

Now this pic is hard to make out in the led light but there's nothing special to see other than I put the hempy plants in along with the UC and I'm just going to veg together, trim, train, and flower. Probably won't get to scrog this round.

Now the next pic is what the vertical shelves are going to consist of. I found 10inx45inx3in flood trays for my racks. So I can fit four air pots per shelf. So 16 plants per side and 2 sides. Each side will be its own. So its perpetual. I haven't ordered the flood trays yet at 30$ a piece. I need to still cut and fasten a few pieces of plywood to the racks to hold flood trays. Just going to do a bottom and the front see its on a angle forward so the back isn't needed.

The main event is my Aurora. Its 22 days into flowering and just been feeding dyna bloom, liquid seaweed, silica, and calmag. I picked up some open sesame I am going to run this week and then Im going to pick up beastie bloomz at the end of the week for week 5. Week 6 I am going to run Cha-Ching and go for a 2-3 week flush depending on when plants finishes. I want super clean smoke no chemical taste bullshit.

Oh and in the grow cab I built that's 50inx50in I will be adding a second level and a 48inx48in flood table so I can veg 16 or more plants on each level. I have a 36inx36in flood table now and I can fit 10max. Going to go with some t-5 so I can keep the height needed to a minimum.


Well-Known Member
So I just went over my note pad to check when i put this aurora into flower and it was actually only then end of week three yesterday. I started with the open sesame this week and i got to say that I definitely think it helped. Besides just getting my leaves to a healthier shade of green it almost seemed like the buds already swelled up fast and are just about touching other nodes already.

kind of blurry but the light's are out so you can see the sites.

light's on



Well-Known Member
Thats a serious bush evo may wanna pull those shoot stalks apart n get some breathing room in between all that shes quite full man hate too see u catch mold on that girl


Well-Known Member
Yah Ill keep an eye out. Not much more I can do. I trimmed all the fan leaves off, cut all the other leaves in half, its tied down to the max. I can't get it spread out any more the top out did the rest of the plant before it got a chance to come around or up. lol. It'll make do either way. Ill harvest's in stages if I have to.

Going to get some 600's i think for my 4x8 tent with the 9 plants in it now. 7 i plan on flowering in 3 weeks give or take. 3 in the under current that are rather small for the system and 4 in hempy 5 gal buckets.

I have a 400cfm fan pulling the air out as well as a vornado fan in there at the bottom. Plus i keep my tent open with the a/c on to keep temps about 77-80. a/c barely kicks on but with all the equipment and dehumidifier/chiller it puts off heat so until i get another bigger fan set up to pull it all out i just run the a/c. my bill isn't nothing still even with everything i run so w/e.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like LED is in your future OP... too shady of work to install a sub panel.. especially in an apartment. I couldn't even imagine what your utility bill is going to look like with 2-3 600w HIDs...fuck me. Besides staying on my toes all the time, my wallet wouldn't be able to hold me down ;)

kick ass 8x4 tent brother, those are the Starting Price $0.01 eBay tents right? Been watching those for a longggg time now, sweet deal no doubt. Stoked about the Strawberry Cough.

Subbed and keep it up!

..never seen leds do anything great personally
lol... look around.


Well-Known Member
That 4x8 tent cost me 250 shipped i believe it was. Its a bit on the shorter side but i like it better than the 54in hydro farm one i bought for the same price. I think the zipper's are better and the same style metal pole connections. all tig welded no plastic tee's. look on lashop.com for equipment deals. I am going to order a digital light set up from them and see what happens.

I'm not worried about the power. My bill is still low like 200-300 and i have a big apartment. It will only be for so long until i save up and move to a garage with my car and the op. Commercial property power usage isn't anything.


Well-Known Member
they have good deals on tent's. I was looking at some bigger ones as well. I want to buy them just to have because there so cheap and I was impressed with the 4x8 for more than half the price of any where else.


Well-Known Member
Oh and my electrical panel is located right in my living room kitchen area and my apartment is the only one out of 4 with no basement just a crawl space. I was planning on ripping up the rug in a closet and making my own trap door to go down with a full tyvek suit of course. lol. The run i need to make is only about 16 feet in total so not to long. No body would know I even did it and I would just take it out when I leave.


Well-Known Member
damn, 2-300 for electric is where I would start to shit my pants.. (all utilities estimate to 100- with x4-6 145w panels) but if that's the usual pull for your area than run all you got!

Sounds like you're planning on hanging tight at this location for some time, might as well get cozy :-P

Best of luck and be safe brother!


Well-Known Member
yah its pretty normal around here. your electrical bill cannot be used against you unless your not paying it. As long as you pay it they can't do anything. My parent's house with an in-law apartment at around 3000sq ft altogether the bill would be over 1k a month. No growing just fridges, freezers, a pool, jacuzzi. So with everything today that people have and use power usage isn't a big thing i worry about. Running a big screen is the same as a 1000w light. I have 2 bedrooms and the living room along with 2 bathrooms so I have a big enough area to be using up power.

I've been at my place for 2 years now. Quiet and no one around me. Plus I don't talk to anyone so i keep to myself. I just plan on doing what I have to, to make some smoke and some money so I can get a garage for the grow and all my shit. Ill have a business address with the garage and its commercial, and I have plans for building a loft set up with the grow room up top.


Well-Known Member
The end of the fourth week. Feeding as of now open sesame, beastie bloomz, dyna bloom, and gh floranectar. I should have been feeding floranectar or a sweetner the whole time but all well. We'll see what happen this time and the next round what's different.

I also got my order in today that i placed with attitude 8 days ago. pretty impressed i would have to say. I order up some TGA Subcool Cheese Quake, HSO Sour Blueberry, DNA Cannalope Kush, and 1 bean of Dutch Passion's Blueberry so I could get all the freebies. lol. I got 5 freebies in total. I got those Blim Burn Orka, Kabrales, and Super Auto. Then there's G13's Cheese, and DinaFem's Diesel.

So I got a good few strains to go through anyway. I soaked the Cheese Quake and the Blueberry to go in rapid rooter's tomorrow. Probably wake them up in session's about 6-8 weeks apart so i don't crowd myself.

Also think I am going to be ditching the wooden shelves and some other stuff as well and just go back to aero in a vertical system. lmao. Right back to where i started in the beginning. lol


Well-Known Member
Lol man aint that always the way it did look like it was getting a lil crazy in there man growing trees gets to be too much work all on its own and every lil bit of extra room is a major plus at least here anyway.. Looking good as usual man keep um green. Peace


Well-Known Member
The under current needs a lot of space and some of that space ends up being unusable. Between the unusable space and the fact I needed to drop more money on a chiller I decided it would be cheaper to just not run and go a different route.

Plus I put things to hault for changing up the room. I am going to look at a 3 family house to buy not sure whether I'll like it or not but either way the guy has other properties as well so I won't rush into anything but I am going to own my own property so I'll be able to do what I want then.

Ill probably just continue with the hempy-perlite air-pots and 5 gal buckets. Or just may and go build myself a vertical aero system if i get bored. lol.

Built a new cloner while we in the New England got bombarded with snow. Luckily the power was good and snow didn't build up on the lines.

Ill have to get a picture of my girl. She's done 5 weeks into her 6th now. Going to keep going mid way through with the beastie bloomz then ease them into the cha-ching. I'm thinking she is going to be going 9-10 weeks. 10 weeks being the lastest I hope. She's heavy and leaning need to tie her up tonight as matter of fact.


Well-Known Member
I just saw a listing for a bad as fuck vertical aero system, dude wanted 8000 dollars... I would have laughed in his face if he offered that in person; but past that- it was a beautiful system, sweet round wooden armoire, similar to a stand up tanning bed with a two center HPS' i believe.

Of course... we'd want to convert the source into LED... ;)

I actually don't know why someone would do that right off the bat... so many more positives in such a restrictive area.

Sorry to hear you closed up shop, but congratulations on checking out new places, I recently just bought my first house and it feels great... but oooo the life of a homeowner... there is always something to do.


Well-Known Member
Oh Im still at it just not changing anything up anymore. If I was staying in this place I was debating on taking out the tents and building a bigger grow cab for a circular more efficient vertical low pressure aero set-up. Probably go with a shallow well pump or i was looking at general hydroponics 1/4 hp pump as well.

I am not stopping again ever. To much invested to stop. I won't do it again. I have a new caregiver's card from a buddy. So I'm legit and I just bought a bunch of seeds. I have 5 cheese quake that popped. Waiting on 1 more and 1 dutch passion blueberry neither want to pop although they sink in a cup of water.


Well-Known Member
Bored so I figured id throw up some new pics. Like I said I had made a new cloner. Tried to do a external res so the strong tote was totally water and pump free just open with the sprayers. I need to get bigger return tubing though because 1/2 doesn't drain fast enough compared to the water being pumped out. So I just set it up like normal for now.

Here's the 4x8 tent with no under current now. Just the 5gal perlite buckets. Moved my mother's into there as well. I want to flower the 5 gal Aurora's soon but I need more light and I have no cash right now. lol. Plus I'll have some reconfiguring in the tent so i can get a couple of the air pots in there as well.

Here's the veg cab I built. I have my cheese quake seedlings in the back and 8 aurora's in air pots and 1 blue widow. Its a good 7'6 high I forget exactly but i know I can fit another 4x4 flood tray up top if i make another level. Going to go with the 12 bulb bad boy t-5 for each level eventually so its low profile and heat. No more light issues with 732 watts at your disposal.

I have all kinds of idea's lol. Like putting the shelves I made into the 4x8 and doing a horizontal x vertical scrog with both horizontal x vertical lighting. lol.

The flood tray in that pic is only 36in x 36in also. So ill be able to fit at least four more plants in each tray so about 12-14 per level vegging. They will be different ages also so it will be perpetual.


Well-Known Member
Took a pic last night of the Aurora. This is her 6th week flowering. I'm hoping she starts to fill out soon if not then i figure i got stuck with a low yielding pheno. Better be damn good smoke then at least or she's getting culled. lol.

She is smelling great and the buds are heavy an dense anyway. This coming round I'll have quite a bit smaller plants so we'll see if that effect's the size of the buds seeing I will have clones of the same plant in there.

Plan on ridding myself of the blue widow and we'll see what else. With all the new seeds I don't need so much around. Hoping for some good results from the cheese quake. I soaked 6 Cheese Quake seeds and 1 Dutch Passion Blueberry. They all ended up sinking but the blueberry and one cq didn't want to crack. So I took a razor and slit the seed open a hair and re-soaked them. If it don't work all well but it was worth a shot.


Well-Known Member
Cool evo i grew up in pittsfield mass most my fam is still there they got clobbered man im seriously thinking about going home now they have the medical i just gotta get back on vacation n see how the program works before i make any decissions


Well-Known Member
Yah the snow is already melting. lol. half gone in a day. lmao. Its been like 47 the past couple days now. 50 on friday supposedly. Ill take one big hit a year and then spring. lol.

I'm not sure what mass is going to do for there program. Its funny that they decriminalized its like two years ago to a 100 dollar fine under a oz. While RI had medical marijuana since 06. lol. Now RI has just made it decriminalized and mass passes medical. While RI is voting to make it recreational like alcohol.

Now as for my grow. I'm just not happy with the size of the buds on my Aurora. There dense and heavy but there just not what comparable to what ive seen from other's. I'm about to throw another 800watts in there and see if it gives it a boost for the last two or three weeks left. It was green although out veg and flower and is just now starting to yellow.

I have another Aurora pheno that I hope gives me some better results. Also have a bunch of purple wreck clones in the cloner. Still will have 13 of this same pheno of Aurora to flower out. Then that will be it for her pheno unless it proves to be some killer smoke then i'll keep it.