Need help flushing?

Room state of the art and can't have a serious flush inside. If I have to much water I wouldnt be able to drane proper because they're sitting on tables. They can handle a pretty heavy feed but not as much as they need. What should I do.


Well-Known Member
are you running hydro? soil? we need something more here...


and yeah wtf your room is "to nice" to flush??? what could that possibly mean...if it was too nice it wouldn't need any work!!!

also 1000 plants son dont post that shit on here come on...this is a medical website for patients, there is nowhere you can grow 1000 legally so for everyones sake keep that on the hush...

1 plant or 1000 plants flushing is the same principal - its that type of flaunting thats going to land you in a cell...

so lets get some more info and maybe we can help you....
I have three medical scripts and one of the patients is dying from cancer. So he has a really high plant count for juicing. I'm not that $&@"ing stupid. Would never put anything that ill get into trouble for.


Well-Known Member
Room state of the art and can't have a serious flush inside. If I have to much water I wouldnt be able to drane proper because they're sitting on tables. They can handle a pretty heavy feed but not as much as they need. What should I do.
Too lazy to pick them up and carry them to a sink or drain?


Well-Known Member
doesn't matter how many scripts you have...over 99 is minimum 5 years federally...just sayin....

the feds could care less about cancer and the benefits of juicing.....