Best Brand for Dual Hose Portable Air Conditioner


Hello All,

I'm new to the forum. Got a bunch of questions but I'm still researching on most. The one thing I've determined is that as first run I'm going to take a shot at using a dual hose portable AC unit instead of attempting a mini split.

What is the best most reliable unit out there than has the best chance of being sealed internally and not sucking the CO2 out of the room?



Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Hello All,

I'm new to the forum. Got a bunch of questions but I'm still researching on most. The one thing I've determined is that as first run I'm going to take a shot at using a dual hose portable AC unit instead of attempting a mini split.

What is the best most reliable unit out there than has the best chance of being sealed internally and not sucking the CO2 out of the room?


Do a lot of research before you buy...generally they are inefficient and can be noisey. What are you trying to do that air cooled reflectors can't do? Need more info please. It easy to drop names like Haier or Denby, but let's hear what your plans are.
On here we live and learn. What are you goals, budget, and what have you read so far? :)


Well-Known Member
I have experience with the dual hose. The problem is smell getting pumped outside. Im switching to mini split as soon as I can find a HVAC dude I can trust to install it


I'm planning on having two enclosed reflectors (hoods) with 1000 watts each. I also plan on burning NG for CO2 and will use a controller. So I need the cooling for residual heat from the hoods and for the CO2 generator. Room is 10x10x8. I'm in Michigan so mainly need the cooling for the summer.

Small operation only 8 plants in flower at any one time. Not sure what else would be pertinent.

The ac will also serve to dehumidify the room.




Well-Known Member
Do a lot of research before you buy...generally they are inefficient and can be noisey. What are you trying to do that air cooled reflectors can't do? Need more info please. It easy to drop names like Haier or Denby, but let's hear what your plans are. On here we live and learn. What are you goals, budget, and what have you read so far? :)
Around here it gets over 100F and RH stays above 90% all summer long. What does air cooling your reflector do for that?