Club 600

i thought this was fitting lol.
And that is why I love this place. :-)

Congrats Duchie! Iv taken a few clases, but nothing super serious. This means youll be giving us even better pr0n! so excited! lol

Edit: Looks like I missed an entire page :shock:
Really you do I have to it for you? Just bend the blade and add some more pitch til you NOTICE a difference. And really you can't bend plastic blades? I never knew that thanks for the great tip!

A simple " just bend more the way it's bent" would have been sufficient but then again I guess you wouldn't have felt better about yourself unless you said some slick shit. W E bro good Luck with your blade bending. Luckily for
me I have money to blow on my setup. I was just curious as to what would happen but since I have no need to do such a thing why try it.? Best of luck to you captain snappy, may your ghetto rigged ways get you all the bud your little heart desires :) oh and happy holidays, sounds like you need a hug. Lol HG!!!
How dare you double post Jig! Unbelievable!!! I would never do such a thing... lol

I didnt even know it was saturday, I honestly though it was the middle of the week. bongsmilie
The beginnings of....

Cam-tar 5000™ mk-II (bass guitar-mounted HD camcorder)






One will be mounted on the headstock looking down the fretboard, and one will be mounted down behind the bridge (tailpiece) looking up the strings towards the headstock.

And I'll be able to use my old digital cameras (in video mode) to record from two other angles, for a total of 4-views to edit video from.

(*mine are the #16 v2 cameras)
I just wish these little camcorders were around back when I had money for R/C car & boat stuff.

They're pretty sweet ,though.
My original Cam-tar 5000™ was made using my old Canon TX-1 camera that weighed 10 ounces. Making a mounting bracket with minimal vibrations brought the total weight up to about 14-ounces.
Made playing the bass very difficult.
The new cameras only weigh 17-grams each.
Going to be fun getting them up & running.
High horse? Not in the slightest, a distaste for misinformation and assumption yes.

In your eyes any information is better than no information is it?

The integrity of this thread is irrelevant so Ad Hominem attacks are futile but by the way if "that tip was mentioned on "the mainlining thread" which I think has helped out a lot more then this thread." - The 'mainlining thread' didn't help you to understand airflow and drag like the 600 thread did it? You tried to spread information here that was then explained to be false so who's helping who? That's OK, you're welcome.

FYI....Newbie, newb, n00b or noob is a slang term for a novice or newcomer, or somebody inexperienced in any profession or activity.
"because you think you're a better human being than me" - Apparent inferiority complex, much!

As for "kid", I'm 33 but then you know what they say about assumption.......
Their you go, lmao. Point proven, jah bless!
Bent fan blades,
cause cavitation.
Accute angles
cause air-flow cessation.

Centrifigal force,
radially applied,
no channels to direct,
air currents have died.

wet to dry,
dry to wet,
too much and your plants will fry.

Gale force,
causes battered leaves,
wind burn damage,
causes mothers to grieve.

Low speed,
high volume,
is all you need
to grow yourself up some happy weed.
I'm stoked to fab the brackets and try them out!

I need to go pick up a pair of micro SDHC memory cards tonight (they don't come with any).
Will be getting two 8-GB cards.

In case any are interested, I bought them from an ebay vendor, novotm, who's based out in Massachusetts.
The only other options I found to buy them are based in China, and the shipping is pretty expensive (relatively speaking).

I ordered these Thursday night, paid for USPS Express (next day air) and got them Saturday afternoon.
And he threw in two extra battery packs for free!
He also has both the 78-degree lens kit for it (it comes standard with a 70-deg lens), and the wide angle 120-degree lens kit for it, too.

Just thought I'd throw it out there, in case there are peeps into R/C cars-airplanes-helis-boats or model rockets.
Thats cool doob. I had a badass model rocket when I was a child, then my grandmother decided it needed to be destroyed while she was in on one of her visits. WTF? lol
Used to be into model rockets, too.
Only had a few good launches.
Most blew up on the pad, or shortly after liftoff.
Pretty cool to watch them blow.
Not so cool to keep having to build new ones because of it.
Thats cool doob. I had a badass model rocket when I was a child, then my grandmother decided it needed to be destroyed while she was in on one of her visits. WTF? lol
That's a horrible story! I don't want to speak badly of your gramma but..WTF! lol

Hey you guys, thanks for all the kind words and support. You guys are always good for it and you have lots to do with this move too. Thanks. :peace:

Those cams are cool Doob. Wouldn't mind having on just to have one around.

I don't think I posted this here before. Sorry if I did. Taken during one of my Amsterdam walks.
