So you want me to find a government source of why the Bilderberg Group is harming us......snip.......
So you didn't bother to actually click on the link and read the abstract. Since when does the US Government have anything to do with the Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Journal.
Ok let me break down how this game is played for you. You post something and we read it, we read your sources and we respond. YOU then read our response, read our sources and then YOU respond. You missed the step of reading the source.
I was trying to show you the type of source that another scientist would accept. To make points in the game you are playing with the person you are attempting to sway (CN in this case). Mere hyperbole and youtube video's won't work. You need primary source, peer reviewed (ie juried), professionally accepted journals in the field in question. The field for knocking Aspartame is the Chemistry journals, Pharmacology journals and Toxicology journals to name the more important sources.
Now slightly less acceptable sources would be the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Journal of the American Medical Association etc... Why? Because these aren't pure science they are practitioner sources so they do not have as high a bar for publishing.
Then you have to vette the science that was done. That requires some basic understanding of of statistics and probability. You have to look at sample sizes, controls etc... That will get you as far as any other educated adult. The problem is if you end up in an argument with the rare individual that is a peer in the field you are airing your opinion about. Then you simply don't have a ticket to the argument and you need to politely pick up your toys and go home.
I would not think of arguing with someone who can mix his own nutrients from source elements and read the German Chemistry journals in their native language (Chemische Berichte) because that is what he told you by telling you he would accept any source from the Chemishe Berichte.
Hope that helps you,