Not sure about deficiency mag or potassium.


Active Member
Ill give a quick run down.Soil is a 1/3 ffof.1/3 light warrior 1/3 perlite mixed with dolomatic lime.250 hps temps 65-79.Using botanicare gro bloom sweet karma.Was going great until i flipped to 12/12.Plants are g13 sour candy and world of seeds white widow x afghan kush.Both started showing exact symptoms.Lightning green in between viens.some on the bottom middle and top.During flower(starting 2nd week today) the sour candy has grown almost a foot and the ww started to turn a pale yellow and some brown spots.Both are in 3 gal pots.Sour candy is almost 2 feet tall and ww about 19" tall.I didnt start feeding until about4-5 weeks in.I started with a light dose of grow and bloom about 400 ppm.Run off was around 1600-2000 ppm and ph of 6.3-6.5.Runoff ppm has been dropping alot.Within 2 week period ive been uping nutes to about 850-900.Run off last feeding was 1000-1050 6.5.So Is it obvious these girls are hungry?Also when is a plant considered small,medium,or large(hieght wise?).I just want to verify im underfeeding.Will post pics later


Ursus marijanus
Those runoff numbers are high. I suspect deficiency less than (I suspect) lockout. A hungry plant has runoff with lower ppm than what's added. I would not up your ppm past where you are. cn


Active Member
First 3 are sour candy.It seemed that they were both happier when run off was higher around 1600.Since i watered they have not gotten any worse.What should my runoff be?I dont think i have a lock out because runoff ph is 6.5.What would be the best thing to do?Its also my second time with a diesel strain.We dont get along..Any advise would be great.Thanks guys.


Ursus marijanus
I see lockout ... but it needn't be from pH, although 6.5 from soil is low imo. Especially considering FF is a peat-based mix, and peat can go sour.

I would flush with much water, ten feed with a balanced pack of veg nutes. I would adjust my feed strength until what you get out is close to what you put in. Jmo. Sucjh high runoff numbers strongly suggest that there is too much ionic strength in the root zone. This can cause lockout, since the plant's root absorption of balanced nutrients depends on not being overloaded with ions it can't use right away. Thus: lockout from a nominally good feed formula ... cn


Active Member
Will be watering later today.Heres a question.I added lime to my soil mix.I added about a tablespoon a gallon.Is it possible the lime is locking certain elements out.Ive never had a problem since i been adding lime to ff.They are both showing symptoms of my very first grow.:cry:


Active Member
Well gave them a good watering ph 6.8 at about 100 ppm.Spring water.White widows runoff 6.7 450ppm.Sour candy 6.6 550ppm.I now suspect a lockout also.Brown patches starting to spread and leaves yellowing a bit more.That or im crazy and just need to stay on a 800-900 ppm diet.Its funny last grow went flawless.any other opinions?


Active Member
Sour candy holding its own.White widow yellowing with brown tips and spots progressing up.Last night gave them about 350 ppm and run off on both of them are 6.5 at 500 ppm.Going to up the ppm next feeding.Im in the 3rd week flower so i dont think ill be bothered by losing some bottom leaves on the widowxkush.She is a bushy little thing.also my 250 hps isnt helping .need to upgrade to a 4oo hps.Side note buds are developing niclely


Active Member
White widow still having issues.Ph has been 6.5 last time i fed was about 550ppm botanicare bloom pro soil.Only the fan leaves have been infected.They have a dull yellow appearance and feel rough.Stems are super purple.Some look like a mg deficiency.Browning starts in the middle of the leaf,then goes to tips and edges and then shrivels up.Any help would be great.ww1brown.jpgww2brown.jpgww3brown.jpg


Well-Known Member
looks like N deficiency.. 400ppm of nutrients for a plant that size is a little too low for me. normally, for a plant that size i'd be feeding with 1200ppm


Active Member
well uped the nutes today.Fed 850 ppm 6.6 off 920 ppm 6.5 ph.I think she was hungry the whole time.Pisses me off cause im always doin less is more.Not this time around i guess.Hopefully she shows a little recovery the next few days.

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
well its not mg def bruv
try and sort out your ph flush flush and flush those leaves are knackard now so we are looking at signs on new growth flush with ph a bit lower on half strength feed until the run off matches the drain and start from there bruv
If in doubt add yr Epsom salts as this wont hurt them just in case 1 teaspoon a gal and leave them for a week


Active Member
New growth is perfect.Only older big fan leaves affected.Flush?I dont think so.Ph is fine ppm isnt too high and ec is at 1.9-2.0.I think if i were to flush it would spread 10 times faster


Active Member
Gave them another good dose of about 1000ppm at 6.5.Nice cocktail of bloom,calmag and sweet.Older leaves are still tweaked but new growth is great.Run off was at 1100 at 6.5.Even go rid of the 250 and uped to a 400.Also found it wierd that the dead and crispy bottom leaves wont come off that easy.So i left them to come off by themselves.