Buds problem..and leaf - pictures (light,nutes or ph)

Hi! There my setup ...then the pic of the plant....

  • grow tent 2.6feetX2.6feet...5 feet high...
  • dimmable ballast 250-400-600 watts
  • actually at 600W with a tube hood...
  • carbon filter..inline fan as outtake
  • inline fan from outdoor as intake
  • tower fan inside for venting

Soil : Neutral ..perlite...mix from my growshop...

Strain : Automatic Trans Siberian

Day(from seed): 61

Average Night Temperature : 18 C
Average Day Temperature : 26 C

Organic Nutes: Biocanna Flores (last watering i use half strengh)
MAGiCAL (diff version of CalMag)

PH : I test it with piece of yellow paper...so look to be around or between 6.1 and 6.4

3 first pic is bud trouble and last its the leaf!!!

PS : i use tap water sit in a bucket for couple of days...ph of water go arounf 7 maybe little more...with all my nutes in it drop around 6.2 or little bit more...
can u see the brownish little leaf on the bud..kind of drying or something.. and my leaf make the tacos slowly! look like something more to me!
One thing I would check for is bud rot. On the cola give one of the brown leaves a tug and see if it comes out easily. If it does come right out look for rotting material inside the cola. Not saying thats what it is but had a similar probelm on one of my plants and it was bud rot. Don't know what your humidity levels but anything over 60% in flower can cause problems.
dont seem to have rot...around 20% humidity inthere!

and tug them do nothing...not fall apart...seem to be really just on the surface..maybe some humidity expose to the light ?


Well-Known Member
I don't know a definite answer to why it looks like it does in the pics but if i had to guess, i'd choose from a couple wildly different idea's.

Firstly, is this just 1 plant we're looking at here, or is that a different plant in each pic?? Also, have u grown these exact seeds before?? If it is just 1 plant & u've not previously grown this variety, then i'd be tempted to say it could just be down to shit genetics (plus the fact its auto means it might not be stable hybrid yet too) or u got unlucky with a weak, runt of the litter seed. But if u got more than 1 plant like this, and/or have grown these exact ones before with no probs, then its clearly not genetics & is environment, etc. The main reason i say this is cause it almost looks like the plant has finishing maturing & is desperately still trying to flower whilst wilting away. 61 days from seed seems abit quick for this to happen but, tho i haven't done auto's myself yet, i have heard their genetics can be abit screwy & wierd sometimes.

My second thought was maybe it not getting enough of a few particular nutes as those leaves definitely look underdeveloped & stunted rather than they grew healthy first & then got sick. Maybe try a slightly higher dosage level of feed. And/or it might be worth foliar feeding some of the Flores by spraying onto big fan leaves (Not spraying onto buds/hairs obviously!) as this will guarantee nutes get into for sure. Also, a follow-on question, are u able to lift the plant out its pot slightly or look underneath to check condition & quality of roots?? This could be useful as if u got yellowing roots then thats probably gonna be ur problem straight there. If all the roots are usual healthy, fluufy white then its back to probably being underfeeding.

Lastly, are u getting any sort of light leaks at night time, or is any other external environmental factor being allowed to stress the plant?? (even down to noise, vibration, gas emissions, etc) My final thought was maybe somethings stressing it out badly. Tho to be fair, average stress in my experience just tends to be slower growth but still normal looking - i have tho seen major stress cause a plant to totally flip out & grow wierd tho, so possibly check nothing is interferring, starting with what i think would be main culprit of light getting onto it at night.

I know this isn't direct help but it does seem a strange problem because u seem to know what ur doing well enough already & ur posted list of climate, soil, growing conditions, etc shows that u got most of the important bases covered fine already, so hence it must be some minor thing ur not thinking of. If not, i'd stick by it being dodgy auto genetics or a one-off bad seed. Best of luck getting it sorted dude!
I don't know a definite answer to why it looks like it does in the pics but if i had to guess, i'd choose from a couple wildly different idea's.

Firstly, is this just 1 plant we're looking at here, or is that a different plant in each pic?? Also, have u grown these exact seeds before?? If it is just 1 plant & u've not previously grown this variety, then i'd be tempted to say it could just be down to shit genetics (plus the fact its auto means it might not be stable hybrid yet too) or u got unlucky with a weak, runt of the litter seed. But if u got more than 1 plant like this, and/or have grown these exact ones before with no probs, then its clearly not genetics & is environment, etc. The main reason i say this is cause it almost looks like the plant has finishing maturing & is desperately still trying to flower whilst wilting away. 61 days from seed seems abit quick for this to happen but, tho i haven't done auto's myself yet, i have heard their genetics can be abit screwy & wierd sometimes.

My second thought was maybe it not getting enough of a few particular nutes as those leaves definitely look underdeveloped & stunted rather than they grew healthy first & then got sick. Maybe try a slightly higher dosage level of feed. And/or it might be worth foliar feeding some of the Flores by spraying onto big fan leaves (Not spraying onto buds/hairs obviously!) as this will guarantee nutes get into for sure. Also, a follow-on question, are u able to lift the plant out its pot slightly or look underneath to check condition & quality of roots?? This could be useful as if u got yellowing roots then thats probably gonna be ur problem straight there. If all the roots are usual healthy, fluufy white then its back to probably being underfeeding.

Lastly, are u getting any sort of light leaks at night time, or is any other external environmental factor being allowed to stress the plant?? (even down to noise, vibration, gas emissions, etc) My final thought was maybe somethings stressing it out badly. Tho to be fair, average stress in my experience just tends to be slower growth but still normal looking - i have tho seen major stress cause a plant to totally flip out & grow wierd tho, so possibly check nothing is interferring, starting with what i think would be main culprit of light getting onto it at night.

I know this isn't direct help but it does seem a strange problem because u seem to know what ur doing well enough already & ur posted list of climate, soil, growing conditions, etc shows that u got most of the important bases covered fine already, so hence it must be some minor thing ur not thinking of. If not, i'd stick by it being dodgy auto genetics or a one-off bad seed. Best of luck getting it sorted dude!

cool! i cant really check the roots but i always make sure the PH is good then i use cannazym so it help root to eat and get better so im almost sure that not the trouble !..big fan go on and off in night time so make noise and vibration...more maybe light stress too ...could make it by the time i think about...so anyways ! good help thank i just keep a good eye on that! seller say 55-60 days for this strain so maybe i should just harvest tehm soon! i got 2 of these and they look totally different..and at a different stage ! anyways ! i let them grow! nature work pretty good by itself !


Well-Known Member
looks like you may have done the normal over fert for a newbe.. Ride it till done and dont take early. remember less is more. get a $30 ph Hanna hp pen. DRops are not accurate and I saw a thread where people are seeing complete different colors depending on the room light. HPS, MH, cfl etc. Make sure th e ph is 6.2-6.5 including with nuts.
looks like you may have done the normal over fert for a newbe.. Ride it till done and dont take early. remember less is more. get a $30 ph Hanna hp pen. DRops are not accurate and I saw a thread where people are seeing complete different colors depending on the room light. HPS, MH, cfl etc. Make sure th e ph is 6.2-6.5 including with nuts.

i think it could be this..over fert...so if its this...what next? only water for next 2 watering?


Well-Known Member
depends how much longer you are flowering? flush it if they look bad. You will get the hang of it from experience but most plants have a iam done look to them when time to harvest. For flushing just water with 2/3 times the amount of the pot. If its a 3 gallon pot flush it with 6-9 gallons water. Do it normally as you would water dont throw it in hard and drown them. Remember that any change causes stress. After flush water normal cycle and tone down the ferts. in the future. You just want to help them along with a tiny amount of ferts. Maybe 20% suggested strenth until you get the hang of it.

You havent said but I hope you arent spraying them with anything while in flower? Major no no.
Is there any chance that it's water that splashed on the small leaf? match
no im sure its not this...must be over fert...pretty sure...by the way , no i never spray while in flower..even in vegetation i didnt!

was feedeing day today...so i go with no nutes..only water and cal-mag cause my water here not good ...use just a littlebit so yeah im still not sure aout when to harvest! some say i should now other say i should wait ! got 4 plants started at te same time but there not all looking the same now so im not sure...maybe couple days..a week maybe...


Active Member
You are experiencing phosphorus lockout due to over feeding. The plants are are taking up salts instead of phosphorus OR you have a phosphorus deficiency due to cold or under feeding. Either way its about P. Do yo have a meter that checks EC/PPM? This is a must when you are having issues like this. If no meter then make 1/2 strength bloom mix and get substantial runoff through pot. The idea is to flush old nutes/salts and replace with new nutes. If you are over fed the half strength soln covers this by lowering overall EC of media when flushed. Flushing requires well draining soil, be careful of root rot. Do not flush two waterings in a row as this will lead to rot. Let media dry out for a few days before next watering and again go with 1/2 strength bloom mix. Continue this and you will minimize the damage.

The yellow leaves will not get better. Your goal is to stop the progression of damage. Hope this helps. Peace.