The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
I just flipped to 12/12 and I'm thinking I'm going to throw some beans down in there just to check this out. I'm guessing my 3 gal. smartpots would be what I would sprout in just to keep any shock down with such a quicker grow?
I'm kind of excited to try this


Well-Known Member
I have just started 3 royal queen fruit sprit 12/12 from seed!! Will post pics when they start looking sexy!


Active Member
Happy Christmas everyone!

Here is what is helping me get in the festive mood today, Cheese Bomb 12/12 from seed....posted harvest pics a month a go or so I guess.

Yum Yum



Active Member
I'm working on my first grow. I'm groing in hempy buckets and my girls are 16 days from seed. I found this thread last night and after reading I decided to just flip now. I know its not from seed but I didn't know you could do this. Thanks everyone for all your info. I got 2 blue dream, 1 crit kush, 1 vintage 2006 and 1 jack freebies and a g13 haze that's a runt. Can't wait to see what happens! Thanks again.

I'm using a coco/perl mix (about 80/20) 600w mh (when should I switch to hps?) And my tent is 4'x4'x6.5'. I'm using heavy 16 nutes.


Well-Known Member
A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all you wonderful 12-12 from seeder's......May all your troubles be little ones and may all your buds be hairy, fat, smelly and mighty sticky...


Well-Known Member
I'm working on my first grow. I'm groing in hempy buckets and my girls are 16 days from seed. I found this thread last night and after reading I decided to just flip now. I know its not from seed but I didn't know you could do this. Thanks everyone for all your info. I got 2 blue dream, 1 crit kush, 1 vintage 2006 and 1 jack freebies and a g13 haze that's a runt. Can't wait to see what happens! Thanks again.

I'm using a coco/perl mix (about 80/20) 600w mh (when should I switch to hps?) And my tent is 4'x4'x6.5'. I'm using heavy 16 nutes.
Hello mate just did a blue dream and got another in now, they seem to like 12-12 from seed. I would go for switching after a few weeks flower, blue to help stop stretch......dual hps bulbs are good to use from start to finish....


Active Member
Hello mate just did a blue dream and got another in now, they seem to like 12-12 from seed. I would go for switching after a few weeks flower, blue to help stop stretch......dual hps bulbs are good to use from start to finish....
Thanks Del. I already switched to hps, (2 light cycles now) should I switch back or will it be ok?


Well-Known Member
you still got that female lemon kush? i wanted to try that strain, c99 too really. hell.... cannalope kush too! lol.
what blueberry is that?
Yeah the Lemon Kush is doing good, C99 had some problems and I topped it as an experiment. Blueberry is bag seed but it's apparently blueberry so we'll keep that name until otherwise :D lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the Lemon Kush is doing good, C99 had some problems and I topped it as an experiment. Blueberry is bag seed but it's apparently blueberry so we'll keep that name until otherwise :D lol.
right on i feel ya. that lemon kush have any scent to it when u rub the stems? if so whats it like?


Well-Known Member
Hey bro I started 3 bagseeds under Just 2 32w cfl they are a bit into flowering I have added more light over time up to 7 I have germinated 3 blue dream seeds I got out a qp of some Cali blue dream they are fixing to go in some peat pots gonna try 12/12 !!!! Any suggestions del your buds are the nicest I don't have a link on hand from my phone :( I'll post so u can see my tent it's my latest started thread thanks !!!


Well-Known Member
Del, You've inspired me with all of the knowledge, thank you. I'm one of the paranoids, so it'll take me a while to post pics, but here's a description of my 12/12 from seed perpetual:

Grow room:
1 Meter deep x .8 M wide x 1.5 M tall (it's easier to measure metric.)

2 x 45 gallon tubs, each having 8 plants, 4 flowering 4 maturing
8 seedling/sprouting cups in a humidity dome

Home made, 4 parts enriched desert soil, 1 part sand, 1 part perlite, 1 part moss. The mix drains nicely, flushes quickly, yet maintains enough moisture. The soil is as close to the rich mountain soil I used to grow in, outside of Espanola.

Seeds: Afghan Indica (Landrace) - I'm just setting up, in the future I'll be adding more variety, and switching to feminized seed (I'm losing 1/3 - 1/2 of my seedlings to the Y chromosome, that sucks)

Lots of CFL lighting:
Overhead: 4x65W 65K, 4x23W 65K, 4x23 27K - I'll be adding 2 UVB (10K) bulbs, and 2 65W 27K bulbs when I can afford it. Current wattage: 444
Soil Level: (each bin) 1 23W 65K, 1 23w 27K, 1x13 65K (mini tube, trouble-light style CFL) Current wattage: 59 per bin
My current total wattage is 562, electrical cost is 22 monthly increase

I'm using some general purpose nutes ( 2-2-3 ratio, I don't remember the brand, my mother bought it for me.) Water is filtered, 1 Tbsp per gallon unsulfered molasses, 1 Tsp magnesium sulphate. I water twice weekly, once with just water, once with nutes+

Air circulation is courtesy of a dual circulation fan (2 30CM fans in a single housing)

Temp stays around 82-88 during the day (lights on) and drops to 70 at night. Humidity in the "room" is 30-45% depending on length of time since last watering.

I'm 2 weeks in, I started out 18/6 to 12/12, but, the lighting was an issue. The landrace is vegging nicely under 12/12, the random sativa bag-seed that I threw in for shits and giggles is also blooming quite nicely.

I'm pretty sure the bins will only hold up for 3 or 4 cycles, by then I'll be more set to build my grow better. Better lights, ventilation, 4 times the area, 1 gallon pots in bins vs. a "garden grow"


Active Member
my organic 12/12 bagseeds growing around an 1.5' a couple of days 1.5 gal now ima try 30 more on 1L pots to see the difference
